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I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 2826
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Chapter 2826

'Who's awake?' Cy wondered.


'Could it be...'

Cy shuddered.

He asked in shock, "Peach, are you saying the man we saved from Lake Pescado is awake?"

"Yes! His name is David, but he doesn't remember the rest. He seems to have lost his memory. Grandpa, go and

take a look!" Peach answered as she walked.

When Cy heard that the man was awake, he quickened his pace and followed Peach to the cellar.

At first, he thought that Peach was just hallucinating from sadness, but when he saw the man sitting there on the

bed, he believed it.

He thought to himself, 'Is this kid really awake?

'He's been asleep for over half a year, and yet he's still fine?

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'This is a miracle!

'He's indeed a big shot that knows how to fly, so that's why he's fine not eating or drinking for more than half a


David turned and looked at the two of them.

'Thank you for taking care of me during this time. For some reason, I can't remember anything. May I know what

you're called?” David asked politely.

"David, my name is Peach, and this is my grandfather Cy. You’re in Village Pescado," Peach replied.

"I see. Miss Peach, Old Master Cy, thank you for caring for me."

"David, you're welcome! In fact, we didn't take much care of you. You didn't eat, drink, or defecate this entire time.

Even if you haven’t washed your body for half a year, you’re still clean. We only spent some effort transporting you

here," Peach said.

"Can you tell me what happened?"


So, Peach told David what happened.

In the end, Cy chimed in as well.

They told David that because of his arrival, the fish in Lake Pescado were almost extinct. Therefore, Village Pescado

no longer had a food source. Since they were about to run out of food, they were preparing to migrate.

Yet, this was not important to Cy.

He must tell David about the difficulties faced by Village Pescado.

If this guy could solve the problems Village Pescado encountered, they would not have to move, and Peach would

not have to wait on Jagger.

It would be a joyous result!

David was silent for a while before he apologized, "I see. I'm sorry for causing trouble to Village Pescado."

He never expected to fall from the sky and land in Lake Pescado.

He did not know the grandfather and granddaughter, and he was not dating Peach.

Then, why did she lie on his chest and say all those things?

Did she fall for him because she had taken care of him every day?

David shook his head, feeling a little amused.

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She even formed feelings for a vegetable.

David must admit this cute little girl was pretty strange.

"No need to apologize, but if you can..."

Cy wanted to ask David to help solve the food shortage problem in Village Pescado.

Yet, before he could finish, Peach interrupted him.

"Grandpa, David just woke up and lost his memories. You should check his body first and see if you can help him

regain his memory."


Cy nodded. Then, he walked to the bed and began to examine David.

David did not resist either.

He also wanted to regain his memory as soon as possible.

He wanted to know where he came from, where he wanted to go, and why he fell into Lake Pescado.

After some examinations, Cy found that David’s body was in great shape, and nothing was wrong with it. It was

even doing better than expected.

As for why he lost his memories, Cy only had limited medical skills, so he had no clue.