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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 611
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Xander saw that she was being obstinate and pinched her nose.

Grace snatched the cigarette from his fingers. It was too strong, and she wasn't used to it. She coughed heavily. Xander patted her on the back.

"Then when can we do it?" She persisted.

Xander was finding it hard to stand firm. He clapped a hand to his forehead.

"Wow, you're keen." It was an unfulfilled desire, after all.

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Grace swatted him away and hid herself in the blankets. She scrunched up her face.

"You'd better not regret it!" Xander had never been in a better mood.

The next morning, the servant cto make a report. "There's someone outside who insists on seeing Ms. Lewis." Grace looked up. "Who is it?" "He says his surnis Yeager." Grace frowned.

A few minutes later, the door opened.

Grace had just sat down when Quentin tumbled in and slid to his knees in front of her.

"Ms. Lewis, Ms. Lewis, you've got to save me!" Grace was shocked. She frowned. "Quentin, what do you mean by this?" Quentin was sweating, and he knelt there, refusing to move.

"The other day, you tried to persuadenot to skimp on materials while doing business, and I understood what you were hinting at. I told the workers to stop transporting the stuff, but..." The moment he mentioned it, Grace remembered. She remembered that there had been no further developments, but why was he now...? "Are you really doing this kind of business?" "I haven't done it for many years, but Ryan forcedto! "He has evidence of what I did many years ago, and he threatened to exposeif I didn't work with him on the Eastwood project.

"I couldn't bear it, so I had no choice but to continue." Grace said nothing.

"After you reminded me, I knew that I couldn't continue. I was about to get out of it when Ryan kidnapped my son.

"He said that if I tried to leave, he would kill my son, and I... I really have no solution for this." Quentin was in tears. "Now the police et a Onto Ryan, and they'll find out very soon. I don't want except to find my son!" He had heard of Grace's record and knew that she had the means to help, which was why he had cto ask for help despite the risk.

Grace understood. She was expressionless.

"Ryan's subordinate, Brodie, has already been caught. If your son hasn't been found yet, then it doesn't look good." Quentin's knees buckled, and he slumped to the ground.

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The noise attracted Xander's attention. He walked over to the landing on the staircase and watched them from above.

"How much of the materials for the Eastwood project were transported by you?" "Ten tons of... the faulty ones.

|| This amount would be enough to put him in jail.

Grace narrowed her eyes. "Ryan told you to do this? Is there someone behind him?" "He's a gambler, and there must be pulling the strings behind somnes. I don't know who it is, the Ms. Lewis, but I know where he is!" Quentin crawled to Grace on his knees and grabbed hold of her nightdress. "I know where he is!" Grace's brow furrowed even more deeply. "What do you want?" "I only want my son. As long as you can find my son, even if it's just his corpse." Grace realized that someone was watching them. She looked up.

Xander inclined his head to her.

She relented. "I can help, but the e moment we find your son, you must stand out to testify when we need you to. Of course, this will result in your imprisonment." S "Of course! Of course!" Quentin was ecstatic and groveled in front of her.

"I've been living on tenterhooks for so many years. I'm prepared." After stime, Peter arrived. He would be looking for the specific address.

Grace was doubtful. "Is the address Quentin gave real? Could it be a trap?" "Peter was once a mercenary and had a lot of knowledge about counter-reconnaissance. It'll be fine." Xander looked at the address. "You should start."