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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 100
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Chapter 99 Is a Dog More Worthy Than Me?

“What evidence do you have to prove that I lied to you?”

Jake was silent for a few seconds before he spoke with confidence, “And what evidence do you have to

prove that Ava took the money your mother left for you?”

“The diamond necklace on her neck and Miles Upshaw from Sterling Law Associates can prove it!”

She found it ridiculous that she had to prove that something was rightfully hers.

Jake was speechless. It went without saying that he would not go to the law firm to verify whether Ava

was lying or not. What he cared about was when he and Ava would make up. His parents had been

asking him for the start-up capital for a while now.

Hearing silence from the other end of the line, Chloe hung up the phone.

Jake stared at the disconnected call, his brow furrowed tightly. He took a deep breath, knowing that

other than the Johnsons, the only person who could help him now was his uncle. But he was worried

about the relationship between Chloe and his uncle.

Jake gritted his teeth and went to Icarus with his last hope.

Sipping on a cup of tea, Icarus looked coolly at him and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Uncle Icarus, I have no other choice. I need start-up capital. My dad promised me that if I get this

money, he’ll let me start my own company and will also give me half of the projects under our family’s

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“I won’t give you money. Leave.”

“Uncle Icarus, I’m your nephew. Please don’t treat me like this. You’re the only person I can turn to

now. If you don’t help me, my dad will give the company to that b*stard!”

Icarus was aware that Jake’s father was separated from his mother and had started a

relationship with another woman. He even had a son with that woman.

“What about the Johnsons?”

“Ava and I had a fight…”

“She refused to help you just because you two had a fight?” Icarus sneered.

“It was a pretty big fight this time…” Jake said, a hint of resentment crossing his eyes. He blamed

everything on Chloe. If she had not appeared at the engagement party and

had not seduced his uncle, Ava and he would not have gotten into a fight, nor would his uncle refuse to

help him now.

“Even if you guys had a big fight, you’re engaged. How could she not help you?”

Jake looked at Icarus in confusion and asked, “What do you mean, Uncle Icarus?”

Icarus pushed his gold-rimmed glasses up his nose and said calmly, “If she really loves you and cares

about you, she’ll still help you when you’re in a difficult spot even though she’s angry. If Ava agrees to

help you with this one time, I’ll put aside my prejudices. against her.”

Jake understood the implication of these words, but he was still skeptical. He thought that Chloe had

filled his uncle’s head with lies. But for now, he could not think of a

better way, so he nodded and went to find Ava.

Not long after Jake left, Harry called Icarus and told him the gossip he had heard in the pantry that day.

“Chloe lives in a villa and attends an advanced culinary class. She can also easily call upon people

from Patterson to testify for her. She doesn’t look like someone who has been abandoned by her

family, but rather someone who has many suitors. If you really like her, I suggest you speed things up,”

Harry said seriously.

Icarus placed his cup on the table and fell into thought. After a while, he said, “Okay. Thank you for

your advice.”

Something happened to a project overseas, so Joseph went to Fairlight early in the morning to deal

with it. By the time he solved the problem, he needed to attend another meeting. He had been so busy

the whole day that he did not even take a break to eat.

Night fell.

After Patrick picked Joseph up, they went to pick Toto up from the vet. Toto did not look like it was

injured at all as it was jumping and hopping around in high spirits.

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By the time they arrived home, it was already nine o’clock. xo.com fast update

As Joseph gazed upon the pitch-blackness in front of him, he reached out and pressed a switch on the

wall, causing the warm glow of lights to fill the space. As the room brightened, he saw a pair of white

canvas shoes placed in the hallway.

Joseph was observant. Even though Chloe had not told him, he knew that she wore canvas shoes for a

few fixed days every month before switching to other shoes.

After he switched into his slippers and advanced toward the living room, he caught sight of Chloe

sleeping on the couch, her brows furrowed in discontent at the sudden intrusion of the bright lights.

At this moment, Joseph’s stomach growled loudly, and the hunger gnawing at his stomach made him

urgently crave a hot meal. However, the cold kitchen told him that Chloe had not made any food.

He thought about the pain that women felt when they are on their period, and his heart. softened. He

did not wake up the sleeping woman to cook.

However, Toto was not aware of all this. It just felt that it had been separated from Chloe for too long,

so it bounded on top of the couch and enthusiastically rubbed its furry head against her.

“Ugh…” Chloe was awakened by the noise, and when she saw the dog’s head in front of her, she

wrapped her arms around it, happy to find out that Toto was all right.

In the next second, she met Joseph’s gaze. Remembering the man’s irrationality last night, she

immediately averted her eyes and focused on petting the dog.

Joseph froze.

‘What does that mean? Is a dog more worthy than me of her attention