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Heavenly Star (Web Novel)

Chapter 313
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Many masters stood by and watched without any action, no one dared to speak, and no one wanted to be involved . These were very strong people and naturally, they werenâ t afraid of the Northern Emperor sect . Otherwise, when Leng Ya was beaten heavily and thrown off the cliff, they wouldnâ t have been furious . However, the fact that the conflict between Xie Gongluo and the Northern Emperor sect had been created by Xie Gongluo . Since the beginning of the competition, there were already a few young people who had stunned down by their incredible performance, and now, it seemed that the atmosphere had become eerie as well.

â Third Kid, come here . â It was a middle-aged man . This seemingly calm voice sounded somehow deep, and a sense of disappointment that people didnâ t understand .

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Yan Gongluo nodded, and he didnâ t look at Yan Ximing and the three seniors . He went back to Yan Cangming, who breathed a sigh of relief . Then, he slowly said, â maybe Iâ ve had too high expectations, and thatâ s why Iâ m so disappointed . Northern Emperor sectâ ¦how can the real Northern Emperor sect endure such an insult? Anyone who dares to offend him will have to pay a big price, sometimes even sacrifice his lifeâ ¦but you, you endured this, and you retreatedâ ¦you dared to say something so relentless because of the power you have, and you plan to take full revenge by relying on the Northern Emperor sect . Do you know whatâ s more pathetic? In order to save your face, you had no difficulties in seeing your partner die in the hands of someone else . â

As he spoke, he slowly walked forward and approached the three seniors with their facial expressions frozen . Although theyâ d betrayed the reasons of existence and mission of the Northern Emperor sect, and theyâ d been his enemy, it wasnâ t them who had forced their senior master down the Duanhun Cliff . Also, they had the blood of the Northern Emperor sect, and so he didnâ t have genuine hate towards them . All in all, these people from the Northern Emperor sect made him extremely disappointed .

Itâ s the most privileged blood, the blood that canâ t be offended . Itâ s like everybodyâ s Saint . For the others, they didnâ t know what it means by retreating, and what it means by bearing with insults . When facing an enemy, he didnâ t know what it means by kindness, hesitation or taboos . Whoever dared to offend would have to pay the biggest price or be humiliated a hundred times more . This is the blood of the Northern Emperor sect or his pride .

But, the â Northern Emperor sectâ in front of him made him extremely disappointed . He didnâ t know if heâ s been comfortable for too long, or that heâ s too arrogant, or he had let his wish run wild, theyâ ve become incredibly proud, losing the humility that they were supposed to have . Theyâ ve also lost the insistence of holding on, and could now endure seeing their partner sacrifice in the hands of the others .

What the Saint master said was right, indeed, there was no need for them to exist anymore . It was only one of the purposes to kill their ambition and to stabilize the world, but whatâ s more important for him is to not humiliate this Northern Emperorâ s blood .

Not only Yan Duancang, but Yan Tianwei and Yan Qinghong also slightly shook their heads and sighed . These three seniors were enough to imply something . From the test with Yan Gongluo, they knew that this â bloodâ deeply rooted in their sense had gradually been washed away by the comfort and personal wish . This isnâ t the way the Northern Emperor sect should behave .

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In front of his family and friends, Yan Duancang was always an honest guy, he even looked like a foolish middle-aged man, and heâ d smile to everyone . However, at this time, he had completely changed . He looked serious, plain, and his footsteps were stable . When facing the three seniors, who were a lot older than him, Yan Duancang was acting as a senior teaching his later generations a lesson . Every word was as firm as iron .

In the arena, everyone was silent . Everyoneâ s gaze was focused on this ordinary-looking, ordinarily dressed middle-aged man . In their eyes, it was full of fear and shock, much stronger than the way theyâ d looked at Chu Jingtian, Leng Ya and Yan Gongluo .

After being taught, the three seniors all had their eyes widened . Itâ s as if theyâ d seen a phantom, all stunned and couldnâ t say a word .

The wind, which had been wet and cold, had suddenly become violent, like drizzles that had suddenly turned into a raging rainstorm . The wind was sometimes turning to the east, sometimes to the west, or the southâ ¦it was very unstable . The clouds in the sky were scattered in the chaotic wind . The wind was blowing each great masterâ s clothes, and it was blowing their trembling hearts .

The wind was blowing from every direction, and it was seeing Yan Cangmingâ s body as the center, making a lot of loud noises .

He hadnâ t moved his body; he had made use of the momentum to interrupt his surrounding environment . And with this momentum, heâ d successfully make these strong people have a sense of inferiorityâ ¦when Yan Cangming stood firmly at the center, all the strong masters felt like theyâ d seen a big mountain in front of them â it was so high that you couldnâ t see the top, even if one looks up, he wouldnâ t be able to see the top thatâ s already inside the clouds . On top of the clouds, it was a height that obviously no one could touch .