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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 55
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“B-Boss? W-W-Why?” Chris was completely taken aback this time. Due to the shock, he stuttered over his words.

Caleb stared blankly at Ethan with a gaping mouth, but no words came out, for he was too shocked. What? No way.

Why? Why, though? It can’t be. Even if Mr. Knight did have a one-night-stand with Miss Woland, it was seven years

ago. But, the child isn’t even five years old yet. Why does he want to arrange for a paternity test? What happened?

“Understood.” In the end, Caleb chose to not ask anything. Although he was still shocked, he would not ask anything

that would overstep his boundaries as he only needed to follow Ethan’s orders.

“Why, Boss? Why do you want to go through a paternity test?” Chris was extremely curious inside right then.

Normally, he was quite an inquisitive person, especially when it concerned Ethan.

And now, there was a child involved!

Is Boss going to do a paternity test for the child?! Then, who does the child belong to? Whose is it? He felt as if he

might go insane if he did not know the truth. I think Boss had let slip some surprising news just now!

Leaning against the chair, Ethan closed his eyes and bottled his emotions up, trying to regain his calmness.

Naturally, he could not answer Chris’ question.

In front of such juicy gossip, Chris did not back down even when facing danger.

“Is the child yours, Boss?” At that moment, Chris could only arrive at such a conclusion.

But, the child is Alice’s, so how could it be Boss’? Alice had always been engaged to Bruce, which ended with the

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wedding they had yesterday, even though it fell through in the end. Then, what about Boss with Alice? What is he

considered as? Someone she had an affair with? No, that’s impossible! But now, he’s about to do a paternity test

with the child? The boss never wastes time on anything unimportant, so I’m sure he’s not joking about such a

serious problem.

The thing Chris did not understand was when they did it.

Boss with Alice? She isn’t worthy at all! Leaving aside the fact that Alice is now disfigured and ugly beyond belief,

even if she wasn’t, she isn’t even a hundred of what Boss is. Besides, she’s so stupid and slow, it’s almost comical.

“Boss, this Alice character really is…” Just as Chris was about to criticize her, he thought about the possibility of her

being the mother of Ethan’s child.

So, he changed his wording mid-sentence. “She really is an unfathomable person. Boss, when did you fall into the

trap and get taken advantage of by her?”

Using his extremely vivid imagination, Chris thought that this was the only possibility. Of course, Ethan did not

answer him.

“Then, what are you planning to do, Boss? The child is easy to deal with since we can just take him back to the

Knight Residence. As for Alice, she can’t enter the family, but she’s the mother, after all. This will be tricky to deal

with… Still, it isn’t all that hard to settle, given the influence of the Knight Family…”

It was then Ethan opened his eyes, which might be because he was vexed from all the yapping from Chris. “Did you

even take a close look at the child beforehand?”

“I didn’t. Why? Does the kid look like you?” Chris leaned toward Ethan, whose eyes suddenly opened wide before

scaring Chris. Of course, Chris’ attention was diverted by him.

Taking the dossier, Chris decided to take a closer look at the child’s photo. The kid looks very smart and good-

looking. Actually, he looks quite similar to Boss!

“He really does look like you, especially his eyes.” Chris observed closely with intent, so he soon found the


“Really? How much do they resemble each other?” Liam, who had followed Ethan for many years, knew to not ask

too much, but even he could not contain his curiosity anymore.

By then, Caleb had already closed in and took a good look, thinking that the child indeed looked similar to Ethan the

more he looked.

“This is uncanny, especially the eyes. Comparing them with Boss’ eyes…” Chris thought about it before

commenting with a very suitable adjective, “They look like they were casted from the same mold.”

This stunned Liam. Casted from the same mold? That is not just similar. That’s the same, isn’t it?!

“Boss, looks like this really is your kid. I can already predict the results of the paternity test. Congratulations, Boss, it

looks like you’re a father now.” Chris had a glint of excitement in his gaze.

Now, he finally understood that Ethan could not have wanted a paternity test done on the account of the child

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resembling him. The boss must’ve had some kind of relationship with Alice. That’s why he chose to do the test.

At this point, Chris was almost certain that the child was Ethan’s. Although Alice isn’t worthy of Boss, the child is still

his and a part of the Knights. So, the child will have to follow the family. As for Alice, we can just come up with

something to chase her away… Yup!!

It was then Ethan gazed at Chris with a strange look. Yet, Chris was right. The child really had eyes just like his,

which made Ethan’s straight lips upturn just that slightest.

I really hope the child is mine! No. The child must be mine. I knew it from the moment I saw him.

As for the matter about Ethan wanting to conduct a paternity test, Alice was completely oblivious to it.

She knew that the fingerprint test results must have been released by now, but Ethan did not find her, proving that

the handcuffs did not have her fingerprints on it.

If so, then Mr. Knight will not trouble me anymore. Phew!!

She then began to focus on her own matters. I have to say, Thomas sure is something. Even though such a huge

scandal erupted at the wedding, he only used two days to fully comfort Naomi and Bruce, lessening the fall out of

their family to the minimum.

As for the incident at Moonlight Bay, that won’t be so easy to solve. Even if Thomas does manage to settle it, he’ll

have to sacrifice quite a lot to do so. It’ll depend on whether their family can take it or not.

Although Bruce was in charge of Woland Group, he was still unfamiliar with the operation of the company. Paired

with his limited capabilities and the discovery of the illegitimate child at the wedding, Bruce did not fully trust

Thomas anymore, so he did not allow Thomas to interfere in anything concerning Woland Group. But…