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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 534
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Chapter 534 Someone Pushed Mel

When Chloe arrived at the hospital, Joseph arrived as well.

When her eyes met his, they saw the heavy concern in each other’s gaze. After a long walt, the doctor emerged

from the emergency room.

“Mr. Harold is stable for now, but falling from the second floor to the first floor caused a concussion and a fractured

lower leg. During the emergency treatment, I also noticed signs of organ failure, mainly due to the fracture. He’s

very weak now and might only wake up in the evening.”

“Organ failure?” Joseph’s heart skipped a beat, and his brows furrowed deeply.

“Yes, we have yet to identify any abnormalities in the test reports that could’ve caused the failure. It’s likely related

to his advanced age. I recommend that you talk to Dr. Spencer, Mr. Harold’s attending physician. He’s been closely

monitoring Mr. Harold’s condition.”

Chloe timely interjected, “Is Dr. Spencer currently here at the hospital?”

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“I’m not sure. He was on the night shift yesterday, so he should have left at eight in the morning. But I saw him

before I entered the operating room. You can try to find him.”

“Stay with Grandpa in the ward. I’ll go find Dr. Spencer,” Joseph said to Chloe.

“Okay,” she obediently replied.

Harold underwent a comprehensive body examination every six months. Although his health. had not been great

before, the simultaneous failure of multiple organs was rather unusual.

Upon hearing the news that Harold was temporarily out of danger, Chloe’s nerves relaxed. However, she knew

what organ failure meant for a person. If it was mild, it might be manageable, but if it was severe… Considering

Harold’s age, it would be challenging to reverse

the condition.

Joseph inquired with the nurses on duty, and the head nurse said, “Dr. Spencer? I just saw him. heading to the

basement. See if you can catch him there.”

“All right, thank you.”

In long hurried strides, Joseph stepped into the elevator. Sure enough, he spotted Spencer when he reached the

basement level, making a phone call in a secluded corner with his head lowered.

Joseph stepped forward and patted Spencer on the shoulder.

The doctor looked up, and his face instantly filled with alarm. He was so startled that he took a step back, almost

letting out a scream.”M-Mr. Joseph!”


Suspicious, Joseph raised an eyebrow. “What’s the matter?”

“Oh, nothing.” Spencer hurriedly shook his head as he hid his phone behind him. “Your steps were so light, and I

didn’t hear you coming. You startled me.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it was just my instinctive reaction…”

Joseph carefully observed Spencer’s actions and the shifts in his expression, then asked, “Do you know that my

grandfather had a fall?”

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Spencer shook his head profusely. “I was on the night shift yesterday and just got off work this morning. I had no

idea. Is his condition serious? Is it critical?”

“Yes. He’s unconscious right now.”

“Old people are prone to falls. I’ll make sure the caregivers pay more attention in the future.”

Looking at Spencer condescendingly, Joseph said, “I want to discuss my grandfather’s condition. The doctors in the

emergency room mentioned he is experiencing multiple organ failure. Why have you never brought this up with


“I-I wanted to, but you seemed really busy lately and haven’t been to the hospital in some time. I-1 didn’t want to

disturb you…” Spencer stuttered as he avoided Joseph’s gaze, “B-But I did tell Patrick, and he said he would inform

you. Anyway, I have to go now. My kid will be out of school soon, and I need to pick her up.”

With that, Spencer hurriedly left, leaving Joseph gazing after his retreating figure with narrowed, cold eyes.

Harold was expected to remain unconscious until the evening. However, he regained

consciousness merely an hour after leaving the emergency room. His first words, which were uttered in anger, left

Chloe fuming.

“I didn’t fall down. Someone pushed me!!!”