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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 217
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Chapter 217 Ethan Had Found Out (2)

What would it prove even if Alice had gone to Cliaria between the 9th and the 11th? Caleb paused briefly before

suddenly remembering something. “Mr. Knight, the 9th to the 11th? Wasn’t that the time when we were looking for

Mrs. Knight? We didn’t find any evidence of Mrs. Knight leaving Rodcaster during that period. She didn’t go to

Cliaria.” Caleb had great confidence in his men’s ability to handle matters. If Alice had. gone to Cliaria at that time,

they wouldn’t have been unable to find any traces.

“Don’t check for Mrs. Knight but perform checking for all the passengers. Check on all the passengers who traveled

back on the 9th and the 11th. Investigate the passengers who went to Cliaria and returned between the 9th and the

11th Ethan explained once more.

“Why? Is it to find Mrs. Knight? What’s the point of doing so?” Caleb had always followed Ethan’s instructions

unconditionally, but today he genuinely didn’t understand Ethan’s motive behind such orders.

“Just do as you’re told. Don’t miss out on anyone.” Ethan didn’t explain his guesses further. After all, it was just his

speculation. Plus, even his father found his assumptions unrealistic, so he wasn’t able to explain them clearly

without proof to back up his claims.

“Okay.” Caleb naturally didn’t ask any more questions after hearing Ethan’s words. After the call ended, Caleb

immediately instructed one of his subordinates to investigate what Ethan had asked for. Previously, Sam would

handle these matters because he was the most skilled employee they had when it came to matters such as this,

but he had been dismissed by Ethan recently, so Caleb had to assign someone else to handle this task.

“You suspect that Alice has disguised herself and changed her identity when she traveled to Cliaria?” Lawrence

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looked at Ethan with mixed feelings as he felt like his son was becoming rather obsessed. This was clearly

impossible, yet Ethan still ordered someone to investigate something so unlikely.

Ethan’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn’t say a word. He wouldn’t miss any possibility of finding her. even if it

was a remote possibility. He would do his best to dig out any information even if the possibility

was slim.

“Fine, just do whatever you want.” Lawrence understood his son’s urgency as no one could sit still when his wife

had gone missing. Lawrence pondered for a moment before suggesting. I think Alice might be staying somewhere

in Rodcaster, and you just happened to miss that place in your search. Even if your men conducted a meticulous

search, it’s impossible to go door-to-door. There’s bound to be a possibility that you’ve missed something.”

Lawrence analyzed the situation.

There was a glint in Ethan’s eyes upon hearing that. His father was right about this as they couldn’t possibly barge

in and conduct a search at every household.

Lawrence smiled at his son and said, “I have a solution for us to do a door-to-door search.” Ethan quickly looked up

at his father after hearing that.

“I know that Rodcaster is about to conduct a major census, which is already a time-consuming and laborious task.

Why don’t you let your men help out? The Knight Group can offer some manpower as volunteers for such a task,

which would also be able to aid you in getting what you want. What do you think?” Lawrence truly lived up to his

reputation as this arrangement was indeed thoughtful. It not only helped his son but also saved the trouble for the

personnel involved, while also offering welfare benefits to the public. Since Lawrence was the one who suggested it,

the benefits wouldn’t be meager. He had truly made a generous move just so he could help his son.

“Alright.” Ethan nodded. Regardless, he couldn’t help but admire his father’s arrangement. This way, they could

achieve a thorough search without letting a few fishes slip through the net.

“In that case, you will be in charge of Tanner’s matter today.” Lawrence, through his practical actions, showed that

he was a businessman who wouldn’t engage in unprofitable deals.

“Okay,” Ethan, who originally had no intention of dealing with this matter, readily agreed this time. Lawrence

couldn’t help but curl his lips into a satisfied smile after receiving the answer he wanted.

Soon, both of them arrived at the hotel and the hotel manager who recognized Lawrence personally escorted them

to Tanner’s room before taking their leave. Ethan was more proactive this time around and directly knocked on the

door. When the door opened, Alice, who was disguised as Tanner, was visibly startled when she saw Lawrence and

Ethan standing outside.

Why are they here? Alice hadn’t expected to meet Lawrence and Ethan in this manner after leaving the Knight

Family. Still, she quickly remembered that she was currently Tanner, and that Lawrence had brought up wanting to

invite Tanner to the company numerous times. So, is Lawrence here to personally invite Tanner over?

Fortunately, she was currently Tanner, and neither Lawrence nor Ethan knew that Tanner was Alice. They couldn’t

recognize her in her current disguise. When Alice left the Knight Family, she explicitly told Britney that she would

treat the Knights as strangers if she ever encountered them.

Although Lawrence had always been especially good to her, and she respected him a good deal, she didn’t want to

have any further involvement with the Knight Family at the moment. So, Alice immediately regained her composure

after a few seconds and subtly tried to distance herself from them.

Ethan, who was standing in front of the door, narrowed his gaze when he noticed the momentary daze on Tanner’s’

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face and his subsequent reaction. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Tanner’s instinctive response earlier was

somewhat strange. So, he carefully examined “Tanner’ who was standing before him. Normally, he wouldn’t spare

a second glance at any woman, no matter how beautiful she was, let alone a man.

But at this moment. Ethan’s gaze was wholly fixated on “Tanner, and for some reason, he found this ‘man’

somewhat good-looking. Especially those eyes, even though the ‘man’ was wearing glasses, they couldn’t conceal

the clear and… twinkling eyes. Ethan felt that it might be inappropriate to describe a man that way, but when he

locked eyes with those eyes just now, he genuinely had that kind of feeling.

On the other hand, Alice felt rather uneasy being stared at by Ethan as though she was an insect under a

microscope, which made her anxious and utterly unlike her normally calm demeanor. Could it be that Ethan has

discovered something? However, it seemed highly unlikely as she had full confidence in her disguise skills. She was

sure that even someone familiar with her wouldn’t be able to detect any flaws, let alone Ethan, who wasn’t familiar

with her at all. Moreover, she was currently assuming the identity of Tanner, and Ethan would never think that

Tanner was her. After all, the difference between Alice and “Tanner’ was incredibly significant.

But even if Ethan did recognize her, it didn’t matter since she had already divorced the man. So, they were now

merely strangers.

When Lawrence noticed that his son was remaining oddly silent, Lawrence had no

“Hello, Mr. West, I’m Lawrence Knight.”

“Hello, Mr. Knight. Alice greeted Lawrence politely and courteously.

choice but to speak up.

“Mr. West, I apologize for this impromptu visit and any inconvenience we have caused. I came here specifically

today to speak to you. Is now a good time for a chat?” Although Lawrence was a highly successful businessman, he

was civil and refined as he didn’t put on any airs and graces