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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 130
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Chapter 129 Ava’s One-Sided Breakup

“I never said that.”

“But that’s what you think.”

Ava scoffed. “Fine. If you’re going to see me in a negative light, then we have nothing more to discuss.

Just go, please.”

With those words, the Johnsons’ housekeeper swiftly appeared and escorted Jake out of the villa.

Everything unfolded in a whirlwind, and Jake realized his father had called, pressuring him to finalize

the investment funds.

“Dad, I’ve encountered an unexpected situation here. Give me a few more days. I’ll settle everything by


“You can’t even seize an opportunity when it’s right in front of you. How about I give you one year to

handle it? Would that be enough? Don’t bother coming to the office tomorrow.”

Jake’s breath caught in his throat, his hand trembled, and his phone slipped from his grasp, crashing to

the ground. It felt as though the world was crumbling around him.

Not long after, Ava unleashed a bombshell on the Internet.

She published a lengthy thread discussing three matters.

The first was about her one-sided breakup with Jake, and the second was an accusation against Chloe

for concocting and spreading false, damaging information about her, tarnishing her reputation. The third

matter was to clarify her relationship with Adam, emphasizing that he was a respectable and honorable

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man who would never haphazardly share their private conversations.

To support her claims, she attached screenshots of the chat logs Chole had sent. Although Adam’s

profile picture remained unaltered, the chat content had been manipulated and twisted into vulgar and

explicit language, clearly displaying signs of manipulation through photo editing.

Ava, with thousands of followers on Twitter, typically shared exquisite photos of afternoon teas or

meticulously edited selfies, presenting herself as a flawless representation of a refined socialite.

However, this time, alongside her bombshell revelations, she also posted at melancholic selfie, adding

a touch of sadness to her usually picture-perfect image.

[User #1: These chat logs look fake at first glance. It’s obvious they’ve been fabricated.]

[User #2: Rumor has it that Ava’s sister caused quite a dramatic scene during Ava’s engagement.]

[User #3: Speaking from personal experience, having gone to the same school as Adam, I know he’s

famous for changing girlfriends frequently. It’s possible that the chat logs are real.]

Perhaps due to the influence of paid advertisements, this thread quickly gained traction and swiftly

made its way into the top ten trending on Twitter within a single afternoon.

Additionally, with it being a Friday, it had climbed to the eighth position by 6 in the evening.

In the midst of preparing in the dressing room, Chloe came across the Twitter thread. Joseph held on to

the phone as she carefully read through the entire article.

Impressed, she offered a thumbs up, showing her admiration. “Her writing skills are quite remarkable,

surpassing even some professional copywriters.”

However, the true focus of the thread was not solely on the quality of writing, but on the way Ava

portrayed Adam. She depicted him as the young prince of a prestigious corporation, emphasizing his

disinterest in getting involved with an engaged woman like herself.

While it appeared to be a compliment at first glance, there was an underlying hint of negativity woven

into the words.

Once Adam chose to acknowledge his relationship with Ava, it would not only invite trouble upon

himself but also to the Graham Group. Suppressing him without offending the Grahams was like killing

two birds with one stone.

Joseph narrowed his eyes, finding the situation somewhat amusing. “Aren’t you worried?”

“What’s the point of worrying? It has circulated all over the internet by now.”

“Are you not planning to retaliate?”

Chloe’s smirk widened, revealing a row of neatly aligned pearly whites. With a hint of cuteness, she

replied, “Just a little longer. Now’s not the time just yet.”

She intended to capitalize on the current buzz and make strategic use of the paid trolls Ava had


Joseph crossed his arms, confident that Chloe could handle the situation on her own. He refrained from

saying anything further and gestured to the nearby makeup artist to expxo.com fast updateedite

their work.

Tonight, he would be taking Chloe to a high-profile charity gala, where numerous celebrities, including

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Jane, would be in attendance.

Half an hour later, Chloe stood before Joseph, who appeared slightly absent-minded as his eyes fell

upon her.

In contrast to her usual mature style, the makeup artist had fashioned Chloe’s hair into voluminous

waves. Her light makeup complemented her outfit, with her alluring lips tinted. red and her skin

radiating a healthy, rosy glow. She exuded a vibrant and noble aura, resembling a princess emerging

from the aristocracy.

Her pure presence was impossible to ignore and carried an undeniable tenacity.

Chloe noticed his stunned expression and playfully spun around as she gripped her skirt lightly. “What’s

the matter? Don’t you like it?”

Today’s outfit veered toward a cute style, a departure from what Chloe was accustomed to. In her

youth, she had yearned to dress in such a manner, but Karen had never indulged her with beautiful

dresses. As she grew older and gained financial independence, the window for wearing such lovely

dresses had closed, and she gravitated toward a more mature and professional style.

“No,” Joseph paused, his cold eyes gleaming with seriousness. “It looks excellent.”

He could not help but imagine dressing his future daughter in a similar style.

“Glad you like it. Tonight, I’ll accompany you and follow your lead.”

While Chloe may come across as affected and pretentious in her daily life, she always took important

occasions seriously.

Joseph was highly pleased with this aspect, and he locked eyes with Chloe, asking, “Jane will be there

tonight. Are you afraid