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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 15
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~Christopher’s POV~

I made a reservation for Camille and me. The restaurant caters to celebs alone. I know my wife is

unconcerned about what others think of her. I don’t expect her to be dressed to the nines. I did not

reserve a private place. Camille despises being in the limelight, but I want her to feel at ease with me

today. I watched as her car pulled up, and reporters ran up to her, covering the only view I had to watch

her. The only thing I could see was the flashlights coming from the reporter’s cameras. I didn’t dare

move from my seat, knowing fully well that my wife could be wearing sweatpants. I didn’t care, since I

know her. While I was busy pressing my phone in anticipation of her arrival, I overheard everyone

questioning who she was,

“Oh my God, who is she? She is such a beauty.” I guess they are referring to whoever just walked in,

but then I glanced up and


It was my wife. She was so stunning. Why hadn’t she dressed this way before? I’m extremely pleased

that I married this beautiful woman. When I approached her, she smiled,

No one has ever looked this gorgeous. Why does she look like some celebrity in this outfit? Where did I

see her before?

I shook my head and shrugged off the feeling. I kissed her on her cheek and took her hand in mine. I

pulled out her chair. She stared at me as she sat down.

“You weren’t expecting this, were you?”

The words stuck in my throat and suddenly ran dry, and all I could do was nod. I’m not sure what was

wrong with me, but I felt compelled to declare her ownership to the rest of the world.

“Follow me,” I said. She followed me, and we took photos for the press.

I’m sure we’ll be on the news tomorrow, but I don’t care. At least I won’t be making headlines with a

hooker, but with my wife.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We returned to our table after finishing the photos. She had my complete attention.

“Do you know why I brought you here?” She made a shaky motion with her head and gestured with her

shoulders. “It’s because we know nothing about each other,” I said, smiling. “We may not have a real

marriage, but we do need to know one or two things about each other. What do you think?” She gave

me her whole attention. I’m not sure why Camille prefers to stare at me straight into my eyes without

flinching. Her stares make me feel guilty, knowing that I am putting her in an awkward position. One

thing I love about her is that she is not the least bit fearful of me, nor is she terrified by me.

“What happened to Liam’s mother?” Camille is usually direct, but I’m not sure I want to discuss Claudia

right now. That’s my worst error.

“I know you have a lot of questions, Camille. I’m not sure I want to discuss Liam’s mother yet. Just

know that she is someone I wish I had never met, my worst mistake, and the woman I hate with every

fiber of my being. “What interests you?”

“It’s a dull existence. I draw or design. I’m a little strange. I create and draw when I’m bored. I love

spending time with my family. This is a challenging life, but I’m adjusting.” She said that, but then a

waiter arrived to take our order, who then departed.

“Are you in a relationship?” She froze for a moment and made a funny face when I asked the question.

“My family is highly protective of me, I was raised with an iron fist, with just a few crushes thrown in for

good measure. It’s why I left. If they knew what I was doing right now, I’d be in major trouble. My

brothers are very protective of me and quite possessive of me. I’m the only female in the family, so I left

home to start over, to make a new life for myself.”

“Did you flee?”

“Frankly, yes and no. They know where I am, but they have no idea what I’m up to, and I’d like it that

way. I doubt they’ll know since no one knew my family had a female while I was growing up. The

spotlight was something I despised. I’ve never been to a social gathering. I’ve always done things on

my own, never wanting to rely on others. Do you love your son?”

“I’ll be honest: I’m not sure. When I look at my kid, I have conflicting feelings. I know I love him, but I

tend to blame him for everything. At least, I know he’s my blood. I’d do anything for him, even murder

him, yet when I look at him, I recall my worst errors.”

“You know, it’s natural to feel like a failure and search for someone to blame, right? It’s natural, it’s part

of who we are, but one thing you’ll discover when you get to know him is that he’s quite similar to you.

You can’t blame your son for your error. He might have been born out of error, but that young man is

the reason for my everyday smile. Liam is a copy of you, but you don’t know that. Because you haven’t

gotten to know him, I’ve never won an argument with that young man, and except for Liam, I’ve never

known what it’s like to have younger siblings. My family’s overprotectiveness now makes sense. I’m so

in love with him and though you might have conflicted feelings towards him, you still love him. I can

tell.” We ate our dinner, and I ordered some wine. I had no idea going out with Camille and getting to

know her would be this enjoyable. I must admit I really love her company. She’s young but never

ceases to amuse me.

“This is something we should do more often,” I said and she smiled and nodded in response to my


“Why don’t you just acquire a girlfriend and create headlines with her, why hookers?”

“That’s a great question, and to answer it, I don’t like clinginess. Commitment irritates me. That’s why I

chose you to be my wife.”

That seemed harsh, but when I glanced at her, she didn’t appear to be offended.

“What happens if I fall in love with someone and want to have a family with them?”

That’s something I’d never considered.

“Are you interested in somebody right now?”

“I don’t have time for dating. For the time being, I’m just concentrating on my work and my son right

now, but who knows, a person who may stir my heart might stroll into this restaurant right now.”

“All right, if you find someone, let me know and we’ll figure something out.”

Will I ever find someone who isn’t as clinging as Camille?

“Why do you call me Camille?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Why do you call me Stopher?” We both laughed at the same thing. My attention was drawn to a

woman while we were laughing. For a good fuck, she was stunning, and my gaze was drawn to her for

quite some time. Camille was glancing at one of the men when I glanced at her. She abruptly left the

table to sit with the man, and I’m not sure what she saw there. What is she up to? I saw the man

smiling at her, and she handed over her phone to him. I believe he was adding his phone number to

hers. He kissed her hand after that.

What is this little demon up to now?

“What was that, Camille?” She gave me a disapproving look.

“Where is that coming from, Stopher? You do what you want, and I do what I want. Next time you invite

me out and start lusting over a woman, make sure I don’t see it. Don’t ever take me for a fool, Stopher.

I play the part of a wife and you are here disrespecting me in front of people. Let me make it clear, I can

do five times more than you.”

“Are you going to call him?”

“Why do you care, I’m not your wife. I’m just some girl you picked on the streets whom you can

disrespect whenever you have a chance, aside from the fact that he seems to be a decent shot. Is

there a reason I shouldn’t call him?”

“Camila Grayston!”

“If you can’t control yourself when you’re with me, Stopher, I can humiliate you as well.” She was right, I

crossed the line.

“I’m sorry, Camille. That will not be repeated. I promise, but will you call that guy?”

“Of course, I will call him. I like him.”

I’m not sure how I did it, but I rose from my chair and kissed her. I trusted my tongue on her lips,

demanding access. I kissed her so passionately that she was gasping for air, I demanded access to

explore her mouth and she granted me the access I demanded. We kissed for so long. I broke free

from the kiss as soon as I realized what I was doing. My eyes widened, she was so fucking hot. Fuck!

“I’m sorry, Camille, but…” She didn’t let me finish; instead, she walked away.
