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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 57
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The only thing that links us together is the incident that happened that night. He has no way of being certain that

I’m the one who was involved in it, and there’s no way I’m going to admit to it. So, what else is there to talk about?

Why can’t both of us just leave? Alice thought.

“Have a seat.” Ethan stared at her again, but his gaze didn’t seem as threatening this time. Alice contemplated the

situation she was in for a moment. I don’t think I can leave even if I want to now. She ended up picking a spot that

was the farthest away from where Ethan was sitting. Ethan merely gave her an indifferent glance before he pulled

some documents out and placed them on the table. He turned the documents around so that they were facing her.

Alice was rather confused. What’s going on? What’s this? What’s Ethan showing me? Could he have found proof to

indicate that I was involved? Alice couldn’t think of any other ways she could be related to Ethan.

Since the documents were right in front of her face, she picked them up to take a look. She was utterly stunned

when she saw the contents of it. This is a DNA report. No, it’s not one DNA report—it’s two. The tests don’t indicate

a 99% similarity, but the numbers are all above 70%, which can only mean that this is a test between two people

who are distantly related. She was shocked when she saw the name on the tests.

All of the tests had Caroline’s name on them. The first report was a comparison between Caroline and Lawrence,

while the second one was a comparison between Caroline and Britney. The whole of Rodcaster knew who Lawrence

was. Naturally, they also knew that Lawrence was the president of Knight Group, while Britney was his wife. The

DNA tests compared Caroline’s genes with Lawrence and Britney’s. If there’s a similarity of 70% and above, it’s

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safe to assume that Caroline is blood-related to them. Does that mean that my baby belongs to the Knight Family?

Even if Caroline belonged to the Knight Family, it was clear that she wasn’t Ethan’s child. Otherwise, she would’ve

seen a 99% similarity on a paternal DNA test with him. Alice recalled how there had been another daughter in the

Knight Family, but she also recalled hearing that the daughter had passed away a few years ago. The public wasn’t

aware of how the lady had died at all. Does that mean that Caroline is that lady’s daughter? So, that would make

Caroline Ethan’s sister’s daughter! Ethan is Caroline’s biological uncle!

Alice finally realized why Ethan wanted to talk to her. It was about Caroline and not the incident that occurred that

night. I can’t believe it. Is Caroline part of the Knight Family? But how did Ethan find out about this to begin with?

Could he have investigated my background because he was suspicious of me? Is that how he found out about

Caroline? Judging by his investigation skills, I wouldn’t be surprised!

Alice recalled how she had first picked Caroline up by the side of the road. Alice had been driving on a mountainous

road when she saw something being thrown out of the car in front of her. After the thing was thrown out, the car

made a sharp turn and threw itself off the cliff. The cliff was extremely steep, and Alice watched as the car toppled

down and crashed. Alice could tell that the accident wasn’t a regular one—she was certain that something must

have been wrong with the car. She figured that the person in the car probably knew that they were going to fall off

the cliff, and that was why the person had thrown something out of the car at the very last minute.

Alice knew that she’d only be asking for trouble if she were to get herself involved in that matter. However, she

then recalled how Archie had rushed over just in time when she was in a car accident herself, and how she

would’ve died if he hadn’t shown up. So, Alice decided to stop her car by the side to see if she was able to offer

them any help. However, before she could head down the cliff, the whole car burst into flames. Alice’s first instinct

was to check on the thing that was thrown out of the car earlier, as she figured that the thing was probably

important to the owner. I might not be able to save the owner, but maybe I can help this person in some ways.

So, Alice turned back down the road to look for the thing that was thrown out. She was still a distance away when

she heard a child’s cries. She was utterly stunned the moment she realized that the thing that was tossed out of the

car earlier was a little baby.

I can’t believe the owner of the car had the guts to throw a baby out the window when the car was going at such a

fast speed. But then again, the baby would’ve probably died if the owner hadn’t thrown the baby out. The people in

the car are probably the baby’s parents, and they were probably trying to save their child. The baby was wrapped

in an extremely tight layer of bubble wrap with a lot of tape outside it. It was wrapped as if it were a parcel that was

ready to be posted.

There were a few words written on the ‘packaging’. It was the baby’s name—Caroline, without any surname. The

baby’s birthday was listed as well. Alice could tell that the baby was doing physically fine from the shrill, loud cries

that were coming from her. Alice recalled how Elijah and Thomas had rushed over right after her car accident to

make sure she was dead. So, Alice decided that it was best for her to leave the mountains immediately. After she

traveled down the mountains, she asked around and got to know the details of the accident that had occurred.

It was said that the car had been carrying a young couple when it plunged down the cliff. Alice figured that the

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young couple was probably the child’s parents and that they had probably decided to save their child after realizing

that their car had gone out of control.

Alice figured that the child was sure to have other relatives even after losing her parents, so Alice went to ask

around at the police station. She figured that the police would run an investigation since the accident was so

serious, and she was certain that she would be able to find some of the child’s relatives. However, Alice had only

managed to ask about the accident itself before someone kidnapped and attempted to murder her.

The people who attempted to kill her were fierce and hateful-looking people. Alice could tell that they were the sort

of people who had no care for their own lives at all. If the police hadn’t been around to protect her back then, Alice

was certain that those people would’ve murdered her already. It was after that incident that Alice realized what the

issue was. She thought about the layers of bubble wrap around the child and the name that was written on the

outside. If this was a regular accident, they wouldn’t have had so much time to do all of that. This can only mean

that the accident wasn’t a normal one, but one where someone was trying to kill them. The owners of the car

probably noticed that there was an issue with the car.

The moment Alice sensed that something wasn’t right about the matter, she took the child and left the station.

Alice took care of Caroline after that incident, and nearly three years have passed since then. Now, Caroline was

already four years and seven months old. Why is Ethan showing me these DNA tests now?

“I’m a dumb person, Mr. Knight. I don’t really understand.” Everything was just too sudden, and Alice felt like she

couldn’t handle the truth. The child that I nurtured and cared for the past few years is just going to belong to

someone else now? Is Ethan here to snatch Caroline away from me? No! I won’t approve of this! I can’t bear to

send my child away. I can’t!

Alice was curious to hear what Ethan had to say.