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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71 An Overgrown Baby

“I said, apologize!”

“In your dreams!” Yvonne still wasn’t scared. “I’m the daughter of a family that’s actually rich and

powerful. Apologizing to an old lady like you? You must be crazy!”

Hestia seized Yvonne’s collar and slapped her again. “The insolence!”

Yvonne had pissed her off so much that Hestia wanted to slap her a third time, but the former dodged

her hand.

Grace discreetly gave Hestia a thumbs–up and whispered to her, “Nice one, Aunt Hestia.”

“Of course. I can take care of trash like her quickly enough, can’t 1?” Hestia smiled back “All you have

to do is stand back when I’m around.”

Grace felt like she was loved unconditionally, seeing how Hestia had defended her, and her gaze was

filled with adoration.

Now, this was what family was supposed to be like. She didn’t need to curry favor by trading gifts for

affection, and they would stand up for her even if she hadn’t done anything for them.

Meanwhile, the slap had been so forceful that Yvonne needed to lean on a nearby pillar to regain her

footing. It had also drawn a huge crowd.

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With a hand to her cheek, Yvonne called out for her eldest brother, Joe Quine. She spoke with a

weakened voice and teary eyes as she pointed to Hestia. “She hit me, Joe!”

Joe was about to stand up for his sister after she got hit in public. But when he looked in the direction

she was pointing, his rage immediately gave way to a flattering smile.

These were important people that he couldn’t afford to offend.

“I’m sorry, we’ve made a mistake. We’ll leave immediately! Please don’t be angry.” Joe’s tone was as

humble as it could get.

“What are you apologizing for? She hit me! We need to settle this!”

“Shut up!” Joe roared.

As the crowd of onlookers grew, Joe became worried that Hestia would get angry. So he hastily tried to

drag Yvonne aside and thought about making a proper apology later on.

However, Yvonne stubbornly refused to move. “I don’t care. I want this old lady to apologize

to me.”

At that moment, b*dyguards wearing suits and sunglasses walked over to Hestia respectfully. Shall we

escort them out, madam?”


“No need, just let them embarrass themselves,” Hestia instructed coolly. “I don’t think they can cause

that much trouble, anyway.”

“Understood.” The b*dyguards stood behind her, unmoving.

It was only then that Yvonne finally realized something “Joe, who is she? Why are they calling her


“Who else can it be? She’s Madam Fulton of Fulton Group!” Joe said.

Then, he tugged on Yvonne’s arm again. “What are you standing there for? You just insulted someone

at their own exhibition! Move!”

Yvonne was rooted to the spot, and she felt weak in the knees. She hadn’t known that the old country

bumpkin beside Grace was really that important.

So Hestia had been telling the truth. They did own the exhibition. Not only had Yvonne been horribly

blind, she had also just cost Quine Group an important business partner.

“I’m so sorry, Madam Fulton. My sister is young and ignorant, so she couldn’t recognize you.” Joe

bowed his head low in apology.

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“Young?” Hestia shot Yvonne a disdainful look. “She’s about to have a child. What’s she pretending to

be young for? Is she an overgrown baby?”

Grace snorted. That was Hestia, alright. She shot back without mercy and had the slaps to back

it up.

The crowd began whispering among themselves.

“The Quines sure are bold. Don’t they know how powerful Fulton Group is?

“They should be scrambling to flatter her, and yet they made a scene on her home turf. Did they hit

their heads or something?”

“I heard Joe Quine was trying to secure a partnership with Fulton Group. Guess that’s off the

table now.”

“No way! I’m still trying to develop some business deals with Fulton Group in Frenda!”

“Leave, you fools. Trying to make money in Frenda after offending Fulton Group? What a joke!

The whispers got louder and louder. Several presidents quickly called their secretaries to withdraw their

investments from Quine Group, then left.

Joe heard all of their comments loud and clear. Furious, he glared at Yvonne. “Look what you’ve done!”