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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 547
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Chapter 547 Xavia’s Amniocentesis Takes Place Tomorrow

Joseph’s gaze swept over Xavia, then settled on Lucas. “You make a valid point. Let’s proceed with your


Xavia struggled to maintain her composure and forced a dry laugh. “Stop fooling around. We shouldn’t deceive the

baby like this.” But all she received in response was Joseph’s indifferent demeanor and the sound of the door


Her face instantly contorted with a mix of emotions, but her malicious expression quickly vanished. She handed the

parenting book to Lucas. “I’ll have to trouble you tonight.”

“Are you serious?” Lucas was taken aback.

‘Is she really planning on going all out with this act?”

“If you’re the one telling the story, then I have no reason to stay. Let’s do a voice call when I get home. I want you

to read the entire book,” Xavia said, her voice dripping with mockery.” I’ll indulge your penchant for talking too


Lucas stood there dumbfounded, shaking the thick book in his hand. “You want me to pull an all-nighter for this?”

Xavia elegantly adjusted her scarf. “Simply finishing the book won’t be enough. I expect at remarkable

performance that leaves me fully satisfied.” With that, she gracefully made her


Lucas tossed the parenting book aside, refusing to be manipulated by her tricks. He refused to believe that Xavia

would complain to Joseph if he did not read it. And even if she did, Lucas. knew that he could rely on Chloe’s

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support. Chloe would stand by his side, and Joseph would ensure no punishment befell him.

He returned to his desk and resumed rearranging Joseph’s schedule for the following month when his phone rang.

Emily’s voice came through the line. “Where are you? Are you at the office or at home?”

“I’m at the office. What’s up?”

“Nothing much. I’m just helping Coco check on some things. By the way,” she chuckled, “Did that person with the

last name Larson come to bother Joseph?”

“Well… How should I put it…”

“Spit it out!”

“She did come, and then she left.”

“Ha! Shameless people really think they’re invincible. She has some nerve!” Emily cursed and asked, “Did Joseph

pay her any attention?”

‘Xavia timed her entrance for when Coco just went abroad. She’s definitely up to no good,” Emily thought.

“No, Mr. Joseph didn’t even allow her into the office.”

“That’s great! He handled it well. Okay, I’m going to end the call now. I have to talk to Coco”

“Beep, beep…”

Lucas listened to the end-call tone on his phone, feeling utterly helpless.

Chloe received a text from Emily, and she was not surprised.

‘After sticking to the shadows for so long, Xavia must feel incredibly frustrated. But as long as Joseph continues to

ignore her, it’s fine. No matter what she tries to do, it won’t amount to anything.’

When Xavia got home and discovered that Lucas had not complied with her request to read the parenting book,

fury surged within her, causing her face to turn red. Seeking solace, she vented her frustration to Vanya.

Offering her sympathies, Vanya said, “Just hold on a little longer. Once this month is over. that old coot will be long

gone. Lucas is just an assistant, and by then, you’ll have full control over how things are handled.”

“This month?”

“Yes, Otto can’t wait anymore and requested the doctor to increase the dosage.”

“That’s fantastic!” Xavia exclaimed joyfully, “Once the old man is out of the picture and the amniocentesis results

confirm that it’s Joseph’s child, I might be able to move into the Whitman home right away.’

“Exactly. So, remain patient and composed.”

“Okay. I’ll be waiting!”

Time flew in the midst of busy schedules.

After spending two days studying in Estre, Chloe was joined by Noah. They made a mutual agreement to prioritize

their individual tasks before visiting Noah’s newly established company. Chloe had previously assisted Benjamin with

his business in Estre, which allowed her to build some valuable connections. And on this trip, she found herself

unexpectedly facilitating several business deals.

A month swiftly passed, and as the end of the month approached, Chloe found herself back in her hotel room. It

was then that Joseph initiated a video call. He was seated in a magnificent

mahogany chair, his long, straight legs casually crossed over one another. A small but

picturesque courtyard served as the backdrop, reminiscent of the grandeur of the Whitman mansion in Docwood.

She greeted him with a warm smile, “I take it that you’re currently in Docwood, Jojo?.”

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There was a subtle displeasure in his noble eyes as he responded, evading her question, “It’s been more than two

weeks now. Are you not planning to return soon?”

“Very soon. I should be able to return in just a few more days.”

“Xavia’s amniocentesis takes place tomorrow, and we should receive the results in about at


Chloe paused, “Will you be joining her tomorrow?”


“It’s best that you keep an eye on her.” Concern etched Chloe’s face as she nervously adjusted her clothing. “Just in

case she causes any trouble.”

Joseph’s frown deepened, but he reluctantly agreed, “Fine.”

In reality, he had secretly ordered for the extracted amniotic fluid to be divided and a portion. sent to another

hospital for testing. However, to ease Chloe’s concerns, he went along with her request.

“One week is the earliest we can expect the results, right? Is there any way to expedite it?”

“That is the quickest timeline. Typically, it takes around three weeks.”

“One week… That’s neither too long nor too short.”

“Regardless of the outcome, I promise I’ll handle the situation appropriately. You don’t need to worry.”

Chloe did not want to hear those words. Her anxiety filled the air as she paced back and forth in her room. Finally,

she gathered the courage to ask the question that had been weighing on her mind. “Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“If I were pregnant right now, would you still be concerned about Xavia?”