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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chatper 119
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Chapter 119

Candice was stunned and did not know what to say for a moment.

She wondered why Calista, who had indulged her since she was a child, was now so difficult to deal


Calista was now hard to influence, and would just refuse to listen no matter what Candice said.

She had also become smarter.

Candice was very annoyed, and her expression immediately darkened. “Calista, you are very rich, but

you’re just going to watch and not help when I am in trouble?”

Calista ignored her words and sighed before saying, “Candice, you have to change your conduct in life

and behave with integrity. You can’t always think about taking advantage of others. Reaping without

sowing won’t work every time. If it’s my own money, then I won’t mind giving it to you. However, this

money now is not earned by myself, but by my son. He also told me that I can’t lend the money to

anyone, so you should stop thinking about it. You should also stop thinking about my son’s company. I

won’t meddle in the affairs of his company and even if I do, he will not agree, anyway. You should work

hard to earn money with your own efforts.”

Candice’s face turned angry. When Calista saw this, she said, “Just stop thinking about it. Family

means nothing if our relationship is tied to money. When Jason found out he had uremia, he just stayed

in the hospital waiting for his death. He knew that we didn’t have enough money to treat his disease

and was afraid that his illness would drag his children into debt traps. So, he decided not to treat his

illness and went home to wait for death. No one wanted to die, Candice, but there was nothing he could

do. But, Oliver wanted to treat Jason no matter what. His affection for his family was far greater than

money. At that time, he came to borrow money from you guys, our relatives. I heard from Joanna that

Kenneth’s family said they would give him 100 dollars, but they did not do that in the end. He came to

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you, and you said that you would give him 40 dollars as a monetary gift. Is our relationship as sisters

only worth 40 dollars? I worked hard and couldn’t bear to indulge myself all those while, and all of my

savings were spent on you. Yet you only paid 40 dollars for my husband’s life? Candice, affections and

relationships come and go. Only those who can make an effort will get something in return. You always

want to get something without working for it. What qualification do you have now to ask me and Oliver

for money?”

Candice’s face turned red before paling, and she became even more annoyed.

Calista added, “If at that time you gave Oliver even a thousand or so out of affection, your situation will

be different now. You should be clear about what kind of a person Oliver is. His preferences are

obvious to all. He would repay kindness with abundance to the people who were good to him, but he

would also punish those who were unkind to him. It’s only because of me that he didn’t deal with you,

so don’t you try to be greedy and get money from him anymore! There is no way!”

Seeing Calista had laid out everything in a precise and blunt manner like that, Candice understood that

her sister would not lend or give money to her no matter what she said. Candice’s mind froze.

Oliver earned hundreds and millions of dollars, yet she couldn’t enjoy it. It was only normal for her to

feel boundless regret.

Calista’s words were indeed right. Her situation would be different now if she had given Oliver a

thousand or so.

However, she had always looked down on Oliver in the past. She could not control him and neither

could she get money from him, so she never spoke politely to Oliver. She also always acted hostilely to

Oliver, so there was nothing she could do to salvage the situation no matter how hard she tried.

Even today, she still held the disdainful tone when he came. Now in retrospect, she wanted to slap

herself twice.

However, what Candice regretted was not the way she treated Oliver. Instead, she regretted that her

vision was not high enough to act accordingly and find a way to salvage her situation.

Unfortunately, for her, there was no medicine for regret in this world.

Candice had no doubt about the fact that Oliver was rich. It was because others would lie to her, but

Calista definitely would. not do that.

Calista had a lot of money, but she wouldn’t give it to Candice.

She looked at the luxurious furnishings in her sister’s bedroom. That kind of house was something she

had dreamed of all her life. However, she had no chance to enjoy it.

When Calista talked about Oliver, Joanna, and Sienna, Candice caught the look of fondness and

gentleness in her eyes. The same look was in Calista’s eyes when looking at Candice in her childhood.

Candice suddenly felt very jealous and bitter.

It turned out that Calista had transferred all the love for Candice to her son and daughter. The fond and

gentle look in Calista’s eyes was longer there when she looked at Candice now.

At that time, Candice suddenly understood that the current Calista would no longer return to the former

Calista who always loved and cherished her.

Then, she saw a large stack of property deeds in Calista’s room, with Oliver’s name clearly written on

them. One of them was the property deed of this mansion.

The rest property deeds were all shops, and Candice looked through them again. Almost all of them

were shops located in

the most prosperous areas. One of them was an office building in Gerton Plaza, which covered an area

of more than 30,000 square feet. It was the place she saw last time.

They all thought that Oliver had lied last time, but now it was clear that Oliver really had not.

However, the clearer it was, the more annoyed Candice became. Oliver had really made a fortune, and

just that stack of property certificates could make Candice’s family live a life of leisure and wealth

compared with most people.

The value of those shops was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the monthly rent was over

200 thousand dollars. Without having to do anything, over 200 thousand dollars could be earned in a

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month. It was a life that she could not even dream of.

At that time, Candice thought about the contrived way when she gave a few hundred dollars to Jason

before. Her face went red at the thought of it. Her actions were too clumsy and stupid.

Candice put down the property deeds in her hands and walked to the window to look at the private yard

downstairs. Oliver and Sienna sat side by side chatting while her son, Joseph, was bending over and

touching the luxury cars with a look of admiration.

Her son looked like a beggar, while Oliver, who she had always looked down upon, was like a king.

Disdain was in Oliver’s eyes when he looked at Joseph.

The window was open and Candice could hear her son talking to Oliver. Her son’s words were no

longer as arrogant and aggressive as before, but his habits remained unchanged.

For example, Joseph never called Oliver by his nickname, which would show their family ties. He

always addressed Oliver by his name in a disrespectful manner. This was a habit he cultivated from

watching her and Tony’s behaviors growing up.

Her son’s disrespect for Oliver and Calista was entirely taught by her. Candice herself had never

respected her sister, so it was only natural for her son to not respect Calista and her family.

There was also her husband, Tony, who was downstairs doing who knew what. Still, Candice did not

need to think to know that he would not be any better.

Her phone rang while she was immersed in irritation and regret. She took her phone out and found that

it was Frederick, so she answered immediately.


“Candice, where are you?” Frederick asked, his smile was obvious through his voice. “I’m short of

money, so can you please lend me a few hundred dollars?”

“No, I won’t give it to you. You spend money on alcohol every day, and no amount of money is going to

be enough for you. Why don’t you ask for money from Calista?” Gandice refused without hesitation.

Laughing, Frederick said, “I don’t think her family can take care of themselves now. Last month, Oliver

asked me for money to treat his father, but I ignored him and we had a fallout. How can I ask them to

lend me money now? Besides, even if we didn’t have a fallout, Calista is too poor to even take care of

herself. There’s no way she can lend me some money, right?”