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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

Helena thought for a moment and replied, “Well, no.”

Cornelia immediately retorted, “No? Then what’s the point of you telling me all this?”

Helena didn’t expect Cornelia to be so straightforward and was momentarily speechless.

“I’m going to rest now.” Cornelia opened the door to her room, clearly hinting for Helena to leave.

As Helena exited Cornelia’s room, she drew out her phone, placing a call, “Ma’am, Hartley’s new

assistant may be youthful and attractive, but to what end? He’s no stranger to beauty. As a woman, I

discern no hidden agenda towards Hartley on her part. Even if there was, he wouldn’t allow her to


The person on the other end of the line said something, and Helena nodded repeatedly. Before

hanging up, she said, “Yes, I’ll keep a close eye on her these next few days.”


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As she put away her phone and prepared to leave, a cold laugh suddenly came from the balcony

behind her.

She turned around and saw Marcus standing in the darkness, casually holding an unlit cigarette.

Helena’s face turned pale with fright, “President Hartley, you…”

With a flick of his finger, Marcus snapped the cigarette in two, “That woman told you to spy on me, and

you actually dared to listen to her.”

Helena knew exactly who Marcus was referring to, “President Hartley, I think the lady is just concerned

about you, so…”

Marcus interrupted her, “Concerned about me? Do I need her concern right now? Concerned about my

relationship with Cornelia?”

Faced with Marcus’s oppressive presence, Helena didn’t dare lie, “As you know, your mom Courtney

likes Ms. Reese and has always hoped that you two could be together, so she’s worried you’ll be

charmed by other women.”

“Heh…” Marcus lit his lighter, “Instead of worrying about my wife, she’s worried about my assistant.”

Helena said, “Your mom know that you married initially for the sake of the old lady, and you never paid

any attention to that woman after the marriage. Your mam also didn’t regard that woman highly.

However, Cornelia is different. She is young, beautiful, and by your side every day. Feelings may

develop over time. Most importantly, Cornelia has only recently come into your life, and now you are

considering divorce. It’s natural for your mom to have more thoughts and concerns.”

Lighting a cigarette, Marcus said indifferently, “No matter why I married that woman, as long as our

marriage contract remains, she is mine. You should all be grateful that you haven’t touched her, or I

would make her regret it for the rest of her life.”

His face showed no emotion.

Helena felt a chill, “President Hartley, what about me…”

Marcus: “Allowing you to stay in the company is already the greatest kindness I can show you.”

Helena had once believed she was appreciated, leading to her transfer here. Now, she recognized that

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Marcus had been aware of her maneuvers all along.

Fear surged through her heart, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

She was also grateful that she had only relayed insignificant information over the years, or the

consequences would have been unimaginable.

“Cornelia is now mine!” Marcus put out his cigarette and, leaving this remark, went into the room next


Helena was stunned. She had been careless and hadn’t noticed that Marcus was living right next to


After taking her medication, Cornelia slept well that night, not having any dreams until the alarm went

off in the morning.

Feeling well–rested, she was much more energetic.

After washing up, Cornelia went to the dining room for breakfast. Since she had woken up early, the

spacious dining room had only

Marcus in it.