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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 Mess Around and Find Out

Celia’s smile froze. “Nonsense, I was overseas at the time. Just because people are saying that

doesn’t mean it’s true.”

If Susan hadn’t asked Celia’s grandfather, Tyler Hawkins, for help with bailing her out without

Benjamin’s knowledge, she probably would have actually gone to jail.

Grace glanced at Celia impassively. “Now that you’re free, do learn to behave. You can keep trashing

my boutique as long as you don’t mind being jailed again. I’m fine with it.”

“I said I never went to jail! Did you even hear what I said?” Celia marched forward, only for Emily to

block her way.

“It’s two of us against one of you. Are you sure you want to pick a fight?”

Both Grace and Emily were not to be trifled with.

So, after some thought, Celia suppressed her anger and said with gritted teeth, “Why would I? I’m

having enough trouble avoiding you as it is.”

After all, Benjamin had warned her not to pick fights with Grace.

“So you do know how to avoid us! Our Grace isn’t someone a girl like you should be messing with,”

Emily said, leaning against Grace’s shoulder with pride.

Celia’s hands balled into fists so tightly that her fingernails dug into her palms. She had no one to take

her anger out on, so she stayed silent and left to find the others.

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However, a staff member told her that the others had left without even telling her.

The shame of being rejected grew stronger. In the end, Celia looked at Emily and Grace with hatred in

her eyes.

In the meantime, Grace had helped Emily try on several bracelets but realized none of them were to

their liking.

.Just as they were about to leave, a staff member asked them, “Ladies, was there a bracelet you

forgot to return to me?” She was smiling, but clearly suspicious.

Another staff member walked over. “There’s indeed a missing bracelet. Can you help us look for it?”

“That’s your job. It has nothing to do with us,” Grace replied calmly.

The two staff members couldn’t risk being openly suspicious, but both their gazes landed on Grace’s

bag, which was wide open. Then, they slowly moved to block the exit.

Emily was a hot–tempered person, so she yelled, “Why are you blocking our way when you’re


“Are you an idiot? They obviously suspect you of stealing it!” Celia stood by coldly and pointed at

Grace. “I saw her put it in her bag with my own eyes.”

With a rich person accusing Grace herself, the staff menibers became emboldened to express their


“Miss, please open your bag so that we can check it,” one of them said rudely.

“I didn’t steal it,” Grace replied calmly.

“Miss, if you’re too shy to admit it, you can just pay for the item at our cashier’s register,” the staff

member said, clearly convinced Grace was the thief.

Grace scoffed. “Why should I?”

Celia yelled, “I bet she stole it! Be braver, you two! Search her bag. I’m positive it’s in there.”

The staff members walked over to grab Grace’s bag, but her sharp gaze made them freeze, rooted to

their spots.

“Touch at your own risk,” she said so casually that they got chills down their spines.

Celia tried to grab it herself, but the moment she reached out, a pretty and slender hand grabbed hers

in a vice grip that made her squeal in pain. “Let go of me!”

The moment the staff saw who it was, they bowed down in fear and didn’t dare say a word. After all, no

one expected the chief designer of VERE Jewelry to visit in person.

When Emily saw that Lydia was here, she nearly jumped for joy. “You made it, girl! I thought you

wouldn’t be here until the day before the exhibition!”

Grace smiled. “Long time, no see.”

However, Lydia didn’t have the time to greet them back. She needed to defend them first.

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So she tossed Celia’s hand aside. She turned to the staff members and said emotionlessly, ” You two

are fired.”

The two staff members wanted to cry. They hadn’t known that these two window shoppers were

personal friends of Lydia York herself.

When Celia realized that the newcomer was on Grace and Emily’s side, she frowned while nursing her

sore hand. “You’re all just covering for each other!”

Lydia replied coldly, “I’m going to call the cops. Once they get here, I’ll give them the security footage,

and we’ll see who’s the real thief.”

“Bring it on! Get them to search every single bag in the shop!” Celia wasn’t afraid at all.


She had made sure they had been in the cameras‘ blind spot, so she was certain that no one would

know it was her.

“Go on, call the cops! If you won’t do it, I will!”

As Celia shrieked, she reached into her bag to take her phone but felt something hard instead. She

realized something was wrong.

Why was the bracelet in her bag?

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