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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 530
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Chapter 530 Self-Deception and Wishful Thinking

The old herbalist, busy examining a patient, glanced at his assistant and replied, “We’ll handle it when we’re less

busy in the afternoon.”

Having previously worked at the herb store in Central Hospital during his younger days, the doctor knew that the

hospital prescribed only a limited number of medications for regulating menstrual disorders. The prescriptions were

likely the same ones that he had left behind and had not changed much since then. There was no need to rush the


Upon hearing this, the assistant moved on to other tasks.

After tidying up, Chloe opened the wardrobe and found that Joseph had not completely emptied it. He had left

behind her daily necessities and a few articles of clothing.

The weather outside matched the somber atmosphere, with fallen leaves scattered around the neighborhood,

creating a sense of desolation and loneliness. A chilly gust of wind seeped into. the room, causing Chloe to shiver

involuntarily. She reached out to close the window and decided to change into warmer clothes.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She was now in her second trimester, with her belly showing noticeable signs of protrusion. Thankfully, her limbs

had not gained much weight, and she carefully chose loose-fitting clothes every day to conceal her growing bump.

However, as she approached the midway point. of her pregnancy, the baby’s growth would accelerate, and it would

be difficult to hide the fact. that she was pregnant in another month or so.

After hastily completing her preparations, Chloe was about to leave when a nagging feeling gnawed at her. She

came to a sudden halt, furrowing her brow as she tried to recall what she had forgotten.

Then, it hit her like a slap on the forehead. She had yet to take her maternity herbal blends. today. She retraced her

steps, rushing back to retrieve the herbal blends, only to discover that one packet was missing. Panic seized her

mind as a thought crossed her, ‘Could Joseph have taken it?’

With trembling fingers, she hastily dialed his number, pressing the buttons repeatedly in her anxious state before

the call finally connected.

Joseph was in a meeting, but when he saw it was Chloe calling, he answered without hesitation. The employees

around him exchanged glances, holding their breath, aware of Joseph’s usual seriousness and dedication to his

work. Answering calls during meetings was a rarity for him. Curiosity sparked within them as they silently

speculated about the identity of the caller who held such influence to capture Mr. Joseph’s attention during a


A trace of tenderness softened his handsome face as he answered the call. “What’s wrong?”

‘She just hung up a moment ago, and now she’s calling again. Has she already started missing me after just one

night apart?’

“Did…Did you take the herbal blends from the cabinet?”

“Yes, I sent it to the herbalist to examine them. If they prove to be effective, you’ll continue taking them. If not, we’ll

visit his clinic for further evaluation.”

Chloe gasped, her voice trembling with nervousness as she asked, “Did you already send the medicine? How long

until we receive the results?”

“Yes, I have. We’ll probably hear back tomorrow.”

Chloe fought back tears, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She struggled to maintain her composure,

but her legs felt weak beneath her. She had endured so much, keeping her pain and frustrations hidden for far too

long. They were on the verge of reaching the crucial stage of Xavia’s amniocentesis, and now something had gone

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

wrong. Why did it have to happen at this very moment?

Joseph noticed something was amiss when he did not hear Chloe’s response. Concerned, he asked, “What’s


“It’s nothing. You go on with your work. I’m heading to work too.”

Before Joseph could say anything else, he heard the call drop tone, indicating that the call had been cut off. His

expression instantly shifted from concern to frustration. This woman is growing bolder by the day. How dare she

hang up on me.”

Frustrated, he tossed his phone aside and commanded in a displeased tone, “Continue with the meeting.”

The employees exchanged glances, silently acknowledging their shared sentiment. They were nothing more than

punching bags for Joseph’s frustration.

Chloe’s mind was in turmoil, leaving her unsure of what to do. With a sense of confusion and helplessness, she

walked out of the building. After much internal struggle, she made the difficult decision to let go. It appeared that

no matter what actions she took, it would all be futile. Joseph would undoubtedly discover her pregnancy by

tomorrow at the latest. Surrendering to fate seemed to be her only option. Whatever was meant to happen would


‘Perhaps the child in Xavia’s womb isn’t Joseph’s…’ Chloe desperately clung to a glimmer of hope, resorting to self-

deception and wishful thinking as her only means of solace.

Lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice Noah approaching her, and the two collided head-on.