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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 50
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“Elijah has already admitted to the reporters personally that Alice hit Old Mrs. Woland, so do you think we’d be able

to explain this matter?”

Sam felt that Caleb must be out of his mind.

“Even if you come out and clarified the situation, Old Mrs. Woland could also then come out and kick up a fuss in

front of the media and complain about how Alice provoked her and hit her. Do you think there’s any point in

clarifying things? Caleb, since when did you become so naive?”

“I know that there is no point in just clarifying things, so that’s why we’ve got to come up with some evidence.”

He was mild-mannered and did not flare up at Sam’s words.

“Evidence? Do you have evidence?” Sam was slightly stunned. “This is the Woland Family’s internal affairs, so how

could you have possibly obtained evidence?”

Caleb replied, “I don’t have evidence, so that’s why I came to see you.”

Meanwhile, he was still confused. “What do you mean by that?”

“I’m here to get you to fabricate some evidence for proof. I need evidence that can prove Miss Woland did not hit

Old Mrs. Woland.” Caleb glanced at Sam and added, “This is what Mr. Knight wants.”

“Do you mean to say that Mr. Knight wants me to fabricate the evidence?” Sam’s voice turned shrill instinctively

and he clearly could not believe his ears.

“This matter brought up by the Wolands is clearly false and intended to frame Miss Woland; they’re behaving

despicably. So, why should we uphold morality towards people like them?”

“Is Mr. Knight doing this to help Alice?” Those who worked closely by Ethan’s side and were generally given

important tasks were quite likely to be intelligent, so the main purpose of doing all this was easy to figure out.

“Yes, so we’ve got to come up with a great plan for this to help Miss Woland clarify things and restore her good

name.” Caleb felt that there was no need to hide this any further because it was clear that Ethan intended to stand

up for Alice.

“What do you plan on doing?”

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Since this was Ethan’s idea, Sam naturally was going to cooperate fully.

“Create a video of Old Mrs. Woland tripping and falling to the ground and subsequently sustaining injuries. I’m sure

that no one would be able to tell that a video you made was in fact fabricated. I’ll then contact a few other

members of the press and send them the video before sensationalizing this matter. I’ll also find a way to get some

members of the Woland Family to authenticate this. Next, we can hire people to speak up on behalf of Miss Woland

on the internet.”

“By then, all of the random strangers would be confused and wouldn’t be able to tell the truth from the lies.

Naturally, the people on the internet wouldn’t be focused on condemning Miss Woland. Hopefully, there would be

two sides to the argument then. Although there is no way of clarifying everything for Miss Woland, at least with both

sides standing up for their own opinions, no one would gain an upper hand, so no one would be able to confidently

claim that Miss Woland laid hands on Old Mrs. Woland.”

This was exactly what Ethan had planned for. Although he had merely mentioned a single sentence to Caleb, Caleb

had worked alongside him for so long now that he did not need another word to understand what his superior

meant. Frankly, even with only a word, Caleb would be able to instantly interpret Ethan’s intention still.

“Hmm, that is a great plan. It’s easy to create the video and coincidentally, the Wolands released the video of Alice

trashing the place today. It was at the Woland Residence, so we’ve got our perfect scene there.”

Sam was fast to take action and it was a piece of cake for him to fabricate a video. In no time at all, he came up

with everything.

Subsequently, it naturally fell to Caleb to handle everything else and Sam was no longer needed. Sam was worried

about his little apprentice, so he wanted to head downstairs to take a look and find out whether Liam had captured

the person.

Sam took a look at the time and made a mental calculation. Based on Bradley’s speed, they should be back.

Handing over the video to Caleb, Sam quickly went up the stairs. Caleb considered the situation for a moment and

did not rush off just yet. Instead, he made several phone calls to several members of the press.

The members of the press contacted by Caleb were much more influential than the ones contacted by the

Wolands. After all, he realized the importance of this matter to Ethan, so there could not be any accidental issues.

After Caleb contacted the press, he went upstairs too as he was curious to find out the identity of the person who

actually dared to blatantly go against Ethan. As such, he could not help himself as there was a chance that Liam

had come back with the person.

Caleb got upstairs and found that Liam was not back yet, so he waited together with Sam inside the room. With his

mental calculation, Caleb deduced that they should be back really soon.

“What’s the matter? Are you curious about the identity of the kid too? It’s rare for you to be concerned about

anything that isn’t related to computers.”

Caleb was slightly perplexed by Sam’s reaction because Sam was generally not that enthusiastic about most


At that moment, Sam rolled his eyes at Caleb. That’s my little apprentice there, so obviously, I would be concerned,


Right now, Sam could only pray in his mind for his little apprentice to avoid being captured. No, actually, the

chances of him avoiding being captured by Mr. Knight are quite slim.

Therefore, Sam could only pray fervently that Ethan would be more lenient toward his little apprentice.

At that moment, the door to the room was flung open and Liam walked in.

“You’re back.” Caleb’s eyes lit up and he instantly turned to look toward Liam and the men behind him. “It’s great

that you’ve caught the guy.”

“We didn’t catch the guy. We didn’t even catch sight of him at all.” Bradley appeared from behind Liam with a

complicated look on his face.

With Liam’s hulking figure earlier on, Bradley’s face was hidden behind Liam’s back. That was also why Caleb had

assumed that Bradley had managed to capture the man.

“Didn’t manage to capture him?! What happened there?” Caleb was stunned and could not believe his ears. Even

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with the location provided by Sam and the personal involvement of Bradley and Liam in capturing the man, it all did

not end up a success.

Instantly, Sam perked up as he thought, My little apprentice actually managed to escape?! He’s really great at this!

How did he get away, though?

“The location that Sam managed to track him to was the rooftop of a building. When we got there, we only found a

cell phone and a walkie-talkie.” Liam took out the items he had found on the rooftop. “The location that we tracked

him to was accurate, but he wasn’t there. There was only a cell phone left.”

“The other party set his cell phone to dial the number at a specific time and then placed the phone on the rooftop

in advance. The walkie-talkie was left on permanently. After the scheduled call was made, the other party then

spoke to Mr. Knight. He used a device to modify his voice, perhaps to mask his true voice. Coincidentally, he was

able to mask the voice of the walkie-talkie too.”

Sam took a quick look and instantly figured out the situation. “This is a shortwave walkie-talkie. The furthest

distance for communication could be districts away or even out of the country. That’s why there could be a chance

that the guy’s actual location is out of the country.”

He spoke nonchalantly as he discussed the matter in general. Frankly, he was also secretly trying to help his little

apprentice. After all, it seemed that his little apprentice had recently come back to the country.

“That kid is good at this. This is such an awesome tactic. He must’ve expected that we would be able to track his

location. He knows our capabilities and yet he’s brave enough to challenge us. That’s gutsy of him!” Caleb took the

cell phone and walkie-talkie into his hand and studied them. “The cell phone and walkie-talkie are brand new. He’s

fine to discard them after a single use, so he must be quite well-off.”

At that moment, Sam was slightly shocked. It seemed that his little apprentice was not oblivious to Ethan’s

capabilities. On the contrary, his little apprentice knew Ethan’s capabilities well, so he had made sufficient

preparation beforehand.

“What about the cell phone number? We could investigate the number.” Caleb flipped the cell phone in his hand

and attempted to remove the SIM card. At present, phone numbers had to be linked personally to an individual, so

it was necessary for one to hand over their identification card to obtain a SIM card. Of course, though, even if the

other party had not provided his identification card during the process of obtaining the number, they could still

easily figure things out.