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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chatper 1763
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Chapter 1763

Several years later.

Cornelia and her friends were all caught up in the whirlwind of their busy lives. Getting the

four families together was no easy feat, so they made a pact: no matter how hectic things

got, they would always reunite on the eve of the New Year.

Today was December 28th, and after the last shipment of farm produce was sent off,

Skyler raced home without a moment’s delay.

Cornelia and Jeremy, Hannah and Steven, along with Rosie and Lucas, had arrived with

their kids bright and early that morning.

Skyler had been swamped with work, unable to spend time with them, and she felt terrible

about it. She drove like the wind, covering the usual fifteen-minute drive in less than ten.

As her car rolled into the driveway, the tantalizing aroma of food wafted into her nostrils,

and the laughter of children echoed in her ears.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The men were bustling in the kitchen, the women were lounging in the yard sipping tea

and basking in the sun, and the kids were frolicking about. It was a scene of harmony,

warmth, and bliss.e2

“Hope, let’s race with Puff Puff, okay?”

A three-year-old girl chased after a fluffy little dog. A nine-year-old boy followed her

closely, worried she might fall, but he didn’t interrupt her fun by voicing his concerns.

Skyler watched the pair with an affectionate smile spreading across her face.

Hope, that little rascal, was a chip off the old block, resembling his dad in looks and

demeanor. He already carried himself with a maturity beyond his years.

“Ms. Skyler, you’re back!” Hope, the polite boy, greeted her.

Skyler nodded, “Yeah, keep an eye on Lola for me, will you? I’m going to find your…”

Before she could finish, Hope had already taken off after his little friend.

Rosie bounded over to Skyler with a childlike excitement, wrapping her in a bear hug, “My

dear Skyler, you’re finally here.”

Skyler grinned, “Sorry, sorry. You all know how it is, my farm produce is seasonal and has

to reach tables across the country for the New Year, can’t delay even a minute.”

Cornelia, lounging in the garden, soaking up the sun, didn’t want to move an inch, “We’re

not blaming you. Come on over, join us for tea and a chat.”

Skyler replied with a smile, “Sounds good.”



Hannah, carrying out a tray of fruit, jumped into the conversation, “Skyler, your garden’s

turned into a paradise. I could live here forever.”

Skyler chuckled, “When I redesigned the garden, I planned rooms for all of you. Stay as

long as you like.”

Over the years, Skyler’s leased land had expanded, her business flourishing. She didn’t

just improve her own life but also helped several nearby villages prosper, lifting many out

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

of poverty.

With the roads to the outside world improved, the villagers no longer watched their

produce spoil in the fields. Life was on the upswing.

Skyler had become the renowned Ms. Skyler, famous for being single, attractive, and

wealthy. Suitors were plentiful.

Hannah teased her, “Look at our generous Ms. Skyler.”

Skyler laughed it off, “Stop joking. I’m nothing compared to you guys.”

Hannah’s acting career was booming, bringing fame and fortune.

Cornelia’s comic book company had become the nation’s top, earning her money even

while she relaxed at home.

Rosie’s personally designed jewelry had won international awards and was even licensed

by a renowned luxury brand.

The four women shone in their respective fields, not letting marriage slow down their


Switching from banter to a more serious tone, Hannah probed, “Skyler, with so many

chasing after you, have you thought about finding someone new?”