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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 93
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Who is the person she’s trying to meet?

The efficient Caleb came back with the results of his investigation a while later, and he seemed at ease. “The

madam’s gone home, sir. She went right home after she left, but she did stop by Majestic Plaza on the way back.”

“If she was just going home, there was no need for her to avoid Bradley.” Ethan thought there must be more to this

case. There’s no need for her to go through so many hoops if she just wanted to go home.

“She must’ve realized she was tailed, but she had no idea it was Bradley, so… She didn’t mean to hide.” Man,

working on their relationship has to be the most grueling job.

Ethan kept quiet, but there was an inky darkness in his eyes. He had a feeling Alice was hiding something from him.

After Alice left, she did want to pick Apollo up, but the moment she got into a cab, Archie called. He had made it

back and was on his way to pick the boy up, so she didn’t have to go.

Alice was also worried she would expose Apollo if she picked him up. What was more, she couldn’t put on her

disguise as she was in a cab, so she told Archie to take Apollo to Majestic Plaza. She was an investor of the place, so

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she had a place to stay in the top-level office. Of course, it was under Tanner’s name.

She wanted to move Apollo into the office at first, but then she thought the place was too crowded for his own

good. After what happened, she changed her mind again and thought it was best to just move the boy over. It was

close to Knight Residence—just a fifteen-minute walk away. She could see the boy whenever she wanted, and with

the mall as a pretext, she would be at a lower risk of getting exposed.

Hence, Alice went directly to the mall. Archie went to the mall as well after picking Apollo up. While Ethan was taken

on a wild goose chase, Alice was already at the mall.

“Who was that man, Mommy?” Apollo was still curious. It was par for the course for boys his age, and he had a

feeling that the man was more than met the eye. Who is he to Mommy?

“That’s Ethan,” said Alice honestly.

“The same guy you suspect is my father?” Apollo was surprised. That’s Ethan?

Alice mused over it before saying, “He might not be your father. I suspect someone else.” Keith was the more

probable man in this case.

“What? You changed suspects? That’s not a good sign.” Apollo was surprised. His mother had never made this kind

of blunder before, but he couldn’t blame her for it. She had no idea who that man was seven years ago.

Alice had no confidence at all in this case, but she said, “I’ll come up with an answer soon enough.”

“Yeah, but make sure you get the right person this time, though.” This is important. I should give her some pointers.

“I will.” Next time we meet, I’ll get a few strands of Keith’s hair and use it to do a paternity test for Apollo. I should

get my answer then, but what if it’s a negative? Wait. So, I’ll have to go through another test using Ethan’s hair?

She suspected Ethan of being the father at first, but she hadn’t really spent a lot of time with him, so she didn’t

dare to pluck his hair. That was why she didn’t do any paternity tests. I’ll do one with Keith first and see if there’s

any need to do one with Ethan later. Alice had dinner with Apollo before she went back to the Knight Residence.

Ethan came back home looking dark. He didn’t see Alice anywhere on the first floor, so he went to the second floor.

Alice came out of Caroline’s room and was about to go back to her room, but before she could close the door,

Ethan stood in front of her. She looked at him, blinking in confusion. Why is he stopping me? And he looks fierce.

Ethan shoved the door open and pushed her into the room. He then went inside and closed the door.

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Alice looked at the closed door and blinked. What is he trying to do?

“So why did you go to the airport today?” Ethan lost his usual composure. “Don’t tell me you went to welcome me.”

Ethan was seized by an urge to throttle her. I can’t believe I trusted her. All of them were lies. If she was there for

me, she wouldn’t have left me alone halfway through. If she was there for me, there was no need to deceive

Bradley so she could escape. She would never do anything nice to me, judging from her attitude all this while.

There’s no way she was there for me.

Alice heaved a sigh of relief. So that’s his question, and I thought he wanted to ask about Apollo. As long as the boy

wasn’t involved, she wouldn’t keep any secrets. Since he asked, she answered, “I was picking someone up.”

“Who was it?” Ethan knew that was the answer. He wanted to know the exact identity of that person.

Well, since he asked… She answered honestly, “Someone very important.”

Ethan’s face fell, and he clenched his fists. “How important?”

“More important than my life,” she answered without hesitation, for that was the truth.

Ethan uncurled his fingers. For some reason, he felt stuffy, and he tugged on his necktie. He then stared at her and

asked after some hesitation, “Who was it?”

“You know we’re just temporarily married, don’t you? I don’t think it’s right of you to pry into my private life.” Alice

frowned in confusion.