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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

“What substance could the bridge pier be made of? It must not be ordinary as it can even scare the

fierce and enormous Nubia Python,” Oliver wondered.

Oliver originally wanted to identify it, but the bridge pier was under the Alpar River. He needed to stare

at the object he wanted to identify for three seconds before his eyes’ identification skills could be


Since he couldn’t see the bridge pier at all, there was no way to trigger his identification skills.

Among the nine people, only Oliver knew where the Nubia Python was and that they weren’t in danger.

The other eight all shuddered with fear.

If the Nubia Python suddenly emerged from the water, then all the people on the river would probably

be dead. The creature was not something that humans could confront.

Fortunately, everyone dauntingly crossed the dangerous river without mishap. After they climbed up to

the shore, they all breathed long sighs of relief.

Delight overtook Gunther’s withered face as he realized that bringing Oliver here was his greatest


From escaping the Enchanting Fog to unintentionally scaring off the Great Wolf and even avoiding the

Nubia Python and crossing the Alpar River, these fatal difficulties that everyone thought could not be

solved were all resolved by Oliver. Whether he was really capable or just too lucky, he always managed

to solve the problems.

If it weren’t for Oliver, they would still be waiting for their deaths in Enchanting Fog!

Just then, Gunther noticed that everyone was happy, except for Oliver, who was staring at the river

blankly. He patted Oliver on the shoulder and said, “Oliver, thank you. But… the bridge piers are under

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the river, so no one can really see them. How did you know they’re here?”

Oliver pondered for a while before answering, “Mr. Fox, I roughly studied this river from where we came

in until where we are now. It surrounds Mount Rockenan ahead and forms a circle around it. Moreover,

the river is not running water but standing water. The water level of the whole circle is the same, and

there is no upstream or downstream. I observed it throughout the long journey and found that its shape

resembles the essence of the Eight Doors Formation, namely Beginning, Tranquility, Life, Misfortune,

Obstacle, Perturbation, Destruction, and Death. The Door of Life from the Eight Doors Formation is

located at the bridge pier here. Actually, all things in this world correspond to each other. There’s life

and death, up and down, and sky and earth. There is an effective antidote for every acute poison out

there, so naturally, there would be a Door of Life in a rare, dangerous spot like the Alpar River.””

Gunther nodded as he listened. He was also good at identifying antiques and had a profound

knowledge of history, but he knew nothing about divining skills such as sorcery and divination

Moreover, he had never expected that Oliver would know these so well at such a young age.

The more time Gunther spent with Oliver, the more his impression of the latter changed. This young

man gave him too many surprises.

Frankly, Gunther didn’t care about Oliver in the past. He felt that Oliver’s close relationship with his

daughter Hailey would have a negative impact on her and that Hailey was too good for Oliver.

It was only now that Gunther gradually recognized that Oliver was definitely an outstanding talent. The

latter had the ability to make money and possessed all kinds of knowledge and even amazing luck. The

only thing he lacked compared to Julian was a wealthy family. Other than that, Oliver was way better

than Julian in all aspects.

With Oliver’s ability, his net worth would definitely exceed billions of dollars in ten years. As for Julian,

he would merely inherit the assets of the older generation.

At that moment, Gunther realized it wasn’t Hailey who was too good for Oliver. Rather, Oliver was way

too good for Hailey.

Even Gabriel came over and asked Oliver curiously, “Oliver, how do you know so much about sorcery

and divination?”

Oliver quickly shook his head. “I only know a little bit of it…”

This was actually an excuse he made up. Oliver wasn’t fully proficient in the study of sorcery and

divination, but combined with his visual identification skills, people thought he was truly knowledgeable

in the subject.

Gabriel looked at the Alpar River that they had just crossed and shook his head. “Oliver, you young

man… I don’t know what to say. I have lived for over 70 years, and it’s my first time seeing a young

fellow like you who’s familiar with things that only the old sorcerer could comprehend!”

Gunther got so excited that he suddenly started coughing, and after a few coughs, he began to cough

up blood.

Hailey quickly supported him and found him a nearby stone to sit down. She fetched some pills and hot

water for him to take the medicine.

“Dad, don’t talk for now. Please calm down.”

Gunther wiped the blood from his mouth and said with a smile, “I’m all right. I’m just too happy. See, I

survived the Enchanting Fog, the ferocious Great Wolf, the Alpar River, and the Nubia Python. Doesn’t

all this prove that I’m very lucky?”

Hailey had tears in her eyes, but she smiled and responded, “Yes, Dad. You are very lucky.”

“Right? We managed to reach this place even after encountering all those obstacles. Who knows?

Maybe I can really find the cure to my sickness,” replied Gunther with a smile.

Hailey just nodded and tried not to let her tears flow out.

The legends about invulnerable and immortal people were baseless, and everyone knew that it was too

unrealistic. Still, Hailey sincerely prayed to the Almighty now to give Gunther some hope and an elixir of

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immortality. Even if she had to trade her life for it, she would be willing to do so..

Gunther took the medicine and sipped some hot water. Then, he stood up with the support of his crutch

and said, “Let’s go. The more we walk, the closer we get!”

Of course, the others didn’t have a problem with that. After a while of walking, Oliver took the lead. It

was better that he did


This was because his eyes could identify everything he could see, and he could recognize whether it

was dangerous.

No one else volunteered to lead. After Isaac, the tour guide, died, Louis was supposed to be the one to

lead the way. But although he could fight well, he was clueless about how to identify dangers along this

perilous road.

Oliver walked ahead, followed by Wayne and Simon, and then Sienna and Hailey. Louis held Gunther,

while Yoseph accompanied Gabriel.

The Nocturna Heron that Gabriel was worried about didn’t show up, and they had safely crossed the

Alpar River without mishap. Now, he felt a little uneasy because of how smooth the journey was.

It was not that he wanted danger to come their way; he just thought the road was abnormally quiet and

uneventful. After they walked for another two to three hours, the sun set on the west hillside, and the

sky gradually darkened.

Oliver found a nearby flat ground with good visibility of the area and stopped. Then, he waved to Louis

and said, “Let’s set up the camp here tonight.”

Gunther nodded and sat down to rest. Mount Rockenan was right in front of them, but they weren’t

even halfway there after/ walking for hours.

Gabriel looked at the rosy afterglow in the west, and then at the dark sky above him. Suddenly, he

pointed at some black spots in the sky and asked, “What is that?”