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How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World-Novel

Chapter 257: Three Dwarves Will Come (1)
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After meeting Mr.Musk and receiving not advice, but rather unconventional counsel, my tasks remain unchanged. I continued to inspect various parts of the territory, identifying any problematic areas and meticulously recording them in my notebook.

As a result, the day after meeting Musk, I embarked on another territory inspection. With Cecily and Gartz yet to arrive, and unable to write, there was also the purpose of filling the tavailable.

Moreover, as the size of the territory expanded, undoubtedly there will be many overlooked aspects. Despite the support from Helium and the Empire, it’s still better to see with my own eyes.

I didn’t expect peculiar activities in the plaza where the temple stands, but the builders are also human. And humans always make mistakes.

Above all, developing our territory into a cultural city, specialized in tourism, is the goal. However, putting all our efforts into one thing isn’t wise. If a pandemic or war breaks out, our economic power will converge to zero. There may not be any wars coming during this current peaceful era, but pandemics pose many problems.

The main focus should undoubtedly be on devil worshippers. With their special powers, they can even raise the undead, making it easy to cause a pandemic. Fortunately, we have a temple, and Helium will support the installation of water and sewage systems, but preventing the spread of the pandemic from the beginning is crucial.

‘Sometimes in s there are mines near the protagonist’s territory.’

Suddenly such useless fantasy cliche cto my mind. Although the development has not been properly completed yet, it’s not entirely impossible, but it’s just a far-fetched imagination.

Right now, we should focus on the upcoming exhibition, which is right in front of us. The exhibition held once a year has a significant impact on our territory.

Even though it has only been held once before and feels chaotic in various ways, it will gradually stabilize over time. Moreover, the significance of the Xenon Exhibition is a culture that anyone can participate in. The ultimate goal is for anyone to confidently showcase their own work without fear.

Opportunities may arise for talents that have not yet bloomed like Cherry, and naturally, there will be chances to make one’s nknown. As always, as I’ve said, for artists, the most important thing is not money but their name, their reputation. The Xenon Exhibition can be considered a kind of gateway.

Given the grand thof Xenon’s Biography and the opportunity to showcase one’s work to the public according to that theme, it can be seen as a chance for a kind of secondary creation or parody.

‘It’s about honing the basics.’

Before I beca writer in my past life, I serialized parody works. Although if I were to see them now, they would be a complete mess, too embarrassing to show anyone.

However, as tpassed, I established my own style, and the grammar, which was a mess at first, gradually improved. The Xenon Exhibition will also play a similar role.

‘The problem is that even the veterans get tired.’

By the way, the veterans are naturally famous people like the Matrics Troupe or the Lyre’s Orchestra. Especially the Matrics Troupe’s directing is at an absurd level, so relatively, they have no choice but to shine.

Even if the director is a demon, when they infused magic into a performance, who can really best them?

‘They should be making movies, not performances.’

But that’s impossible. This talso, a collaboration between the Matrics Troupe and the Lyre’s Orchestra was scheduled. Although I haven’t met them personally yet, my father received contact through a letter in advance.

Besides them, performances of other groups were also planned, but it’s all the sin them making imitation works.

I finished inspecting all of the territory with both anticipation and concern.

Although I noticed construction sites here and there, at the current pace, it seems possible to complete all construction before the exhibition. Furthermore, even after the exhibition ends, the works of artists will remain intact on our territory. Even now, the works placed last year were being exhibited.

‘Hold up. Should we organize a contest?’

It was a sudden idea that occurred towhile looking at the works exhibited in our territory. Since artworks were gathered together, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to host a contest. It could be a decent idea since there will be not only renowned artists but also people visiting for their dreams.

Moreover, the ultimate goal of the Xenon Exhibition is a shared culture. The right to vote will naturally be given to everyone.

Lastly, the most important thing is the name. To prevent a halo effect, we’ll conceal the names to avoid bias towards already famous individuals. If that happens, fair and equal voting could be achieved.

What if artists later complain about something unreasonable? A letter from Xenon will fly their way.

‘I should tell Father.’

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Although it’s a somewhat impromptu event, surprisingly, it seemed fine. Just watching the exhibition felt a bit dull.

I recorded the event in my notebook while scribbling with a pen. Since Father is busy, I’ll probably have to establish the event myself.



As I was absorbed in contemplating the event, a familiar woman’s voice reached my ears. I glanced away from my notebook in the direction of the sound.

As soon as I turned my head, a smile involuntarily spread across my face at the sight of the familiar face. There was a girl approaching with hair as white as snow, fluttering around her, much like the snowflakes.

I didn’t know when she arrived, but there was Marie, dressed in a dress as white as her hair, not the kind one would wear to an exhibition, but rather an outing dress. Nevertheless, her radiance couldn’t be concealed.

With a swish, Marie crunning, grabbing the hem of her dress, and embraced me, stretching out her arms. As we hugged, her warmth and her unique scent enveloped me.

For a while, we held each other like long-lost lovers. It had only been three days since we parted at the beginning of the vacation, but seeing each other was still a joyous occasion.

Eventually, Marie, who had been enjoying being in my arms, lifted her head slightly and faced me. I returned her gaze, smiling softly at her beautiful face.

“When did you arrive?”

“Just a moment ago. I heard from Mother that you went out to inspect the estate, so I cstraight here.”

“What if something happened when you calone? It’s dangerous.”

Our estate was relatively safe compared to other places, but Marie herself was the problem. She was too beautiful for her own good.

It wasn’t just because she was my fiancée; beauties with such distinctive appearances as Marie tended to attract attention wherever they went. With her noble demeanor, she drew eyes even without intentionally committing any crimes, but there was always the possibility.

Marie, with her characteristic soft smile in response to my worried question, just huggedtightly without answering. It was her way of avoiding the question while askingto just look at her.

Though I tried to resist her cuteness, I gently hugged her back. It had been a year since we started dating, but our love hadn’t shown any signs of cooling off.

‘Honestly, just looking at her face can make my love flare up.’

There’s a saying that goes, “If a woman is pretty, it’s like winning the triple crown of beauty.” While it’s true that men benefit from being handsome, it holds more weight for women.

And look at Marie now. She’s perfect not only in appearance but also in figure, personality, and even compatibility. There isn’t a single flaw. Naturally, love is bound to bloom in such a structure. Even if other women surround me, I can guarantee that my feelings for Marie will never change.

As my first woman, I plan to repay her accordingly.

“Ahh… this. The strong scent of lilacs and Isaac’s firm chest… I missed this feeling.”

“…It’s only been three days since we last met, hasn’t it?”

“Three days have passed. That’s quite a long time. I get mentally exhausted if I don’t see Isaac even for a day. Can you fill that void?”

Marie askedwith a sunny smile. I don’t need to explain what she means by “filling the void.”

I chuckled at her expression, gently stroking her hair as white as snow, and replied,

“Alright. But be careful and take someone else along.”

“Of course.”

Marie nodded vigorously in response to my answer. She was usually a confident and strong-willed woman, but in front of me, she transformed into someone submissive.

It wasn’t just Marie; it seemed like other women behaved similarly. Despite being independent women with no room for submission, they all looked atwith obedience.

I had to make sure they didn’t feel discriminated against. For now, though, Marie was alone, so I focused on her.

I lightly kissed her and slowly held her hand. On her left ring finger was the ring I had given her on our last anniversary.

“Are you going to keep wearing this ring?”

“Yeah. Even after we get married?”

“Then I guess I’ll have to gift you earrings or a necklace at the wedding.”

“I’d love anything as long as it’s from Isaac!”

How does she manage to say such lovely things? Her confident response warmed my heart as we walked together.

From now on, it was a survey of our future territory with my future spouse.

Our relationship was well-known among the residents, so they looked at us with pleased expressions. Marie was naturally beautiful, and the residents’ opinions of her were favorable.

“It’s so different from winter break. There are even demons; it’s fascinating.”

Marie, who visited our territory for the first tafter the break, wandered around with an expression of wonder. Yet, she held onto my hand tightly, as if afraid of losing me.

Even I, the son of a noble, couldn’t see many things, but how about Marie? I opened my mouth while looking at the bustling territory.

“I was surprised too. I didn’t expect things to change so much in just a few months.”

“Isn’t it possible that with the establishment of temples of Luminous and Mora, your influence might surpass the capital?”

“That’s not likely. Even though they may lack in culture, the capital will still hold more substantial influence.”

Xenon’s Biography is not a prophecy, and all those ridiculous rumors about Xenon being a regressive are nonsense; they’ll return to normal once the dust settles. Moreover, even with support from the royal family, it’s almost impossible to surpass the capital. The Minerva Empire has been building up its strength since the racial war, so there’s no comparison.

What we’re doing in our territory is just paddling when the water comes in. Although it’s difficult that the water pours in so hard it’s difficult to paddle.

“On the other hand, culture doesn’t accumulate overnight due to its nature. As tpasses, svalues rise while others fall. There are many uncertainties.”

“Do you think the value of Xenon’s Biography will fall?”

“…I have nothing to say about that.”

From the salvation of the demons, contamination of the World Tree’s roots, to even the worshipers of devils. Rather than declining, the value of Xenon’s Biography is skyrocketing.

I suppose this won’t change even after I die. I hope my descendants won’t start wars over my inheritance.

“Oh, by the way, when will Adelias’s education end today? I wanted to meet her, but she’s been undergoing education, so I couldn’t.”

Marie suddenly asked when Adelia’s education would be finished. It’s only natural that she’s interested, considering she’s allowed Adelia to becmy woman.

Upon hearing her question, I thought carefully about Adelia. Currently, she’s diligently receiving maid training under the tutelage of the head maid. Being a personal maid rather than an ordinary one, it takes a bit more tto learn. Plus, there’s also her training as a bodyguard in martial arts.

Adelia spends her days much like my father, buried in paperwork. Especially since maid training involves more mental anguish than physical, even a day of learning leaves her exhausted.

“Perhaps around dinner time? We have plenty of tanyway, so meeting then should work. But what did you want to talk about?”

“Well… there’s something. A serious conversation between women who share the sman? Cecily will probably csoon too, but I wanted to speak first.”

What could she want to talk about? Marie averted her eyes, fidgeting nervously.

It seemed like she wanted to discuss something unfinished due to her studies, but seeing as she leftout, there must be something else.

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For a moment, I felt puzzled by Marie’s clumsy demeanor, but knowing their personalities, I decided to overlook it for now. Neither Marie nor Cecily ever displayed a rude attitude toward Adelia. Now, let’s focus on the exhibition…

“My lord! Lord Isaac!”


At the moment when Marie was about to ignore what I said, someone shouted my name. Upon hearing this, both Marie and I turned our heads.

When I looked, I saw a guard who usually handled security in the village running hastily. He was one of the local nobles who had led the militia even before the territory began to develop.

“What’s going on, Mr. Michael?”

“Pant… pant… Sorry. It’s just that there’s a commotion at the entrance to the territory.”

“A commotion?”

I chuckled at the report of a commotion. How urgent must it have been for him to crunning to report to me? If it was a violent conflict, they would have taken measures first and then reported tolater.

While I was thinking about that, the guard, Michael, reported towith an appeal.

“Three dwarves are causing a ruckus at the entrance to the territory with a strange carriage. They claim that this is also related to Xenon’s Biography, but I can’t believe it.”

“A strange carriage?”

“Yes. A carriage made entirely of steel that moves on its own. It looked dangerous, so I prohibited entry for the tbeing.”


What? Isn’t that a car? I chuckled and decided to see it with my own eyes.

Marie seemed equally curious, as she tightly held onto my hand and followed along.

As we headed towards the entrance to the territory, we could see that there were even more people crowded there than elsewhere.

“It’s not dangerous, I’m telling you! How many times do I have to say it for you to understand?!”

“It’s just a carriage powered by a magic engine! It has speed control and stop functions too!”

Amidst the buzz, we could hear distinct, sturdy voices. Judging by the shouts, they seemed to be the voices of dwarves that Michael mentioned earlier.

As soon as Marie and I heard the sound, we pushed through the crowd and moved towards the entrance where the dwarves were waiting. Just in case we missed it, I didn’t forget to tightly hold onto Marie’s hand.

By the twe finally navigated through the crowd and reached the entrance to the territory, the situation Michael mentioned earlier cinto clear view.

“Geez. Humans have too many unnecessary suspicions. It’s just a carriage that moves automatically. Why block us from entering?”

“That’s because it’s dangerous. The exhibition is just around the corner, and we can’t allow such risky items to be brought in.”

“We’ll take full responsibility! Why can’t you trust people’s words?”

A dwarf sitting in the driver’s seat… no, behind the steering wheel, and two dwarves sitting in the back seat.

Externally, it looked like an ordinary carriage, but as Michael described earlier, there were no visible horses at all.

There was just a strange device attached behind the passenger seats, vibrating and making loud noises.

Whether it was powered by mana or not, there was no sign of foul smoke or anything like that.

‘…Could that also be considered a piece of fanart?’

A fantasy car appeared.

Translators note: