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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 612
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It was Monday, and Grace needed to attend the company's regular meeting.

Xander helped her put on her coat to cover up the scars and the hickey on her neck. He drove her to Amirate himself. Before she entered, she was a little nervous as she adjusted her clothing. "Do I look okay?" "You always do." "I'm serious." "You really always do." He smiled.

In the meeting room, out of the 12 directors of Amirate, 11 were present. Samuel was absent.

"Amirate's finance report for the fourth quarter has already been distributed to all of you. Please peruse it at your disposal." The report was very detailed, and the earnings for the fourth quarter were 58.8% higher than that of the third quarter. This was a stunning amount.

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Someone said in awe, "The trade amount of Amirate has grown 629.9% year on year. We've all heard of Ms. Lewis' outstanding results." Grace sat at the head of the table and clicked on the next slide.

"You're givingtoo much credit. The projects that Amirate took part in this year are all going very well.

"The yearly results surpassed the previous year's by 50%, thanks to the hard work of all the staff at Amirate.

"I can't take all the credit." There was silence in the conference room for a while.

Everyone knew that it was due to Grace's sharp eye and outstanding strategies.

"Of course, our excellent results are also thanks to the support from all of our directors. I'll raise the year-end dividend amount for everyone by five percent." The conference room immediately began buzzing with excitement. Five percent was a very high investment ratio.

"Ms. Lewis, this..." "I'm counting on all of you to continue supporting us next year. There's no need to stand on courtesy." Grace smiled as she spoke. Then her lips suddenly turned down at the corners. "Where's Mr. Walker? Today is a good day. Why isn't he in attendance?" "He lost his bet with you, Ms. Lewis. He's probably too embarrassed to come," someone said.

"We need to rely on the new generation when it comes to malls. It's tfor the old fogeys to retire." Grace maintained a slight smile. "Mr. Walker has worked hard for Amirate for his entire life.

"Even though he lost the bet, I wouldn't make him give up his decision-making power. This dividend should be given to him. "If anyone has news of him, please letknow." When the meeting ended, Grace strode out of the conference room. She stood with her head held high in confidence.

The directors muttered to each other. "This woman is ruthless. A new era has begun at Amirate." At the fronte time, Xander stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in Grace's office. He watched the traffic below him for a long time. Hazel called.

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"Jake is unhappy about having to bear the responsibility for the Aether Group project.

"Priscilla is so angry that she just fainted and was sent to the hospital. Mr. Fulton Senior urges you to return quickly." "One week." "Four days at most," Hazel said urgently. "We can't delay this any longer." "Alright." Before she hung up, Hazel asked, "Peter let it slip that you were injured... Is that true?" Before he could say anything, Grace cin. She was in a good mood. "What are you looking at?" Her voice was bright and energetic, like a bird in spring.

"Just looking around your workplace." Xander smiled as he hung up.

Hazel stiffened on the other end.

The way Xander and Grace were el of speaking to each other was s è that she could practionerfeel it.

"Were you on the phone? I'm sorry, I didn't realize." "It's fine." Xander took her hand and pulled her over to sit down on the sofa. He leaned on the table. "How does victory feel?" "It feels good, of course. It's a pity that Mr. Walker wasn't there." et She looked as proud as a peacock. There was a sense of childish her manner, and Xander's gazel in softened. He liked seeing her this Way. "It's alright. You can keep winning." "No one can win forever." "Withhere, you will always win," he said carelessly.