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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 187
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Chapter 187 Ethan’s Wrath (2)

When Ethan returned home later that night, he didn’t seem happy. After all, he didn’t think Justin would be so tight-

lipped about Alice’s matter. As someone close to Justin, Ethan found it strange for the former to hide something

about Alice from him. Why would he do that? Apart from that, he was also surprised to hear about Justin’s

unexpected return, considering how rare he came back to Rodcaster. Something tells me there is a reason behind

his return this time.

Upon returning home. Ethan was upset when he didn’t see Alice anywhere. He then tried to give her a call, only to

realize her phone had been switched off, which made his face darken even more. Although he immediately told

Caleb to search for Alice, he still had no luck at all as he didn’t get a reply from his subordinate. It was then that he

realized there was nothing he could do if Alice wanted to leave him.

In the meantime, Lorien was still in the manor where she woke up to a phone call early in the morning. “Hey,

Grandpa” A bright smile showed on Lorien’s face the moment she answered the call.

“What do you mean by the text message you sent me yesterday? Does it mean there is going to be a wedding that

I can attend soon? Am I going to be a grandfather soon? Are you getting married?” The voice on the other side of

the phone sounded energetic and happy.

Oren wondered why Holland would call her so early in the morning until she quickly thought of the text message

she sent him the night before. Well, you got the wrong idea, Grandpa. “No, it’s not me, Grandpa. It’s

Lorien smiled and excitedly said, “Ethan is married.” Deep down, she was curious to know how and would react

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upon hearing the news.

Holland paused speechlessly for a while and snapped out of his trance. “What did you just say? Is Ethan married?”

The old man raised his voice.”

“Yes, Ethan is married. His wife is an adorable young lady. Lorien expressed her liking for Alice.

“Why wasn’t I informed about that? How could he keep me in the dark about his marriage? Nobody told me

anything about it.” Holland was evidently pissed. “That b*stard! How could you hide something like this from me?

What is he up to? Where is he now?” Holland would give Ethan a rough beating if he was standing right in front of


“He is at home now.” Lorien could barely hold in her laughter when she heard Holland’s response.

“Hand the phone over to Ethan. I want to talk to him.” Holland wanted to question Ethan’s motives for hiding his

marriage from him.

Soon, Lorien made her way to Ethan’s room and knocked on the door with the phone in her hand. “Come in.”

Ethan, who was awake, was waiting for news about Alice while attending to an unexpected situation at work. When

he heard the knock on the door, he naturally assumed it was Alice and was frustrated with the thought that she left

without telling him. Thank God she still knows her way back home. Anyway, I can still forgive her as long as she

gives me an explanation.

As soon as Lorien turned the doorknob and opened the door, she saw Ethan sitting by the window and attending to

his work. At the same time, he appeared to be wearing the same outfit he had worn the day. before. Seeing that,

Lorien went on to make herself easy and walked into the room. “You’re still here?” Ethan looked at the lady in

surprise, having no idea that Lorien was in the house the whole time. After all, Lorien was already in bed when he

came back the night before, which was why he thought she had left.

“Ouch! I know you don’t care much about me, but that hurts. How could you neglect me like I don’t exist?” Lorien

pursed her lips, wondering how Ethan didn’t know that she was still in the house.

“Is there anything important? If there isn’t, you should go.” Ethan didn’t seem interested in entertaining

Lorien Although he would be sure to take care of any problem Lorien ran into, he usually treated her with a

nonchalant attitude.

“Your grandpa called. He wants to talk to you.” Lorien had no hard feelings toward Ethan’s indifference, for she had

already gotten used to it.

“What’s the meaning of this, you b*stard?! How could you not tell me about your marriage? How dare you hide it

from me?!” Holland snapped at Ethan, accusing his grandson of keeping him in the dark about his marriage, he had

been waiting for that day to come for almost three decades. How am I supposed to accept this?

“Didn’t Dad tell you about it?” Ethan raised his eyebrows, thinking his father had relayed this to his grandfather.

Holland went silent on the other end of the phone for a while and asked, “Does your dad know about your


“Yes, of course. I thought he told you about it. Ethan responded honestly but quickly admitted on the inside that it

was his fault for not telling Holland about it himself. Nevertheless, he believed Holland wouldn’t blame him for that

because of his father’s protection.

“Good! Every one of you here is beginning to defy me. That’s great!” As Ethan expected, Holland shifted his anger

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away from him. “Just wait and see, people. I’m going to teach you guys a lesson. Here I come!” Holland snarled

madly and hung up the phone.

Ethan then rubbed his nose guiltily, thinking Holland was indeed mad this time. On the day that they became legal

spouses, both of them went elsewhere for a business trip, so Ethan thought Lawrence had told Holland about it.

No wonder I hadn’t heard much from Grandpa until that phone call came in. As Ethan hadn’t carried on with his

wedding. Ethan thought Holland didn’t permit it because of concerns related to Caroline’s identity. However, it was

now that he realized Holland had been kept in the dark all along. Well, things are going to be eventful at home.

“Ethan, Grandpa seems mad. Lorien was curious about the development of events.

“Get lost.” Ethan gave Lorien an unhappy glare, blaming her for everything that happened. Nevertheless, he knew

Holland would soon find out about the matter even if Lorien didn’t tell Holland about it. It’s not like Grandpa will

never find out; it’s just a matter of time.

“Fine, I’ll make myself scarce,” Lorien responded with a smile instead of anger.

Nonetheless, Lorien suddenly stopped in her tracks just when she was heading toward the door. “Ethan, do you

guys share the same room?” she asked after she failed to see any signs that might suggest another woman had

been in Ethan’s room, not to mention the fact that Alice was nowhere to be seen inside. In response, Ethan only

gave Lorien a chilly stare.

“Wait, seriously? Don’t tell me you and Alice have been sleeping separately!” Lorien acted as if she had just

discovered a big secret. When Ethan’s face darkened, it only served to confirm her suspicions. Gosh! That’s

unbelievable! Lorien was surprised by the revelation, but at the same time, she also found it amusing since she

didn’t think Ethan would end up in such a position. Well, it’s obvious that you’ve fallen for her, Ethan, which is why

you both sleep separately. She must have been against the idea of sharing the same bed. This is getting interesting!