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Feel the Way You Feel My Love Novel

Chapter 1390
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Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 1390

“Because I wanted to give you a surprise! Besides, my parents are paranoid about me doing something stupid

again, so they’re keeping a close eye on me at all times.It felt really uncomfortable, so I figured I’d come over in


Joyce replied with a chuckle.

“They’re just worried about you,, ” Natalie said.

Joyce let out a sigh.

“I know, but it puts me under a lot of pressure!”

“I suppose that’s true.Still, why would they let you come over if they’re that worried about you?” Natalie asked


“Because of you!”

Joyce giggled.

Natalie pointed at herself in confusion.

“Me? What does this have to do with me?”

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“My parents are okay with me coming over because you and your husband will look after me.They believe that

you’ll keep me from doing anything stupid again”

Joyce explained.

Natalie rolled her eyes at her upon hearing that.

“That may be true, but we’re not going to be watching over you all the time.You’re the one who has to keep

yourself from doing anything stupid..”

“Don’t worry; I won’t do anything stupid again.I need to watch this child of mine grow up, after all!”

Joyce rubbed her tummy with a motherly smile on her face.

Natalie broke into a smile too when she saw that.

“I’m glad to hear that, Joyce.How have you been feeling lately? Are you experiencing any discomfort?”

Joyce nodded profusely.

“Yeah, I’ve been feeling kind of nauseous..”

“That’s normal for pregnant women” Natalie replied.

Joyce grabbed her by the arm as she said, “Yeah, I know that much.I just don’t know the details.You have

experience with this, so could you tell me what I should pay attention to during pregnancy?”

“Sure thing.Listen carefully, okay?”

Natalie replied as she placed her glass down.

The two of them then spent a long time in the office going over the important stuff to look out for during the early

stages of pregnancy.

Joyce was writing down notes and even recorded the whole conversation just in case she missed anything, much to

Natalie’s amusement.

Their discussion was interrupted when Joyce’s phone rang all of a sudden.She quickly made a shushing noise and

motioned at Natalie to pause while she checked her phone.

However, the smile on her face vanished when she saw the name on the caller ID.

She seemed conflicted about talking to the person who was Calling her.

“Who is it, Joyce?” Natalie asked.

“It’s Justin? Joyce replied. Natalie arched an eyebrow at her.

“Justin?” Joyce nodded.

“Yeah.I’ll go take this call and get back to you in a bit”


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Joyce then answered the call and said, “Hello, Justin..”

Natalie narrowed her eyes when she heard how awkward Joyce sounded.

Huh? Did something happen between those two? I remember Joyce being very happy to have him as a friend, so

why does she look like she’s trying to avoid him now? It’s almost as if she doesn’t know how to face him…Is this

because I

told her about Justin’s feelings for her back at the hotel? Is that why she feels awkward around him? Well, that

doesn’t seem right…

Knowing that he likes her shouldn’t make her feel this awkward, so something must happened between them

without me knowing!

“Your mother told me that you went back to J City.Is that true?” Justin asked softly.

“Yeah, that’s right.I just arrived a while ago,, ” Joyce mumbled.

“I see..”

Justin fell silent after that.Not knowing what to say, Joyce kept quiet as well.It got so awkward that even Natalie felt

a little uncomfortable watching from the side.

After what seemed like forever, Justin asked, “Joyce, about what I said yesterday…W-What do you think about it?”

There was no escaping the inevitable.
