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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 159
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Grace recognized Linda and gracefully shook hands with her. “Oh, yes. Hello.”

“Mr. Fulton speaks highly of you. He mentioned that you are exceptionally beautiful and have a

wonderful personality as well.


‘After meeting you in person, I think you indeed live up to your reputation, Ms. Lewis,” Linda expressed

with eloquence.

Grace was a bit surprised upon hearing this. She turned to look at Xander and said, “I never thought

you’d see so many good qualities in me, Xan!”

“You’ve always been wonderful,” Xander replied affectionately.

Grace’s lips curled up and formed a lovely smile. “Alright, let’s head back. I’m getting hungry!”

“Of course,” Xander agreed, seemingly in a good mood as well.

The three of them descended the stairs together. Linda took the initiative to reach for the driver’s seat

and got into the car.

“Ms. Snow, please take us to Lakeside Haven,” Xander requested.

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Linda smiled and replied, “As you wish, Mr. Fulton.”

The car smoothly drove away. As she watched the buildings pass by outside the window, Grace

couldn’t help but say, “I think we should be able to secure the contract with Nexa this time. Both our

companies are about to sign the agreement in the next couple of days.”

Xander nodded lightly and said, “This project is indeed promising. It might be a bit challenging in the

initial stages, but once it’s on track, it will get much smoother.”

“Of course, it’s all thanks to your help in facilitating this. That’s why things have been progressing so


Grace expressed her gratitude sincerely. “Thank you so much, Xan.”

Upon hearing this, Xander furrowed his brow slightly and said, “You don’t have to be so formal with


Grace grinned and replied, “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Linda observed how Grace and Xander interacted with each other. She was surprised by how much

Xander had done for Grace. It left her feeling somewhat puzzled.

“Mr. Fulton, there’s a pastry shop at the upcoming intersection that Madam Fulton really likes. Would

you like me to pull over for a moment?”


Xander recognized the bakery since Hestia had mentioned it before. “Yes, please pull over. I’ll go and

grab some,” he said.

Linda parked the car at the nearby parking spot. “I’ll come with you,” Grace suggested,

“It’s fine. It’ll be just a minute,” Xander assured.

Since Xander had insisted, Grace reluctantly complied.

Once Xander had left, Linda said, “Madam Fulton has a thing for these sweet treats. I’ve run errands

for her several times before.”

Linda’s words undoubtedly hinted to Grace that she had a close relationship with Hestia. She even

knew Hestia’s preferences well.

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Grace found Linda’s behavior somewhat unusual. She casually asked, “Ms. Snow, you’ve been with

the Fultons for years, haven’t you? What made you decide to come to Pamore all of a sudden?”

“It’s been six years since I started working for them. Coming to Pamore was also Mr. Fulton’s decision.

“I guess it’s because, after spending so many years at the Fultons, I’ve grown used to many things. You

know, it’s tough to change when you’re already used to certain things,” Linda explained.

“But it’s not impossible, isn’t it? If you genuinely want to change, you can,” Grace remarked with a

somewhat playful tone.

“Wouldn’t you agree, Ms. Snow?”

Linda nodded with a smile and responded, “You’re absolutely right! However, I’ve also heard some

rumors about you. Weren’t you previously married?”

Grace could sense a hint of intrigue in the air, much like the scent of tea.

“When I was younger and immature, I made some wrong choices and went through a divorce after that.

You seem to be very interested in my past,” Grace answered.

Linda gave Grace a quick glance before shifting her gaze toward Xander, who was returning to the car.

She added, “Mr. Fulton is truly an exceptional individual!”

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