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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 I Will Never Marry That Hag

It took Benjamin a long time before he uttered curtly, “What do you think?”

“Her?” Timothy gasped, pointing at Grace and then at Benjamin.

“And you?”

At last, his finger pointed at himself. “I …”

“What the hell is going on?” For a second, Timothy felt like crying. He needed time to process the

situation. It was too much to handle at once.

Frederick rubbed his nose and leaned toward the bewildered Timothy. “Dude, one mustn’t touch his

friend’s wife. You got yourself into big trouble this time.”

Timothy fumed. “She said she’s divorced! She has the freedom to love, understand?”

Then, he pushed Benjamin and said dryly, “I didn’t know she was your ex–wife when I met her.

When Grace calmly walked past Benjamin, the latter’s displeased voice halted her steps. Aren’t you

going to explain yourself?”

Grace scoffed. “Who are you to make me explain?” After that, she left promptly.

“Don’t leave! Are you seriously going to leave us here just like that?” Timothy shouted after Grace’s

disappearing figure.

Benjamin pulled a long face and left as well, followed by Frederick.

On the other hand, Timothy was distracted throughout his journey home and had a sleepless night.


The next morning, he stormed into Grace’s office, ignoring the secretary’s protests.

Grace looked up at him, unfazed. “Why are you here? Didn’t your good buddies morally condemn


“I’ve been thinking the whole night. I’m not going to give up on you.”

Timothy stood straight and proud, speaking very Seriously. “In fact, my feelings for you have become

even more resolute after last night!”

Grace was speechless. “That’s it?”

In her opinion, he was more superficial than this.

“Your previous marriage is something of the past. Everyone stumbles at some point in life. It was Ben

who took you for granted, and you made the right choice to leave him.”


Worried that Grace might cut him off, Timothy blurted his words in one breath.

“I’m not interested.”

Grace had been waiting for Timothy to relent upon finding out the truth, yet he had unexpectedly

caught her off guard with his stubbornness.

“Don’t turn me down so quickly! Both of us are single, even though …”

A smile slowly formed on Grace’s face. She remained composed as she glanced at the tablet in her

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hand. “Even though what?”

“Sigh. It’s a long story.” Frustrated, Timothy sat in the chair.


“Speaking of this, I won’t hide my identity any longer. The truth is, I’m the president of Donegan Group.

I only came to Amirate Corporation to pursue you.”

Grace nodded. “I know.”

Timothy was dumbfounded for a few seconds.

However, considering that Grace had great connections, it made sense that she had probably figured it

out long before he had joined Amirate.

“Then, do you know that I have a marriage engagement that I’m having difficulty getting rid of?”

Grace nodded again. “I’ve heard of it.”

Timothy looked troubled as he complained, “Alas, your boss’s sister is my fiancée. She even has the

exact same name as you.”

“Same name, huh? Why don’t you suspect that I’m her?” asked Grace.

“There’s no way you are her. I can bet with my life that she looks like a hag. Your beauty, on the other

hand, is otherworldly.”

The look in Grace’s eyes darkened. She said through gritted teeth, “Really? What are you going to do

about it then?”

“Don’t worry!” Timothy slammed the table and abruptly leaned closer to Grace.

He swore with utmost sincerity, “I will never marry that girl from the Lewis family. Wait for me, Grace.

“I’m going to break off the engagement right away. I won’t put you in an awkward position.”


Holding her breath, Grace flashed a smile out of nowhere. “Aren’t you afraid that she’s going to make

you pay?”

“What is there to be afraid of with that clueless hag?”


Just then, Timothy’s phone rang. When he saw that it was his father’s incoming call, he felt annoyed

that his moment of confession had been interrupted.

He picked up the call impatiently. “Dad, what’s up?”

“You ungrateful bastard, do you even know what you’re saying? Are you trying to piss me off? “Donald

roared furiously.

“Dad, how do you know what I’m talking about?” Timothy moved the phone away from his ear but then

realized there was an echo of their voices, making him feel strange.

Before he could get any more confused, Grace turned the tablet around in her hand and motioned for

him to look at it.

As soon as Timothy saw the screen, his eyes widened in shock. The screen showed Donald holding a

phone by his ear and huffing angrily, while Timothy’s mother stood at the side and glared at him with a

loathful expression. Behind them was Aaron, elegantly sipping on a cup of coffee.

Just like last night, Timothy’s brain stopped working as a wave of dizziness hit him.

Chapter 61 Out and Back in Again

“You rebellious bastard! She’s Grace Lewis! The fourth Lewis kid, the one you’re engaged to!” Donald

was yelling so loudly that he was practically roaring.


He had sent Timothy to Pamore so that he could get closer to Grace.

Aaron had been opposed to this, so he’d had to promise that he wouldn’t tell Timothy about Grace’s

true identity. In return, Timothy had been allowed to work at Amirate Corporation.

And yet, this bastard was so stupid that he had broken off the engagement and called Grace an ugly

hag right in front of his elders.

Donald could feel his blood pressure soaring. He really wished he could jump out of the screen and

teach Timothy a lesson.

Timothy stood up and kept shaking his head as he stared at Grace.

He really couldn’t imagine the goddess before him and the hag in his memories being the same


“The lady I’ve been courting… She’s the fiancée I’ve been trying not to marry?”

He wished he could disappear on the spot. “No! It can’t be!”

He looked up and let out a long sigh, then walked out looking like his soul had left his b*dy. Grace

couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. O

After she ended the video call, she spent a long time laughing in her office, where no one was

watching. Truly, revenge was a dish best served cold.

Seeing her nemesis look this soulless brought her more joy than winning the lottery. Some time later,

Aaron called her. “Yes, Aaron?” Grace said cheerfully.

“How can you still be laughing when your fiancé has called off your engagement?” Aaron was a little

pissed. How dare Timothy Donegan dump his precious sister?


“Of course I can. That guy needed to be taught a lesson. That will teach him not to mess with the fourth

Lewis kid.”

“So what are your thoughts on his courtship?” Aaron paused, then continued, “You don’t have to worry

about our family ties to the Donegans.

“We don’t need marriage alliances to strengthen our business. Just go with your heart, and I’ll take care

of the rest.”

Grace felt warm inside. Her friends and family had always been her greatest supporters. Aaron, you

know the way he used to make fun of me. Why would I like him?”

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Then, she smiled slightly. “I may not feel anything for him because I have a little grudge against him,

but that’s it.‘


“Okay, got it,” Aaron said simply. “Aunt Hestia recently got back from her world trip, and she’ll be in

Frenda for a few days. Do you want to visit her?”

Grace’s eyes lit up. “Finally! I’ve missed her so much!”

“She’s doing a photography exhibition there, and she asked me to invite you.”

“Alright, I’ll be there. I’ll fly over the moment Lydia’s jewelry exhibition ends. Caleb will be at Frenda too.

What a coincidence!”

Grace was ecstatic. Aaron was the only person she could be her genuine, non–prickly self with. They

talked about working with Barnes Group for a while, then hung up.


At night, Grace and Emily went to VERE Jewelry. Lydia was about to have another exhibition in

Pamore, so they had to support her as her best friends.

VERE Jewelry had earned its fame across the globe for its unique designs. Every rich lady in Pamore

had gone crazy when they heard that its designer, Lydia, was doing an exhibition in


All of them were clutching their purses, waiting for the exhibition. In the meantime, Grace and Emily

looked around and found several bracelets to their liking. O

After a staff member took them out of the display case, Grace’s hand brushed someone else’s as she

tried to take one. It was Celia, whom she hadn’t seen in a while.

“Ew, my day’s ruined!” Celia rolled her eyes while surrounded by rich girls. “Someone get me a wet

wipe. I need to clean my hands thoroughly.” a

When Emily recognized Celia, she said loudly, “Aren’t you a criminal suspect? What are you doing here

instead of sitting in jail? The Hawkins sure bailed you out fast.”

Coldness flashed in Grace’s eyes. As she expected, that family was shameless and conniving.

They always excused their own family members‘ mistakes without ever taking responsibility

for them.

At the same time, Celia’s expression soured, and she screeched, “What are you talking about? I could

sue you for slandering me!”

“Go ahead! Sue me! You’ll get famous and start trending online again,” Emily shot back without



The rich girls behind Celia were shocked. “Celia, we missed that banquet, so we had no idea what

happened. Are the rumors true? Did you actually go to jail?”
