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I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 2821
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Chapter 2821

Since he had already met Master Jagger, Cy did not want to waste anytime.

The villagers from Village Pescado were packing to prepare for their move, so he could not let them down.

If he did not bring back good news after half a month, Village Pescado would be doomed.

So, after chatting for a little while longer, we went straight to the topic.

"Master Jagger, to be honest, we came to Village Pott this time to ask for help. If you can help us, our entire village

will be so grateful." Cy stood up and said, bowing to Jagger.

"Old Master Cy, just tell me what you need. If I can help you, I will do my best," Jagger replied generously.

He was afraid that the other party would not need anything.

Now that he was asking for it, Jegger could also make his demands.

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How great would it be if both parties benefited from each other?

"Master Jagger, Village Pescado is running out of food. I heard from Woody that Village Pott will hire many people

from other villages to help with the work, so I want to bring the villagers from my village to make a living here. So,

can you arrange a job for us? We might not be good at anything, but we're definitely excellent at fishing."

After Cy finished, he waited nervously.

What Jagger said next would determine the life or death of the Village Pescado.

Peach was also very nervous.

She grew up in Village Pescado, so she knew and had good relationships with everyone in the village.

She did not want to see anyone starve to death.

Especially the old, weak women and children. Since they could not work anymore, they could only starve if there

was no source of food.

Jagger was silent for a while. After that, he pretended to be troubled and sighed, "Old Master Cy, this will be very

troublesome. It's not that I don't want to help you, but I don't have the power to!"

"Huh? Aren’t you the younger chief? How are you helpless?" Cy asked. He was getting slightly emotional.

It was a matter of life and death for thousands of people in the entire Village Pescado, so it was normal for him to

be emotional.

Going to Village Pott was Cy’s only hope.

If he could not find a way out, the people in Village Pescado would starve to death.

As the village chief, Cy could not avoid the responsibility even if he was not the one who caused this.

"Old Master Cy, it’s true that I am the younger chief, and I can also arrange for you to come in, but we already

have all the labor we need now. If you want to come in, some of them will be kicked out, and if the people who

were kicked out made a fuss and brought the matter to my father, it would be troublesome, and I would be

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reprimanded," Jagger shook his head and explained.

His explanation was quite convincing.

Almost everyone in the room believed him.

What a joke. If Master Jagger could not even arrange for some labor to work in Village Pott, would he still be the

younger chief?

Even some managers could do it, let alone the younger chief.

However, Jagger said that he could arrange this, but he was just afraid that the people who were kicked out would

cause trouble. Then, it would be bad if the village chief found out.

This was indeed possible.

'Then, what should we do?" Cy asked in a panic.

"Gosh, Old Master Cy, I am only the younger chief and not yet the chief, so I have to be careful in a lot of things. If

someone got some dirt on me, I might even lose my current position. My father has many sons, and everyone is

eyeing my position. That’s why I can’t make the slightest mistake," Jagger sighed.

"D-Does it mean we have no hope at all?" Cy looked lost.

If he could not find a way out for Village Pescado, he would not know what to do next.