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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chatper 118
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Chapter 118

Calista was both angry and amused. Annoyed, she said, “Candice, you’re my sister. When have you

ever seen me act so shamelessly? Don’t always look at people with such narrow-mindedness.

Whatever, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Candice was surprised and suspicious. She knew what her sister was like. Calista had loved and

protected her when they were

and when the former had something good, she would be unwilling to use it on herself. She would save

it for Candice young, instead. Calista never resorted to falsification for vanity.

She thought, “Did Calista’s family really make a fortune?”

She really couldn’t figure it out. Looking at her sister’s family, it was clear that it wasn’t a simple fortune.

They were extremely rich!

Oliver was untalented and incompetent. How could he make such a fortune while Candice, who was

smarter and more capable, couldn’t?

Oliver had even found himself a beautiful woman with sparkling eyes. Joseph deserved such a woman

more than Oliver.

When it was time for dinner, the dining room was not crowded at all. Naturally, Fabian led Jason,

Calista, Sebastian, and Yelena to the main seats. They were followed by Oliver.

Originally, Oliver was supposed to be in the main seat, but he would definitely refuse to be seated in a

higher position than his parents.

Candice and her family were given the last seats, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

Even if they refused to believe it, they eventually believed that Oliver was really rich. Seeing his calm

and domineering aura, they dared not to sneer anymore.

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Candice ruminated while eating. Calista had carefully picked dishes for her daughter-in-law, Sienna,

and she couldn’t hide the expression of love for her.

Joseph was jealous. The better the food in front of him, the more he couldn’t eat it. He was jealous of

everything Oliver had, especially when he had such a beautiful woman like Sienna. He thought, “Why

isn’t it me?”

After the meal, Candice took out a large stack of money from her bag and gave it to Jason. She said,

“Jason, you have to take more good tonics and get well. Last time when you were sick, money was

tight, and we couldn’t withdraw the

We’re money. doing much better now. You can only tell me if you are short of money. After all, we are a

family, so I won’t ignore you.” Jason frowned and didn’t take her money. He said lightly, “No need. I

have my son. I wouldn’t dare use other people’s money!”

He thought, “Family? When I lay in the hospital bed and waited to die, did my son try to borrow money

from her? Bah!” Not only did she not provide timely help, but her behavior now was also just icing on

the cake. She wanted to partake now that their family was well off!

Candice felt embarrassed because of Jason’s refusal. While she didn’t take the stack of money back,

she couldn’t give it to Jason anymore.

Calista said, “Candice, take the money back. We’re not short of money. As Jason said, I don’t like to

trouble others.”

Candice muttered, “It’s not like we’re strangers.”

However, she did not feel confident at all. Although they were together, the gap between her and her

sister became wider and wider. It seemed that there would never be a time when her sister loved and

protected her as a child again.

Oliver didn’t want to see Candice and her family, so he pulled Sienna into the courtyard to enjoy the

scenery. Joseph followed them out. There were several luxury cars parked in the courtyard. He glanced

at the Rolls-Royce Dawn with sparkles in his eyes and asked Oliver, “Oliver, the car is so beautiful. It

probably wasn’t cheap.”

Oliver replied faintly, “It wasn’t much, only about 1.6 million dollars.”

Joseph thought, “About 1.6 million dollars?”

He couldn’t find a word that was more shocking than this.

Although Joseph cursed inwardly, he dared not talk back to Oliver. He only reached out his hand with a

smile and wanted to open the car door to experience it.

However, Sienna held out her hand and said impolitely, “Don’t touch it. My car doesn’t carry any men

except my

Joseph retracted his hand and laughed awkwardly.


She didn’t take him seriously at all, let alone treat him as a relative. She wouldn’t even allow him to

touch her car.

Sienna was certainly not that snob, but she was no fool. Oliver’s aunt and her family were the real

snobs. It was obvious from Oliver’s reaction. Hence, Sienna would definitely not treat Joseph well.

Back at the house, Candice said that she wanted to see her sister’s room, so Calista took her upstairs

for a tour.

The more Candice looked at it, the more jealous she became. When she saw that they were alone, she

quietly asked Calista, “Oliver… how much money does he earn?”

Calista said casually, “I don’t know. But I heard from Fabian yesterday that he can earn millions of

dollars in a single trip. Oliver mentioned before that he seems to have earned 200 million dollars


“200 million dollars… A business trip can make millions of dollars…”

Candice seemed to be out of her mind. She counted the number based on million dollars, which she

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should have never dreamed about!

Stunned, Candice then asked Calista quietly, “Calista, then… what kind of business does Oliver do?

Besides, did he give you money after earning so much money? Doing business is risky. If he makes

money today, maybe he will lose some money at any time. Shouldn’t you keep a sum of money for

when you’re old?”

“Stop wishing my son ill luck!”

Calista frowned and snorted, “My son is skilled. He’s involved in the jadeite business. As long as he

has the skills, he won’t suffer losses for the rest of his life. He saved 20 million dollars for me and his

father respectively. Isn’t it enough to support the elderly?”

Candice thought, “20 million dollars each?”

Candice’s heart skipped a beat again. Each of them saved 20 million dollars; that was 40 million

dollars. What else did they have to worry about if they had 40 million dollars in cash?

“Well…” Candice enthusiastically asked Calista with a smile, “Calista, I have something to discuss with

you. I’d like to invest in some business. Since Oliver’s business is so profitable, why don’t you ask him

to let us work for him? The money we owe can be deducted from the distributed dividends. Tony and

Joseph have nothing to do anyway. They’re also clever enough that they can help Oliver in the

company without letting others take advantage of us.”

Calista spat at the moment she heard it. “I would have kicked you out if you weren’t my sister! Don’t be

dreaming about joining Oliver Company. I never asked or meddled in my son’s company.”

Candice was immediately filled with disappointment, but she quickly added, “Calista, if you refuse to let

us join the company, then please lend me 2 to 4 million dollars. Anyway, you have 20 million dollars on

hand, and it’s not like you need it. 4 million dollars, no, maybe 6 to 8 million dollars would suffice…”

Instantly, Calista refused. “Don’t think about it. When my son gave me the money, he made it clear that

the money cannot be lent to anyone. It’s reserved for my pension. In addition, he also said that we

cannot have monetary dealings with you.”