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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 66
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hapter 66 Toilet Makeup Removal

“Guilt, my foot!” Susan said with gritted teeth, then ran toward a secluded spot with Celia.

However, the reporters followed them. In that moment, there were more people looking at them than

those looking at the stage.

After the exhibition ended, Grace went backstage and casually put Tears of the Ocean aside while

Emily changed in a different dressing room.

Grace sat there, looking at the photos Emily had shared in the group chat. “Look, babe! We were so

pretty,” Emily had texted.

“Love it,” Grace replied.

“If it hadn’t been for my overseas business trip, I wouldn’t have missed it. Hugs,” Zoey texted.

“Thanks for your hard work! Let’s get together later,” Lydia piped up.

“I almost died laughing today. The look on Susan’s face when she got rejected had me in tears,

Emily said.


“She loves haunting me,” Grace replied.

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As if on cue, the door behind Grace opened. Both Susan and Celia barged in furiously while Grace

smiled with mockery, as if she were looking at two losers.

“What? Haven’t you two gotten insulted enough yet? What’s the rush?” she asked.

“You must sell me that necklace today!” Susan demanded. When she noticed how carelessly Grace

had put Tears of the Ocean aside, like a useless toy, her gaze became envious.

That necklace was the only way she would be able to regain her dignity. There was no other option.

“If you’re going deaf, then go see a doctor. Didn’t you hear me when I said it wasn’t for sale?” Grace

put her phone aside and began removing her earrings in front of the mirror.

“Name your price!”

“No dice,” Grace said nonchalantly. Susan was so pissed that she felt faint and almost collapsed. She

quickly leaned against a wall to support herself.

Seeing Susan almost faint from anger, Celia couldn’t hold it in anymore and grabbed Grace’s makeup

brush right out of her hand.

Then, she splashed makeup remover in Grace’s direction with her other hand.

“You looked like a whore onstage! Let me remove that makeup so that everyone can see your


However, Grace simply tilted her head and dodged the makeup remover perfectly, Then, she stared at

Celia coldly. “You’re the one who’s gotten cocky.”

With that, she swiftly grabbed both of Celia’s hands and dragged her to the toilet before pressing her

face closer to the edge of the toilet bowl.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” Celia struggled, but Grace was surprisingly strong. As the toilet

bowl’s water got closer and closer to her face, Celia closed her eyes in fear.

Grace said in her ear cruelly, “You were helping me remove your makeup. I should remove yours in


“Let go of me, you jinx!” Celia called for help. “Mom! Mom, come quick! This woman’s trying to wash

my face with toilet water!”

Susan stumbled dizzily into the room. She had just reached out when Grace overpowered her and

Celia at once with ease,

Grabbing both of their hairs, Grace took turns dunking them into the toilet bowl.

After this had been repeated several times, Susan and Celia were drenched and gagged on the toilet

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water. All the hair and makeup they had styled for the exhibition had been completely ruined.

When Grace tossed them outside, Benjamin happened to be passing by, so she looked up at him and

said to the ladies mockingly, “Your savior is here. Go, tell him what I did!”

Benjamin walked over. This time, he didn’t ask what happened. Instead, he impatiently asked Celia and

Susan, “What did you two do this time?”

“Benjamin! This bitch made me drink toilet water!”

“She’s gone too far, Benjamin. We wanted to buy her necklace, but not only did she refuse, she bullied

me and your sister.”

Benjamin didn’t believe a word they said and looked at Grace with mixed feelings. She was still so

beautiful, to the point that everything good about her was on display.

Back at the jewelry store, the two of them had parted ways on bad terms. For some reason, he had

been feeling this urge to get closer to her lately.

“I apologize for what happened on my mother’s behalf,” he said, referring to the way Susan had

publicly interrupted Lydia and demanded to buy the necklace.

“You don’t need to say anything. They can speak for themselves,” Grace said impassively.