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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 548
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Chapter 548 Unexpected Drowsiness

Joseph took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding to Chloe’s question. His gaze remained fixed on

her, his dark eyes reflecting a mix of seriousness and determination. “Do you want to hear the truth?”

Chloe braced herself, already anticipating his response. Despite her worry, she was determined to know his honest


“Yes, I do,” she affirmed, her voice unwavering, “I want to hear what you truly think.”

“Considering Xavia’s current physical condition and the fact that she’s already six months. pregnant, it’s impossible

for her to undergo an abortion. If the child is indeed mine, I can’t turn my back on them. I come from a background

where my parents did not shield me from hardships. I faced many struggles growing up. I don’t want my child to

experience the same loneliness and neglect. I want to be a responsible father. Do you understand me, Chloe?”

Chloe’s frustration grew, feeling a sense of suffocation from Joseph’s response. “You claim to want to be

responsible, but what about our children? How will they feel about this?”

“If we don’t reveal the truth to the child, they’ll never know.”

“Joseph Whitman!” Chloe’s anger boiled over, unable to contain her emotions any longer. Our children haven’t even

been born yet, and you’re already planning to deceive them?!”

Her disappointment was palpable. Joseph’s cunning approach was directed at his own family.

Joseph rubbed his forehead in frustration. “Are you on your period? Why are you so irritable?” He missed the days

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when she was gentle and affectionate, always by his side, cooking for him, and eagerly seeking to please him like

the dumbo she once was.

“Fine, I’m irritable! Happy now?” Chloe hung up the phone in anger. While she understood. his reasoning, it was still

immensely frustrating from her point of view.

That night, Chloe found no solace in sleep as she tossed and turned, plagued by a troubling nightmare. In her

dream, Joseph and Xavia lay on a bed together, their slumber undisturbed, while a baby rested peacefully between

them. The scene projected an image of perfect. harmony and contentment.

But then, in an eerie twist, Xavia’s eyes flickered open. An unsettling smile appeared on her face as she

approached Chloe. “You see? Joe is mine. The coveted position of the matriarch of the Whitman family belongs to

me. You, on the other hand, are nothing more than a failure. who can’t hold onto a man. Begone.”

“No, that’s not true…” Chloe desperately tried to wake up the sleeping Joseph, but he remained unresponsive.

“Shut up. Don’t you dare disturb Joe’s sleep!” Xavia’s expression twisted, and she lashed out at



Chloe’s intense hatred toward Xavia drove her to engage Xavia in a fight. However, her

pregnancy hindered her, and she found herself forced backward, teetering dangerously close to the edge of the


Xavia’s sinister and terrifying grin sent chills down Chloe’s spine before she pushed her down the stairs. The sudden

sensation of falling jolted Chloe from her haunting dream. She found herself lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

She struggled to regain her composure. Gasping for breath, she realized that the sky outside had already

brightened. After getting a grip on herself, she got out of bed and freshened up. She had an important meeting with

Noah at his company today.

She flagged down a cab and provided the cabbie with the address Noah had sent her.

Chloe instructed Abigail, “Wait for me on the ground floor. I’ll come down once I’m done.”

Abigail glanced at the vacant office building ahead and her brows furrowed in confusion. “Ms. Chloe, are you

certain this is the correct location? Why is there no one here?”

“Yes, it’s a newly established company, so they haven’t hired anyone yet.”

“I see… Well, call me if you need anything.”

Chloe went up the stairs in search of Noah’s office. Upon finding him, she observed his polished appearance. He

had on a white t-shirt and black pants, coupled with semi-rimless. glasses that added an air of refinement and

sophistication to his look.

“There you are.”

“Hey.” Chloe sniffed the air and asked, “Did you go to the hospital? I smell disinfectant.” The scent reminded her of

the distinct odor doctors carry, having been exposed to various medications and working in hospitals for extended


Noah paused briefly, using the motion of adjusting his glasses to conceal the emotions in his eyes. He replied

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calmly, “I was there recently and haven’t changed my clothes. Would you prefer orange juice or lemonade?”

“Do you have any warm water perhaps?”

“We haven’t arranged for a water dispenser yet, but we do have some fruit juices that were purchased from


“Well, that’s okay then. I’ll pass on the drink.”

Noah’s eyes flickered with a hint of something as he retrieved about six documents and

handed them to her. “These are introductions to our company’s future business expansions.

Take a look.”


Chloe began reading them attentively. Strangely, the font on the pages appeared unusually small and tightly

spaced, causing her to feel drowsy after reading for a while. The room lacked air conditioning, but as the minutes

passed, the warm sunlight streamed in, casting a cozy and inviting glow. Fatigue gradually overcame her, causing

her eyelids to grow heavier and heavier.

“Could you please get me a glass of orange juice?” Chloe requested, realizing that she desperately needed a break

to keep herself awake. The drowsiness was overwhelming.

Noah’s lips curled into a peculiar, faint smile. “Sure.”

Chloe picked up the glass and took a few sips, hoping to invigorate herself. However, a stronger wave of drowsiness

washed over her as she resumed reading the documents. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but her efforts

proved futile.

Unable to resist any longer, she laid her head on the desk and succumbed to sleep.