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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 651
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However, Grace hadn't expect Raymond to bring Priscilla along.

As soon as they entered and handed their coats to the waiter, they saw Raymond and Priscilla standing side by side at the head of the table.

Priscilla looked gentle and elegant. Grace wanted to leave immediately, but she forced herself to stay.

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Victor, on the other hand, seemed casual.

"Uncle Raymond, you've gone through a lot of trouble." "Uncle Harold is old and he's always worried about the happiness of his grandchildren. Of course, I have to share his worries too." Raymond smiled and continued, "Letintroduce you. This is Priscilla. Grace has already met her." Victor glanced at Grace and immediately realized why she looked upset.

He nodded and greeted, "Aunt Priscilla." "Victor, right? I had not met you that day. The ladies all said you were outstanding, and it seems they were right." Priscilla smiled as she approached them. "This is a gift I specially prepared for you. This wine is over hundred years old. Young people like you are busy with work, but you also need to relax." She handed over a red box and added, "I also have one for Grace. I guess there might have been smisunderstanding between us. Don't take it to heart." Grace frowned and declined the gift.

"I should be apologizing for winning your money that day. You should enjoy this wine yourself." The atmosphere turned awkward.

Raymond's expression darkened, and Victor intervened at the right time, "Letthank you on behalf of Gracie." After they got seated, Priscilla busied herself with ordering dishes. She asked about dietary restrictions and was very polite and hospitable, as if she were the lady of the house hosting her guests.

Grace kept her head down and played with her phone.

Occasionally, Raymond would ask her a question. Only then would she look up.

"This is a blind date for Victor. I'm just accompanying him." "I know about you and Xander. He can work steadily because of your support, Grace. You have always putat ease since you were young." Grace played with Victor's hand without saying anything.

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Priscilla continued smoothly, "The two of you are very compatible. I saw them the other day, and Xander's eyes were filled with love for Grace." Grace couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Victor pinched her.

She whispered, "Why am I getting tortured when you're the one on a blind date?" "Just wondering. Do you have any plans to get married?" Finally, Grace met her eye and said, "This doesn't seem to be something you should worry about." Priscilla choked for a moment, then .ne laughed, "You're right. Parents always plan for their children. This should be Hestia's concern. bwon't interfere." Her strategic retreat was skillful.

She then asked Raymond, "I heard Hestia hasn't been feeling well lately. Is she better now?" His expression turned sour. "Sold problems." Grace becincreasingly restless, and Victor noticed. He spoke up, "Hasn't she arrived yet?" Priscilla replied, "She's on her way. Perhaps there's straffic at this time. Victor, she is the second daughter of the Jorson family. She's highly favored and is on par with your family background." S Upon hearing this, Grace becsharp and asked, "You're very well-informed. Do you know her?" "Back then, there was a big uproar when Marcus wife cheated on him with another man. After the divorce, he remarried someone, who happens to be my cousin. The girl you're meeting is her second daughter." With such close ties, the motives could not be pure.

Grace's expression darkened immediately.

Raymond said in a deep voice, "I've seen that girl before. She's well-educated and sensible. She is very suitable for Victor." Victor didn't really care. After all, he had never intended to meet anyone for real. He was just going through the motions.

He held onto Grace and said, "You insisted that I come, but now you can't stay yourself." Grace pulled her hand away. "I suddenly remembered Aunt Hestia invitedto go shopping. I can't stay any longer. You all can continue." She motioned for Victor to stay as she stood up.

Priscilla watched as Grace left, and her expression becextremely unpleasant.