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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 18
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From the beginning, this was what Naomi had planned. In the video, Nathan did scratch the murderer,

and the wound was even the murderer’s private parts, making it impossible to show the injury to the

public, or she would have shown that she did not have the same injury on her body as the woman in

the video to point out the flaw in Naomi’s plan. After all, the case only took place a few days ago.

However, since Nathan scratched the murderer, it was only right to conduct a forensic identification.

Clearly, Naomi’s detailed scheme was truly seamless.

“All right.” Alice did not refuse, and she certainly would not refuse. If she did, the next part of the play

would not be able to go on.

Naomi had worked so hard to set up the stage, find actors, and conduct a grand play, so how could she

betray her good intentions? Besides, she was waiting to see the show that was about to unfold. She

wanted to watch it backfire in Naomi’s face.

When some people saw Alice agree, they couldn’t help but sigh and think that she was a fool. It was

clear that this matter was devised by Naomi, so the result of the identification would definitely point

Alice as the murderer. By then, she would surely be charged with murder, and any form of defense

would be futile.

Of course, Naomi was not likely to give her the opportunity to fight back. With her methods, it was

impossible for her to leave a way out for Alice.

The moment Alice agreed, a person immediately walked over with all kinds of related equipment.

“These are the results of the DNA test of the murderer we did earlier.” Freddie took out a copy of the

data and unhesitatingly showed it to the crowd, saying, “Now, we just need to test Miss Woland’s DNA

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and compare the two results. If Miss Woland is innocent, we can clear her name right away.”

Their speed and well-preparedness amused Alice greatly.

She glanced at the DNA test report in Freddie’s hands. She had never done a DNA test before, but she

knew that this one was definitely hers, for the Wolands were involved in today’s grand scheme. As her

blood type was relatively rare, as a precaution, she used to store her own blood in a hospital under

Woland Group. The Wolands were aware of this matter, so it was not difficult to have her DNA


Alice sneered inwardly. When someone came over to take her blood, she lowered her eyes slightly,

concealing the emotions in her eyes as she cooperatively allowed them to draw her blood.

Then, the staff that Freddie had called over began the forensic identification at the wedding venue in

front of the public as they had said. All of a sudden, the hall fell into a deadly silence, the kind that

made them nervous and even a little suffocated.

Perhaps because the person Naomi had hired was particularly professional, or the equipment was

exceptionally advanced, it took less than half an hour for the results to surface.

With the new DNA identification results in hand, Freddie compared it with the murderer’s DNA. Once

he was done, he looked at Alice with a somber expression. “Miss Woland, your DNA identification

results are exactly the same as the murderer’s. Can you explain this?”

Although the crowd had already expected this outcome, the hall still resounded with a few gasps of

surprise after hearing his words. With this result, everyone knew that Alice was completely and utterly

done for, and the layers of evidence was the final nail in her coffin. The only thing waiting for her next

was imprisonment, and possibly even the death penalty.

Alice was too stupid and foolish. Not only did she give away Woland Group herself, she also offended

the Wolands, and now there was no one who would stand up for her, leaving her for dead. Not only

that, she might even suffer a miserable death.

Bruce was dumbfounded for a moment. He did not expect his mother to be so ruthless this time, but he

was soon relieved. Only by doing so could he completely get rid of this ugly and stupid fool that was

Alice, and only in this way would Woland Group become his without any further accidents.

This is good. Very good.

Meanwhile, Naomi was unable to contain her glee and excitement. If it were not for the wrong

occasion, she would have laughed out loud. Finally, Alice is completely destroyed. What a relief!

Archie, who was standing in a corner, only found the situation particularly ironic. However, when he

thought of Alice’s plan, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy. Go on, do your best, you fools. The

show can’t go on if you don’t do anything. He wanted to see how they would drive themselves to an

early grave.

“Miss Woland, it seems that you have to take a trip to the police station with us.” Freddie came forward

at the perfect time, immediately stating that he would take Alice away, but of course he still maintained

a righteous stance.

The wedding that was grand and luxurious in the beginning had now become the scene of the arrest of

a criminal, and this criminal was even the bride.

Freddie was specially hired by Naomi, and if Alice was taken away by him, she would never come out

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alive. After all, Naomi’s thorough plan did not leave her a chance to live at all.

“The Yeager Family is too ruthless. Are they trying to drive Miss Woland to death?” Caleb’s face twisted

as he watched the situation downstairs, saying, “All of this must be the Yeagers’ plan. If Miss Woland is

taken away, I’m afraid only death awaits her.”

Ethan, who had just said to watch how things would unfold, slowly turned sullen as well.

However, at that moment, Alice suddenly raised her head and looked at the big screen. With her face

slightly tilted, she stared at it with great attention. Rumors had it that a person looked the best when

they were deeply focused. If one ignored the scars on her face, she currently looked more beautiful,

delicate, and attractive than any flower.

As Alice had turned sideways, what Bruce saw at the moment was the right side of her face, which was

as smooth as jade, leaving him instantly stupefied. He knew that she was beautiful before when she

got disfigured, but he never knew that her beauty was so great that it could make him unable to resist

his urges just from looking at the side of her face. Unfortunately, it was a pity that she was not only

disfigured, but also too stupid and foolish to be worthy of him.

The crowd had no idea what Alice was looking at, but surprisingly, they unanimously kept silent and did

not bother her.

In the beginning, Ethan only saw the scarred side of Alice’s face from this angle, but now that she had

turned slightly to the side, he could see her slightly raised eyes that were looking at the big screen, and

he found that she had a bright gaze, as if they were shimmering with flecks of light. Those flecks of light

glinted extraordinarily brightly like diamonds and stars, making it impossible for anyone to look away.

Suddenly, he realized that lurking beneath the starry light seemed to be a sense of wickedness—the

kind that was preparing to stir up a storm.