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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 115
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Chapter 115 The Rumors Were Wrong


A sly smile tugged at the corner of Grace’s lips as she said, “It seems you aren’t too pleased to

see me.”

Despite her words, she couldn’t resist stepping inside.

The situation became somewhat awkward, as Samuel hadn’t expected to be caught off guard by


However, he was a seasoned player and quickly regained his composure.

“Ms. Lewis, why would you say that? I wholeheartedly welcome you,” he said, getting up from

his seat to make room for her.

After taking a seat, Grace’s eyes met Benjamin’s for a moment. It seemed as though a spark had been


She raised an eyebrow and broke the silence. “Coincidentally, Mr. Hawkins is here too. It seems like

I’ve interrupted something.”

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“It’s not an interruption. We were just talking about you. Little did we know that become Amirate’s

president as soon as you left Hawkins Group.



“Director Walker was just praising you, saying that your exceptional abilities could increase the board’s

performance by 30% in a year. Isn’t that right, Ms. Lewis?”

“I only mentioned it in passing, and I hope you won’t take offense.”

Samuel now realized that the rumored conflict between Grace and Benjamin might not be entirely


He seemed to have miscalculated.

In truth, Grace had overheard the men’s conversation at the door. Samuel had indeed changed his

attitude so fast.

She knew his hidden agenda, but she hadn’t expected Benjamin to show up.

Was he teaming up with Samuel to go against her?

Her eyes darkened, but her tone remained calm as she continued, “That’s indeed the case. Director

Walker and I made a bet.”

She directed her gaze at Samuel. “Director Walker, now that our bet is public knowledge, we should

aim for a dignified outcome. Engaging in secret dealings like this is rather disgraceful.”

Samuel’s face grew grim. He hadn’t anticipated her lack of leniency.


However, now wasn’t the time to completely sever ties with her.

Hence, he explained with a forced smile, “Ms. Lewis, you’ve misunderstood. I believe my character is

quite good.

“Since we had an agreement from the beginning, we should stick to it. I won’t try to sabotage you.”

Grace nodded in understanding. Since she had achieved her goal, she didn’t want to linger any longer.

“Now that you’ve expressed your intentions, I can rest assured. Director Walker, Mr. Hawkins, I won’t

disturb you any longer.”

With that, she stood up to leave.

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Benjamin also rose and adjusted his suit jacket. “I’ll walk you out.”

He left no room for her to refuse.

The two of them left the private room, leaving Samuel bewildered.

Weren’t they divorced? Why wasn’t it like the rumors said?

“Ms. Lewis!” As she left the restaurant, Grace ran into Albert.

He took long strides and approached her. “How did it go? Is everything sorted out?”

Grace stopped in her tracks and looked at him.

“Mr. Barnes, I want to thank you for today.”

If it hadn’t been for his information, there was no telling what Samuel and Benjamin might have plotted.

Fortunately, she had Samuel under control for now.

Albert was about to speak when he caught sight of Benjamin approaching them at a leisurely


His lips curved into a slight smile, but his words closed the distance between them, “You don’t have to

be so polite with me.‘