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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 193
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Chapter 193 Ethan’s Shocking Move (2)

With that, Alice directly said, “I support Apollo’s decision to reunite with the Rowland Family. I won’t interfere in his

affairs, and let’s not waste each other’s time by discussing anything else.” Since she couldn’t marry Keith, she

directly turned him down and didn’t drag things out. Keith, being a tactful person, immediately understood what she

meant and held back from saying anything. Alice then spoke to Keith about some things related to Apollo before


Originally, Alice planned to return to the Knight Residence, but she received a call from Archie on the way, who said

he had found some information about the person who had contact with Charles. He said the person was currently

at the Shayan Hotel, so Alice changed directions and rushed to the hotel. That person was very cautious, and Alice

had been searching for days but to no avail. They finally managed to get something, so she didn’t want to miss this


Meanwhile, it only took Caleb an hour to find out what Keith was up to. “Mr. Knight, I’ve found it.” Caleb’s efficiency

in handling things was high. As soon as the call went through, Caleb’s voice came through, but his tone sounded a

tad odd.

“Speak.” Ethan’s gaze narrowed slightly before he spoke decisively and straightforwardly. He didn’t expect to get

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results so quickly.

“What Keith does is a bit complicated, and also…” Caleb paused and added reservedly, “Mr. Knight, shall I send the

information for you to take a look first?”

“No need.” Ethan refused. Whatever Keith was doing, it wouldn’t affect his plans. He had already warned Keith, but

he didn’t heed the warning. When faced with an enemy, Ethan never held back. He always struck to kill with one

blow, and since Keith was his love rival, he had all the more reason to strike him down.

“So, should we take action against him?” Caleb gulped nervously, and he sounded cautious. He noticed that Ethan

had gone insane lately. He couldn’t have investigated Keith for no reason. Since he had found out, there was no

way he would sit idly by. The only thing Caleb hadn’t expected was the situation to be so complicated as Ethan

decided to take action without going through his findings…

“What do you think?” Ethan squinted his eyes and smirked. His smirk was cold and arrogant. There was no way

Ethan would hold back when Keith was about to propose to his wife.

“Understood.” Caleb let out a sigh inwardly. Although he had concerns at first, since Ethan was adamant, he

naturally had to carry it out resolutely.

“I’ll go too.” He felt that this matter would be handled better if he went there personally.

Caleb was dumbfounded as he never expected Ethan to be there in person. It was apparent that it was a pressing

matter. Ah, why did Keith have to provoke Ethan And why did he have to propose to Ethan’s wife so openly? Now he

even planned to propose to Ethan’s wife again. Isn’t he asking for trouble? Two men rivaling in love spells trouble,

they say. What would happen when these two et? Just thinking about it was stimulating.

In the evening. Keith suddenly received a phone call. “Boss, something happened.” The voice on the other -end of

the line was panicked and fearful.

“What happened?” Keith’s expression instantly changed as Milton’s SOS call was too out of pocket. He viewed the

call as a bad omen, sensing an incoming storm.

“Something big happened, Boss. You should come and see for yourself.” Milton didn’t explain in detail. It wasn’t that

he didn’t want to, but he didn’t know how to Besides, he wasn’t even sure to what extent the damage was. But the

situation was alarming, and it seemed to have reached a critical level.

“Okay, I’ll be there right away.” Keith’s expression became solemn. What he was doing was very special and

important at the same time, so he couldn’t afford any mistakes. Now that Milton mentioned a big problem, it meant

that the situation was very serious, and he couldn’t help but worry.

“What’s going on?” When Keith arrived and saw the scene before him, he was shocked. It was a heart- wrenching


“Boss, you’re finally here. I don’t know the exact situation yet, and we’re still counting the losses, so we don’t know

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the extent of the damage yet.” Milton heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing him, but the worry. and tension on his

face didn’t diminish in the slightest indicating that the situation was still severe.

“Do you know who did this?” Keith’s gaze was icy cold, and his expression was terrifying.

“We don’t know yet. Boss, could it be our mortal enemy?” Milton guessed because he couldn’t think of anyone else.

“Is he capable of this? You’ve overestimated him.” Keith refuted Milton’s words. He knew best how powerful their

mortal enemy was. Even the most sophisticated organization would find it difficult to investigate his affairs, let alone

invade and cause this much damage. So, who could it be? Someone had this ability to not only investigate his

affairs but…

Someone suddenly came into his mind, and following that, a man appeared and ambled toward him. As Keith

looked at the man in front of him, he blinked his eyes, and for a moment, he thought it was an illusion caused by his

imagination. Speak of the devil, and here we have the devil himself–Ethan.

“Ethan, is it you?” After Keith came back to his senses, he gasped for breath. He knew it wasn’t his illusion but

rather a cruel reality. Was it Ethan who ruined his career just because he proposed to Alice?! And now he dared to

appear in front of him? Is Ethan here to show off?

“What else could it be?” Ethan glanced at him expressionlessly, as if it was a trivial matter. Keith clenched his fists

tightly, and at this moment, he wanted to punch Ethan hard, but he held back.

“Ethan, you are too cruel.” Keith loathed him for what he had done. He had spent five years achieving what he had

now, and he didn’t expect it to be ruined by him

“Don’t blame me for being ruthless since you tried to snatch my woman.” Ethan always acted openly and never

played tricks. He made his motive clear.