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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138 You Can’t Avoid Your Enemy

Grace smiled graciously and declined. “There’s no need, Ms. Snow. Someone will be picking me up


“Then, I’ll walk you to the door.” Linda gestured, not giving Grace a chance to refuse.

After a nod, Grace left in her high heels.

At the entrance, Xander was talking with a few of Futurelink’s partners. He casually glanced over and

saw Grace approaching them.

“Alright, then, Mr. Leroy. We’ll discuss the new nanotechnology project tomorrow at your


“Sure, Mr. Fulton. I’ll be waiting for you.”

After seeing the partners off, Xander hurried over to Grace. When he saw her bare shoulders,

he took off his coat. “It’s cold outside.”

As he said that, he draped it over her shoulders.

As she watched this scene, Linda remained calm on the outside, but she was actually surprised

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by Xander’s unusual tenderness for Grace.

“My driver is here,” Grace spotted the familiar license plate.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Xander.”

Xander made a hum of acknowledgement and waved his hand after he had helped her into the


It wasn’t until the car disappeared into the distance that he withdrew his gaze.

The next morning, the driver was waiting in front of Grace’s house.

She had changed into a professional outfit with meticulous makeup, appearing competent. As soon as

she got into the car, the driver handed her a stack of documents.

“Ms. Lewis, Mr. Fulton asked me to give these to you.”

Upon flipping through them, Grace found that they were all information about the new nanotechnology

project. Instantly, a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes.

“Thank you. Mr. Fulton is really thoughtful.”

As the driver started the car, she took the opportunity to review the documents.

Today, they were going to meet Nexa Group, a foreign–funded company and a leader in Pamore’s

nanotechnology industry.

Once the driver stopped the car at the company’s entrance, Grace got out.

Coincidentally, a familiar car pulled up from the other side and stopped in front of her. As the car’s

window rolled down, it revealed Larry’s side profile.

Smiling, he greeted her, “What a coincidence, Ms. Lewis!”

When Grace saw him, she became speechless.

Since Larry was there, it wasn’t hard to guess that Benjamin was in the backseat.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but think that Pamore was a really small place. Grace politely

returned the greeting, saying, “Indeed, Larry.”

Larry couldn’t help but ask, “Ms. Lewis, are you here for a meeting about an investment as well?”

“You too?” Grace raised an eyebrow.

As Larry adjusted his glasses, he adopted a meaningful tone. “Don’t tell me that you’re going

to Nexa Group too.”

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Hearing that, she thought, “You really can’t avoid your enemy.”

As Larry finished speaking, Benjamin’s voice came from the backseat. “Park the car, Larry. We’re

getting out.”

“Yes, Mr. Hawkins.”

The moment Benjamin stepped out of the car, he gazed at Grace, as though trying to see through her.

“New nanotechnology? It seems we’re competitors today, Ms. Lewis.”

Grace was slightly surprised. She hadn’t known that Hawkins Group had ventured into the field of


However, she had grown accustomed to concealing her emotions and didn’t reveal any surprise.

“In that case, let’s see who comes out on top.”

With those words, Grace walked into Nexa Group’s building.

Smiling, Benjamin stared at her retreating figure and then followed closely behind.

“Ms. Lewis, Mr. Leroy is expecting you. This way, please.”

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The receptionist led Grace and Benjamin to the conference room on the 17th floor. Inside, Grace

deliberately chose a seat further away from Benjamin.