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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 52
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~Camila’s POV~
I simply do not understand. My brother and Chris hate each other’s guts. Since when did they begin dining together or even
sharing a woman? I shoved the thought away. Chris is no longer my husband, and I must come to terms with the truth that I am
wretched. I scoffed. So, he has been dating the woman he brought to the house the last time. I wanted to cry, but why should I
cry for someone who isn’t worth my tears? I need to forget about Christopher Grayston. I walked into Luke’s office using the
crutches I was given at the hospital. I found him busy fitting our wardrobe to the model. Luke is really dedicated to his profession
and always acts like a brother, even when he doesn’t have to. He reminds me of my brothers. He escorted me to the display
room, which was enormous and beautifully designed. We had five days until the launch, but everything went swimmingly well
with Luke around. Luke seems to know of my decorating preferences, as well as practically everything else about me. Though
we haven’t had the opportunity to talk much, I get him. It’s safe to say that I have complete confidence in him. It’s ridiculous, but
he has always been there for me. It’s unfortunate that he’s gay. If not, believe me when I say that he was going to be my
boyfriend following my traumatic divorce. Luke is carrying and so thoughtful.
“Did you find out who sent those roses to my hospital room?” I asked.
“Nope, but it is most obviously not Chris.” I think he’s lying to me. I saw the look on his face when he gave me those flowers.
Luke had this face that I’d never seen on him. One thing I’m certain of is that if he doesn’t tell me who the sender was, it’s

probably for my own good. But I know he will tell me, with time.
“Strange,” I replied.
“I know, right? Your leg seems to be getting better. I think you will be in good shape on Saturday. There is no way I’m allowing
you to wear that dress with crutches. We need your assistance with that colossal costume.” Both of us laughed.
My brother strolled in with the woman he and Chris had been trending with and a small girl who looked like me just as we were
ready to leave the hall. What on earth is going on? Who exactly are they? I stood there, frozen in place. Unsure of how to
respond to the fact that my brother was seen sharing a woman with my ex-husband. Or the fact that the same woman stood
directly in front of me. There was also a little girl. I stood there staring at my brother, unsure whether I should break his legs with
one of my crutches or not. The small girl then spoke up.
“Hello Auntie Camila, My name is Bella. My dad says that you are my auntie and that you look just like me.” My eyes widened. It
was no surprise that she resembled me. I dragged a chair nearby and sat down to retrieve her. My heart began to melt. I’m not
sure what it is with me and the children, but they always manage to help me weather life’s storms. I looked at Eduardo for
clarification. But he just remained silent..

“¿Tienes un hijo y no se lo dijiste a ninguno de nosotros?”
“Acabo de enterarme hoy a través de tu marido.”
I’m not sure how he met Mia and had a child with her, but does he know that the woman with whom he has a child has been

sleeping with my husband? Oh, I mean my ex-husband? Should I inform him and shatter his heart, or should I remain silent
because it is none of my business? My father, at the very least, has two grandchildren. I really can’t afford to break his heart, but
why was she with them both? I guess the media will always report anything they see. I love my brother, he doesn’t have to know.
He seemed happy.
“Camila, Mia’s life has been a little tougher recently because she has been caring for your niece and she only has a part-time
job. I still have unresolved issues with her and also need to introduce her to her father. However, could you perhaps offer me
something to do for the time being?”
“What can she do?” I asked almost adding other than selling her pussy. But of course, I can’t say that out loud.
“Hello, Camila. It’s a pleasure to meet you again. I couldn’t complete my studies as a fashion designer due to financial difficulties.
However, I am prepared to learn if you can point me in the right direction.” Wow, she’s good.
It’s a pleasure to see you again. Does this mean she has divulged all the information to Eduardo?
“To be honest, we could use some help here. When can you start?”
“Such as right now.”
“Fine by me, Luke. Could you please work with her temporarily? I know that you’ll need a lot of hands for the launch.” Luke
walked away with Mia. And now I was in the company of my brother and his daughter. As I was ready to inquire about my
brother’s plans for his girlfriend and daughter, a message appeared on my screen.
The entire Grayston Empire was purchased overnight by an unknown individual. The Grayson Group is owned by the world’s
wealthiest man, Christopher Grayston. As well as the Grayston and Sons Group, are believed to have been bought by an
unidentified individual.

Is this one of the reasons Chris divorced me? Because he is impoverished? Is he under the impression that I am after his
This hurts like a bitch!