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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 36
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~Christopher’s POV~

When I returned home, screams greeted me. Then I overheard a man conversing. I recognized the

voice as Henry’s. My wife’s cry echoed through the house once more. I dashed upstairs and saw her

trying to walk.

“Give me my son! I want my boy!” She screamed. I tried to reach out and hug her, but she pushed me


“Do not touch me; give me my son!” I glanced at her and realized there was no way I could pacify her.

She had a strong suspicion that something had happened to her son.

“Camille, Liam is in good health.”

“Do not tell me that my son is fine. I’d like to see him. Can you tell me why you don’t want me to see


Henry had before informed me that Liam had not yet awoken. That’s one reason he won’t let her see

him. She snatched up the crutches and began crushing everything in her path. She then fell to the floor.

“Please, Chris.” She pleaded. I’ve never seen Camille in this light. I did not know how much my son

meant to her. She was going to hurt herself, so I had to stop her. I went to carry her since I knew

conversing with her would be pointless. Of course, she hit my back until we got to the room where Liam

was in. I set her down and took her face in my hands.

“Listen to me! Here is your son!” I shrieked because that was the only way she would stop dreaming

that something might have happened to Liam. “He is fine!” Her gaze shifted to Liam’s position. She

gathered one of her crutches and proceeded to Liam’s side. This time, she broke down in tears softly.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart; I’m a terrible Mommy. I was preparing for the worst. My Cielito, I’m very sorry.”

She then rose to her feet and failed to elevate one of her legs. I approached her. We have our

disagreements, but I know she requires my help. I embraced her.

“There is nothing to be afraid of since I am here to help you, babe.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Chris, is my baby alright? Why hasn’t he moved?”

“When you were sleeping he woke up, but we told him you would come to see him.” I lied, he hasn’t

woken up since. This is the only way to pacify her. I should have killed Jack, but I need his services.

Claudia must make restitution. I’m going to hurt her. We parted ways long ago. I never told anyone the

reason I wanted her out of my life. My parents and grandparents were the only ones who knew what

had happened, but half the story, something had been off about Claudia. She never loved me or

Joshua, she was after something, but what? Despite everything, she was still the mother of my son.

But, she is not a mother at the moment. How could she attempt to kill her own son? I expected this

woman to change. I raised my eyes to the girl in front of me. She is the woman who I married. Not out

of affection, but because I desired my grandfather’s withdrawal. I did not know I would feel so strongly

for her that every woman would appear so mundane. I loved her from the start and I continue to

secretly love my wife. But how do I communicate my sentiments to a girl that is close enough in age to

be my baby sister? It pains me to hurt her, yet I am powerless to stop myself from expressing my

affection for a girl, like my wife. She thinks I don’t find her attractive, but she is the most attractive

woman I’ve ever met. Furthermore, my affection will only serve to harm her. I am a non-believer in love

and my wife seems to be the kind that believes in family and true love, but I don’t have time for those

two things. I’m not sure if the feelings I have for her are ones of love or lust. But one thing is certain, I

will protect her for the sake of our family and for the sake of whatever the hell I’m feeling for her. I

fucking pray this is not Hindi(Love). I don’t understand this language and I fucking don’t wish to

understand it. I carried her to bed and lay with her and Liam on the same bed. I’ve never slept with both

of them in this way before. It felt incredible. I waited for my wife to fall asleep, then quietly left the room

for my study.

“Give me all the information I need about my ex-wife. Leave nothing behind.” I said to Robin. I then

looked at my friend, “Henry, please come with me to my study.”

My friend Henry arrived shortly afterward. I am very grateful that he is both a friend and a family

physician. He entered with an unusually long face.

“How did you get such a long face?”

“I’ve been desiring to speak with you. Liam does not appear to be in excellent health. Although no

damage has been done, I get the distinct impression that he slept for an extended period of time. I

attempted to wake him but received no response.”

“What is the matter with him?”

“He is still reeling from the shock, Chris. What actually happened? Your wife also does not look good,

but she is a strong woman. However, I advise that you tell her the truth about your son, but not yet. She

isn’t doing well now. Wait for her to recover and you can tell her that Liam hasn’t woken up since the

accident. For the time being, all I can say is, rather tell her half the truth.”

“Claudia tried to assassinate my wife, and when she spotted Liam, she attempted to assassinate Liam,

knowing how important Liam is to Camila. To be honest, this is entirely my fault. I welcomed this

woman upon her return and slept with her. My wife caught me sleeping with Claudia, not once, but

twice. That is why she left; I knew that if I took Liam away from her, she would take it badly. So when

she served me with the divorce and custody papers, I elected to entrust her with sole custody of Liam.

She was not planning to stay here. She left with Liam by her side. It appears as though I am awful

news for her. We reconnected today following months of trailing her and now this.”

“Chris, you know that I will always tell the truth. Why are you causing harm to your family over an old

flame? You never explained why you divorced Claudia, but if she attempted to assassinate her own

son, she clearly did not want the boy. Additionally, you are aggravating issues with your struggle to love

your son. Your son is completely innocent in this case. You and Claudia brought that child into the

world, and yet the two of you show no interest in him. If you ask me, your wife is God-sent. Your son is

unaware she is not his biological mother. Put an end to your family’s suffering. Chris, if you want to be

with Claudia, leave your wife and son alone.”

“I wish it were that simple. Henry, I’m having difficulty letting go of my wife. Simply because I love her,

not even fucking sure if it’s love, but what I feel for her is rare. Yet, I cannot inform her of this because

of her age. I’m unable to sleep with her. When she wants to see other males, I lose it and end up

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

crossing the line. What would she think of me if she discovered my desire for her? You and I both know

that I am incapable of remaining faithful to a single lady. What if I cause her harm? I’d rather look like a

jerk who hurts her feelings than commit.”

“What if she already knows that you love her, what if she feels the same way about you, what if she has

no problem with your age? I mean, she married you knowing you were older. Look, as you and I both

know, there was no love involved in my marriage to Yvonne. I married her because they adamantly

opposed me to marrying Lynn. You are well aware of my story? Yvonne and I never loved each other,

but we became acquainted. She is also quite young, though not as much as Camila. But, I learned to

love her and got to know her, and trust me, Yvonne is the best woman and I am happy that I married

her. Have you ever tried to get to know your wife? Have you asked her if she has a problem with the

age difference that you keep on using as an excuse? Chris, get to know your wife before you lose it


“Nope, I’m already aware of the response. I cannot provide her with what she desires. Although I’m

uncertain, I’m certain she cares about me.”

“Well, let us hope you don’t wake up too late. This is the time to mature, but if you continue to play

games, you will lose everything and will have only yourself to blame. That young lady loves your son.

It’s as if she has no reason to continue without Liam. Before it’s too late for your miserable ass, ask her

what she wants. I will return tomorrow morning to check on them.”

Robin entered just as Henry was leaving. With a handful of files in his hands,

“I conducted some research on your ex-wife. It’s the same old story. She dated Joshua for five years

before he married his wife. She came to you to arouse his envy. But, we are well aware of this, as

shown by the time you sought a divorce and she fled the country. She had a second lover.”

“What do you mean? How did she acquire another boyfriend after giving birth?”

“It wasn’t a casual encounter, sir. She wed him in order to flee the nation. She remains married to him

to this day, despite the fact that no one knows where Jacob Roberson is.”

“What, she is married to Jacob Roberson and has been having sex with his twin brother as well? Who

am I deceiving? This is not the first time she has done something like this. You may leave. And Robin,

for the time being. Tell my wife Liam woke up, but she was sleeping. Don’t tell her he hasn’t moved. It

will kill her.” He nodded and left.