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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 64
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Pointed heels pounded on a particular establishment’s marble floor, the clattering sound of the heels radiating off the walls. A
woman in a short black dress walked down the hallway of the top floor of the establishment. When she reached one of the office
doors, there were moans and grunts coming from inside. This caused her to go to a complete stop. She smirked and lit a
cigarette before pushing the door open and walking in. Her eyes lingered in the office, and a smirk curved at the corner of her
lips as if she had expected that much. Pointing her chin out, she walked further into the office. She then went to a secret door in
the office. She twisted the door open and walked in to see a naked man hammering a blonde girl on top of the table.
“Oh my God, it’s too painful; please, let’s use the bed,” the woman begged as the man shoved his cock deeper within her,
causing her to whimper in pain.
“You don’t get to ask such things. That bed is only for someone special, not some fling.” The man said in between grunts and
“Wait, someone walked in!” The woman said as she wanted to cover herself, but the man pinned her to the table, throwing a
powerful thrust deep inside her.
“I know,” the man continued, “just open your legs and forget about what isn’t important to you.”
The woman in a short black dress regarded the man standing while fucking a woman on the table with an indifferent gaze. She
took a big breath and slumped on the couch opposite the table, absorbing the thick smoke. She watched as the man’s cock
thrust itself deeply into the naked woman, who was perched on the table. She watched as the woman mewled and whimpered
while the man humped and grunted hard and fast, tossing his head back as he met the woman on the couch’s gaze.
“You’re late,” said the man.
“I can see.” She answered as she stared at the man, who seemed to be chasing after a release. The woman let forth a wry
smile. The man hung one of the woman’s legs on his shoulder as he plunged deep into her, tossing his head back again as he
drove towards his release. The woman in black smiled while the man winked at her. She inhaled the cigarette while crossing her

legs. Rings of white smoke emitted from her lips. The man continued to fuck, paying no attention to the woman who was sitting
and watching him bonk the one on top of the table. The man stopped bonking the woman and bent her on the desk, her hands
clutching the table for dear life. The woman in the black dress watched as the man’s balls slapped against the woman’s folds.
The man kept cocking his head in her direction.
“We have a problem.” The woman finally spoke, and the man continued to hump the other woman while she clung to the desk for
her dear life.

“Oh yeah,” the man growled, a gruff sound followed by another clumsy thrust as he shoved deep into the woman. Ignoring the
woman’s whimpers and grunts, he eventually became annoyed since the woman was unable to make him cum. He cocked his
head in the direction of the couch and locked gazes with the woman in a black dress. The woman smirked at him, her gaze fixed
on his. The man’s gaze never left the woman in the black dress as he continued to thrust into the other woman. The woman
pulled her little dress up, placed her two legs on the couch, and spread her legs wide open for him. She had no panties on. That
sight of her was enough to drive the man to his release with a powerful thrust and a grunt. The woman then slowly pulled her
dress down, crossed her legs, and blew smoke out of her mouth.
“You have 2 minutes to dress up and leave.” The man told the woman he was fucking as he pulled out his cock out of her cunt.
Butt naked, he headed to the minibar in the office. He made himself a drink and gulped down the hot drink. He eventually asked
as the liquid scorched his throat.
“What is it?” turning around to face her as he pressed his butt on the desk, still in his glory with a lazy look in his dark eyes.
She said as another ring of smoke emerged from her mouth as she continued to puff on her cigarette. “Grayston Group and
Grayston and Sons were sold overnight, and a mysterious buyer now owns the two companies.”
The man scoffed as he gulped down his drink. “I’m sure they’re pulling a fast one on us,” said the man.
“I’m sure they are. Christopher has just divorced his little wife, and now there is a mysterious buyer. What if the wife demanded
the whole empire? Did you get to find out the identity of that girl? Because I found nothing on her.”
The man started stroking his cock with one hand while holding a glass with the other. “Someone is doing everything in their

power to keep Camila Mendoza’s identity hidden; the girl is also an intelligent girl, but not so clever as to request the entire
Grayston Empire,” he hissed, squeezing his face in frustration and drowning in another gulp of his drink. “Those fucking
Graystons must be suspecting something. I don’t buy the story one bit. We need to change our approach this time. We need a
new strategy.”
“Where do we start?” She hissed at him.
“From why he suddenly divorced his wife, whom he had been pretending he didn’t love, to who bought their empire along with
my fucking shares, that old man must be up to no good.”
“You think so?” the woman asked, rubbing her temples with a heavy sigh. All around her was a cloud of light, hazy smoke..

“Take care of it,” the man urged as he stroked his cock. He grumbled, frustrated. “What is that old man up to?” he inquired,
running his hand through his unruly hair. “I still want to fuck that girl; I like them when they’re young and innocent.”
“You realize you can’t have her.”
“Why not? She married him despite the age difference between them. She’s a gold digger and seems to have a thing for older
“Except you are way too old.”
“True, but if I can get you to scream my name, I’m sure I can get her to do the same.” He rolled his eyes.
“What if I’ve been faking it?” The woman chuckled and released another ring of smoke from her mouth, watching it drift towards
the ceiling before it disappeared into thin air. The man continued to stroke his cock till it stood firm.
“Strip,” he ordered. With his cock, the man whacked her cheeks. The woman glared at the cock, and then the man’s lusty eyes,
then back to the cock. He pointed his cock towards her lips, and he slapped her cheeks again with his cock. The woman drew in
her cigarette and blew smoke into the air. The cock was already oozing pre-cum and stood between them in salute. His fingers
massaged his throbbing length, which jerked in response to his attention. The woman crushed out the cigarette’s flaming end in
the ashtray. She encircled him with her hand. The cock jerked in her grasp. The woman smirked.
“Suck,” the man ordered, and the woman did as she was told. She took him balls deep in her mouth before pulling him out with a
pop. She drooled from the corner of her mouth. She wrapped her mouth around him once again. Her head swayed as she
accelerated, drawing the man closer to the explosion. She pulled him out with another pop. As he chased his climax, the man’s
eyes were tightly shut.
“To the bed. Now.” He barked.