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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 536
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Chapter 536 The Last Chance for the Whitmans

Chloe found herself speechless, unsure why Preston had to involve her in this mess.

“I’m nothing like you. You have a wife and a mistress, living a life of pleasure that I can only dream of for the rest of

my days.” Joseph sneered, a cold smile playing on the corner of his lips. Each word cut deeper than the preceding


Preston could sense the disappointment in Harold’s eyes, and his face turned red with embarrassment. However,

Joseph paid no attention to Preston’s complaints and left Patrick with some instructions before leaving with Chloe.

As soon as Joseph left, Preston put on a false smile and said, “Dad, just stay here and focus on recovering. Don’t

worry about the medical expenses. I’ll take care of them.”

“I own half this hospital. Do you think I need your help?” Harold retorted.

“Dad, let me fulfill my duty as your son, all right? Your health hasn’t been great recently, so let’s not argue over

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trivial matters. I know having a mistress is wrong, and I’ve already paid for my mistake.”

Harold’s anger abated a little as he asked, “Have you divorced Tavia?”

“Of course not. After twenty years of marriage, how could I simply say ‘Let’s get divorced?”” Preston replied. On

the outside, he appeared unwilling to part with Octavia due to their relationship, but deep down, he simply was not

ready to part with his assets and give them to


“Did you break it off with the other woman?” Harold asked.

“Yes, I did,” Preston replied.

“Well, at least you’re not a complete fool. Apologize to Tavia properly and live the straight and narrow from now


At Preston’s age, divorce would only bring mutual harm, and there would be no benefits for either party.

“Yes, you’re right,” Preston agreed. Feeling that the moment was right, he continued, “Dad, how about transferring

your funds, properties, and assets to me? I’ll take care of them for you, and you can focus on recovering.”

Harold’s heart skipped a beat and he nearly choked on his saliva. “So this was your purpose for coming today?”

Avoiding his father’s gaze, Preston said, “Dad, your condition is worsening by the day. Instead of waiting until the

end, why not give them to me now so I can maximize their profits and value?”

“Get out! Cough, cough, cough!” Harold shouted angrily, enduring severe coughing fits that caused pain throughout

his body.

He was not even dead yet, and his son was already shamelessly lusting after his wealth. He wondered what sins he

had committed in his lifetime to end up with such a worthless son.

“Dad, please don’t be upset. Let me be straightforward with you Considering your age and the vast fortune you

possess, there’s no point in keeping it all to yourself. Since I’m your sole heir, it’s only a matter of time before it

becomes mine,” Preston remarked nonchalantly, “Rest assured, Dad. If you entrust me with the inheritance now, I’ll

take care of you.

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“Enough talk about inheritances. Mr. Harold is alive and well. Don’t utter such ominous words!

Patrick interjected, not able to hold back any longer

“Patrick, this is none of your concern. Stay out of our family affairs,” Preston retorted. scornfully, dismissing his

words. “As my father’s rightful heir, I have every right to say what I did.”

The reason he found himself in this situation, losing all his influence within the Whitman Group, was because of his

father’s excessive favoritism toward Joseph.

Harold grabbed the glass by his bedside and hurled its contents at Preston. The tea and tea leaves splattered onto

Preston’s head, dripping down his face and leaving him looking ferocious and utterly disheveled.

“You’re no son of mine! Get out of here before I beat you to death!” Harold shouted.

“Dad, I hope you won’t regret your decision

This was the last chance he was giving the Whitmans

“Get out of my sight!”

Preston glanced at Harold with a disappointed look before storming away

Late into the night, a figure stealthily entered the Whitman Group through the fire escape.

With thirty floors to climb on foot, Preston was half dead from exhaustion by the time he reached the CEO’s office

where the confidential documents were kept.