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I Want a Divorce by Nadia Gordon

Chatper 648
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Chapter 648 Physical and Mental Training

Compared to Abigail, Sean had become much lazier. Having experienced hardships, she

did not feel much exhausted in this situation. The man, however, had never dealt with

these practical household chores before. Being assigned by Alice, he thought his days

were completely miserable. The only time he could relax was when Alice was absent.

“Let’s go!” Abigail pulled him, afraid that Alice would get angry if she came back. Despite

Alice’s gentle and humorous demeanor, she took all the tasks seriously.

Reluctantly, Sean allowed himself to be yanked up. As soon as he stood up, he forcefully

grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Crashing into his embrace, she stared at him wide-eyed. “What are you doing?”

He held her chin and gazed at her. “You give me more headaches than Alice. I can’t even

take a break.”

“Alice will be angry if she sees no water. We’re asking for her help now. Can’t you be more

sincere?!” She looked at him solemnly.

“Well, you’re right. Let’s go.” He grabbed her shoulder helplessly.

The two worked for half an hour and finally filled Alice’s water tank. Sure enough, as soon

as they finished, Alice returned carrying a basket of things.

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Abigail saw herbs and some unfamiliar items in the basket. When Alice entered the

backyard and saw the full water tank, she nodded in satisfaction.

“After lunch, I’ll take you to a place,” she said, sitting on a small stool in the yard while

tidying up the things in the basket and talking to the couple, with Abigail responding.

“Alice, I want to connect a well to your house. What do you think?” Sean asked her.

Her hand paused, and she looked up at him. “Tired of fetching water already?”

“No!” he immediately retorted. Her attitude was gentle, but he felt like he was being


“No need to say anything. If there’s not enough water, just buy more barrels. Why bother

with connecting pipes? Creating noise and pollution?” she grumbled.

Abigail understood that Alice wanted them to exercise more. She held Sean’s hand and

stopped him from trying to persuade Alice. “Alice is right. After we finish our tasks, let’s go

and ask where we can buy some barrels.”

“That’s right. Why exert so much effort when you’re young and strong?” Alice stated,

putting the sorted herbs in a woven bamboo basket.

Sean estimated that even if he bought two more barrels, he and Abigail would still have to

consider fetching water every other day. Thinking about this, he could not help but sigh.

After lunch, Alice took them to an old man’s house.


There was a cobblestone path in front of his house, and Alice pointed to the path and said

to Sean and Abigail, “Tomorrow, you’ll help in the vegetable garden. Return 30 minutes

early, then walk on this path for another 30 and learn yoga from him.”

“Okay.” Abigail knew walking on cobblestones was a way to maintain good health. Some

parks in big cities had paths like this for white-collar workers to walk on after work.

Sean nodded in agreement.

“After dinner, come here and walk for an hour, then do yoga with him again,” Alice


“Okay,” Abigail immediately responded.

“Alright, go buy the tanks now. Remember, take good care of the vegetable garden. If the

vegetables die, you’ll only eat radishes and pickled vegetables in the winter,” Alice said,

then hunched and left.

Abigail and Sean bid her farewell and turned back to greet the energetic old man wearing

a white outfit.

“Sir, what’s your name?” Sean-spoke first.

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“Last name Colleen. You can call me Sir Colleen,” he answered. He had heard about

Sean’s condition; he was just a young man with a particularly bad physical condition.

“Hello, Sir Colleen,” Abigail quickly greeted him.

“Good, the young girl looks pretty good, much better than him,” Sir Colleen said, glancing

at Sean. With his sickly appearance, he won’t last another day in the city.

She glanced at Sean and said gently, “He ended up like this because he saved someone.”

“Just remember to come after dinner.” Sir Colleen did not ask much about their past.

Abigail bid farewell to him and went to buy the barrels. After searching several shops, they

finally found a place to buy them after 4 p.m. and quickly rushed back.

“I just realized that even in this village, we can’t afford to be idle.” She could not help but

sigh as she returned to Alice’s house with Sean. She had thought that if she came here,

she could have leisure time to draw, but now, she felt it was just wishful thinking.

“Perhaps this is just the life of ordinary people. Without avenues to earn money, they rely

on their labor to support themselves,” he responded softly. He walked along this winding

path as the sun set, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and he noticed that

his steps were slower than usual.

Many people, exhausted from the city, escaped to their childhood homes in the

countryside. It was because the city was truly exhausting, and even walking required

taking wider strides than those around you to survive well.