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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chatper 117
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Chapter 117

Tony and Candice both laughed. Obviously, they did not believe it.

With a mocking expression, Joseph said to Oliver, “I haven’t seen you much in the past two years.

When did you get so good at acting? Did you attend acting class?”

Oliver did not bother picking a fight with them. There was no point even if he took out a few million

dollars in cash and made them faint in fright.

Candice whispered to Calista, “Calista, I’m your sister. Are you still trying to hide it from me? Seriously,

you must be lying about this house, right? And the cars too?”

Calista frowned and said, “Candice, why must you always look down on others? Why do you hate

seeing your nephew doing well? I’m telling you; my son earned the money for our car and company!”

Candice curled her lips. It was clear that she did not believe the words.

She thought, “A poor family who did not have higher education before, and it only took them a few

months to make a fortune and climb out of poverty? Even those who wrote s would not dare write

something like this.”

However, Calista’s family was secretive, and the more secretive they were, the more Candice wanted

to unearth the truth. If they were really scamming someone, she would also want to intervene.

At this moment, Sienna came down from the second floor lazily. While making a phone call, she

headed downstairs to the living room before hanging up. She said to Oliver, “My parents are here.”

Candice, Tony, and Joseph were all stunned when they saw a gorgeous woman like Sienna coming

down from the second floor.

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Stunned, Candice turned to ask Calista, “Calista, she’s…”

Calista couldn’t help but announce proudly, “This is my daughter-in-law, Sienna. This is my sister,

Candice, and my brother-in-law, Tony. This is their son and Oliver’s cousin, Joseph. He’s half a year

younger than Oliver.”

Sienna nodded politely and greeted them, “Hello, Candice, Tony, and Joseph.””

Nothing could have prepared them for it, for Sienna’s appearance greatly shocked Candice and her


After a while, Candice came back to her senses and stared at Sienna in disbelief.

Candice wondered how such a beautiful girl like Sienna fall for Oliver.

In Candice’s mind, the beauty of a girl was entwined with wealth, and Sienna’s beauty was far beyond

ordinary. She was like a dazzling movie star who appeared in movies and television dramas as she

stood in front of Candice. Her beauty was so immense that it could make people go crazy for her.

Candice wondered how such a beautiful girl could be her sister’s daughter-in-law.

Even her son, Joseph, was far better than Oliver.

She thought, “Perhaps the girl was blind? But that can’t be! Her large are sparkling beautifully.”

Joseph couldn’t even imagine that such a beautiful woman would be Oliver’s girlfriend. Needless to

say, she must have been tricked by Oliver’s rented house and luxury car!

Feeling envious, Joseph wanted to expose Oliver’s true face immediately and break up the marriage.

Otherwise, he would be extremely unhappy.

As soon as Calista heard that her parents were coming, she hurriedly turned to ask Sienna when.

However, Sebastian and Yelena had already come in before she could make her inquiry.

As soon as Sebastian came in, he greeted Jason before glancing over at Tony and Candice.

Jason hurriedly made the introductions. “Sebastian, this is my brother-in-law, Tony, and my sister-in-

law, Candice.”

Nodding, Sebastian chatted with Jason.

Calista also hurriedly made introductions. “Candice, these are my in-laws. Sebastian is a policeman

and Yelena is a teacher.” Yelena also greeted them politely before glancing back at Sienna. She

laughed jokingly, “Look at you. You never visited your own father and mother when you came back. So

it’s true when they say that the parents often have to reach outward.” Smiling, Calista defended Sienna,

“Don’t say that. Sienna is pregnant and sleepy. She just came back tired, so she fell asleep after lying

down for a while. She’s your only daughter and you are now Oliver’s in-laws. We’re one family from this

day onward. Sienna was just telling me that you were coming, and before I could make further

inquiries, you’d already arrived!” Yelena was also joking with her daughter. She was very satisfied to

have Oliver as her son-in-law. With a smile, she said, “Oliver insisted on buying us a mansion here. It’s

only 600 feet away from here. Of course, we’d arrive quickly. Okay, okay. We shouldn’t squabble if

we’re a family. Oliver is back. Where should we eat today? Why don’t we prepare it here?”

Calista nodded and said, “I’ve already prepared our meal. We’ll eat at home for now and find a place to

have a good dinner tonight. Oliver is going to Yrinas again tomorrow. I was looking for an opportunity to

tell you about the company’s business. My son has so many company expenses, the business is…”

Yelena nodded and said, “Got it. Just do your business.”

Candice and her family were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Sebastian and Yelena were obviously savvy people. Yelena, in particular, resembled Sienna. It was

obvious that they were mother and daughter. Surely the three of them couldn’t be pretending to be a


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Oliver even bought a mansion for them.

It was possible that Oliver and his family were merely renting this building and were lying about it.

However, how could they possibly lie about buying a mansion for the Kaiserman family?

Was Oliver actually really rich?

Was he so rich that he could buy them a mansion worth over 2 million dollars?

Standing by the side, Joseph was taken aback when he heard that Sienna was pregnant.

He thought, “It’s like casting pearls before swine! Both Sienna and the Almighty must be blind! Why

didn’t I get such a beautiful woman?”

Oliver didn’t say a word. He sat on the couch and looked at the expressions of Candice and her family.

Sienna sat next to him and took his arm intimately. “Oliver, are you going to Yrinas tomorrow? I’d like to

go with you too.”

Oliver smiled and said, “The decision isn’t up to me. It depends on whether Mom agrees to it or not.”

The moment the words left his lips. Calista and Yelena said simultaneously, “No!”

Sienna glanced at her mother unhappily and said, “Mom, I’m not a child anymore. Why are you still

watching me so closely?”

Yelena pointed at Sienna’s belly and said, “I’m not concerned about you, I’m concerned about my little

grandchild. A pregnant woman shouldn’t be running around all day.”

Calista hurriedly tried to smooth things over. “Sienna, behave yourself. I’ll ask Oliver to go early and

come back as soon as possible.”

Candice saw that the two families were putting on a double act. She suppressed the unhappiness and

jealousy in her heart and looked at Yelena and Sienna. Turning to Calista, Candice asked, “Calista, are

they really Oliver’s girlfriend and mother-in-law and not people who you found to put on an act?”