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I'll Become a Villainess That Will Go Down in History

Chapter 82
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T/N: Today I’d like to thank my repeat Cookie Donor,Rich!! Thank you for another round of sweets!! ❤

“And, who was that boy anyway? I’ve never heard anything about him before,” Henry-Oniisama adds when I don’t seem inclined to answer his previous question.

When he says ‘that boy’ he’s probably talking about Gilles, right? I’ve been thinking it rather odd that no one has asked me about him yet. But, at the same time I was relieved, since it would better if I kept Gilles’s origins a secret….

“He’s my assistant.”

“You know that’s not what I’m asking.”

“Yeah, I know.”

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Henry-Oniisama heaves a big sigh. He already knows that no matter how curious he is about something, if I’m determined to keep it a secret then I won’t tell him a thing.

As expected of my older brother; he knows me well. Thank goodness he knows how to give up easily as well.

“So you won’t tell me that either?” Henry-Oniisama complains, with a look of dissatisfaction plain on his face. He’s practically pouting.

But my hands are tied. I’ve already been sworn to secrecy. I can’t tell him about my villainous aspirations nor about my job of monitoring Liz-san.

Wait, come to think of it, if Henry-Oniisama was able to realize that Liz-san isn’t his type, then does that mean there could be others who haven’t fallen in love with her yet?

I really hopes it’s the former.

“Henry-Oniisama, do you know if there’s anyone else that’s become disenchanted with Liz-san?”

“That’s hard to say, but as of right now it seems like everyone is pretty enamored by her.”

“I guess that makes sense. There’s no reason to hate a girl like her.”

“Appearance-wise yes. Though, what’s inside is another matter entirely,” he says and then looks up at the ceiling.

I wonder what he’s thinking about. Wait, going off of his expression, I think I can actually guess what he’s going to say next…

” “I’d like to have a talk with that boy,” ” we both say in unison.

Henry-Oniisama’s eyes go as round as dinner plates and his head whips around to stare at me.

I knew he’d say that.

I’m not in the market for allies at the moment after all.

But, if Henry-Oniisama was willing to help me with my dream of becoming a villainess, then I guess I wouldn’t really mind.

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“So? Can I?” Henry-Oniisama asks with pleading, puppy-dog eyes.

I suck in a small breath.

“Fine. Go ahead.”

His face instantly brightens. Unlike me, Henry-Oniisama tends to wear his heart on his sleeve.

If he decides that he wants to support me, we are definitely going to have to work on his poker face.

“Thanks, Ali!” he says happily.

Now…. I wonder what he’ll do to get Gilles to open up to him.


T/N: Sorry for another short chapter! But wasn’t it cute? I love how tsundere Alicia is being at the end XD If Duke really is a yandere and Alicia is a tsundere, just think of what a hilarious relationship dynamic that would be lol.