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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1739
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Chapter 1739

Skyler nodded in agreement.

“Time to get a move on,” Zavier said. “Spruce yourself up. Make those relatives take a second look and see you’re

not the same person they used to push around.”

“Right,” Skyler replied, immediately standing up and grabbing her cell phone to check the time. “It’s already


She couldn’t believe she had slept like a log until eleven in the morning. She usually had trouble sleeping, but last

night, she had crashed and didn’t wake until the late morning. It was definitely out of the ordinary..

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“It’s only eleven, still early. No rush, let them wait a bit longer,” Zavier remarked casually.

Although Skyler was itching to show the Blue clan a thing or two, to prove they couldn’t mess with her and her sister

anymore, she knew she wasn’t strong enough to take them on just yet. Confronting them now was like a suicide

mission. She wasn’t about to play the fool.

Skyler got ready at lightning speed and then headed out the door with Zavier.e2

What she didn’t expect was to find the Blue family waiting for them in the hotel lobby, and not just any member,

but Gilbert himself-the very man who had always looked down on her, treating her like she was worth less than the

dirt under his shoes.

Upon seeing Zavier, Gilbert approached with the eagerness of a puppy, “Zavier, you’re heading back to Southern

Port with our dear Sky? Why didn’t you let us know sooner? We’ve got plenty of room at home, no need for you to

spend money on a hotel.”

“Our dear Sky,” he said with such feigned affection. It was quite a shift from the past when he used to call Skyler

every name in the book, none of them pleasant.

Skyler knew exactly why the sudden change in attitude but still managed a respectful, “Uncle Gilbert.”

Gilbert nodded, his face showing uncharacteristic warmth towards Skyler, “Sky, how have the past few months in

the Capital been treating you? I heard that Zavier has been very good to you, but I didn’t quite believe it until now.

It seems the rumors were true.”

It turned out that Zavier had notified the Blue family at eight in the morning that he would be accompanying Skyler

back to their estate.

Upon receiving the news, Gilbert decided to personally come to the hotel to pick them up. He had arrived before

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nine and had been waiting in the hotel lobby for nearly three hours, growing more impatient by the minute, but he

had to wait because of Zavier’s presence.

“Thanks for your concern, Gilbert. We’ve been doing alright,” Skyler replied.



Zavier glanced at Gilbert and took Skyler’s hand, ready to leave, “No need to trouble you to pick us up. Skyler and I

will make our own way to the Blue estate.”

Notifying them but refusing their ride-it was a clear snub, intended to embarrass Gilbert.

Gilbert didn’t dare to retaliate against Zavier, but he felt he could manipulate Skyler, “Sky, you’re just going to head

back like this? Not taking my ride? I’m afraid it wouldn’t look good when you explain it to the family, especially Iris.

She’s been eagerly waiting for me to bring you home.”