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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 525
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Chapter 525 Fleurette Was Long Gone

Chloe glanced at Xavia coldly but said calmly, “Let’s ignore her.”

“But I get so mad whenever I see her.” Emily rubbed her fists together, eager to beat Xavia up.

“It’s best to avoid trouble. I don’t want to argue with her now. It’s meaningless.”

It was already the final month. She did not have to create trouble for herself and give Xavia a chance to make use

of it.

“Fine, I’ll listen to you.” Emily sighed with disappointment.

“Madam, I advise you not to buy too many clothes for the newborn. They grow up pretty fast. The clothes that fit

them may no longer fit them after two months,” the salesperson advised Xavia out of responsibility. “For example,

these clothes are quite pretty, and they come in blue. and green. You just need to pick one. If you feel conflicted,

you can call the baby’s father and ask him about it.”

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Xavia touched the little clothes and inadvertently glanced out of the store. “You’re right. Let me ask him about it.”

Hearing this, Chloe stopped as she was just about to leave.

However, Xavia did not make the call in front of the salesperson. While walking to the lounge, she took out her

phone and was about to make a call.

Emily pouted. “Chloe, call Joseph too. I don’t think he’ll bother to pick up her call.”

Chloe agreed to Emily’s suggestion. She then dialed Joseph’s number.

“Hello, the person you are calling is busy. Please try again later…”

The mechanical voice hurt Chloe’s heart.

At the same time, Xavia came out of the lounge. She then pointed at the green baby clothes.” I’d like this one. Bag

it up for me please.”

“Okay, please wait for a moment.”

Emily gaped in bewilderment. “Damn it! Joseph picked up her call.”

Chloe forced a smile and stuffed her phone back into her bag. “It’s normal for him to answer her call since it’s

about the baby.”

Emily gazed upon Chloe with indescribable emotion. She was full of compassion and heartache for her best friend.

In the past, Chloe yearned for a pure love affair and would not tolerate any homewreckers. That was the reason

why her heart had not gone easy on Jake and she left resolutely.

Now, the current situation was hard to describe.

As an outsider, Emily knew that there was no absolute right or wrong in this love affair. Both parties had problems,

and they all contradict one another. Someone would get hurt no matter which choice they made.

Xavia came out after settling the bill and saw that Chloe and Emily had left. She smiled before. she texted Vanya.

[Did you manage to deal with Noah?]

Vanya’s reply came quickly. [He’s proving to be very stubborn. I went to find him last Friday.]

[What did he say?]

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[I didn’t manage to see him. He avoided meeting with me, and the Sullivan estate is strictly guarded.]

[Go to him when he’s at university.]

[I found out that he has a class today.]

[So are you going to find him today?]

[Yeah, I’ll go after I’m done with my task here.]

After a pause, Xavia’s eyes brightened. [Did you find her?]

[No, Fleurette was long gone when we got there. Maybe it was fake news.]

[I thought… Fine, I’ll stop asking now.]

Xavia was quite satisfied with this result.

As long as Fleurette was not found, Joseph would not have peace of mind. That way, he would not pay attention to

her, and her plan could be carried out smoothly.

As Chloe and Emily sat down at a restaurant, the former went straight to the point. “What’s the deal between you

and Lucas? Why did you ask him to go home with you?”