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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 140
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Exactly how efficient and capable was she? Everyone said that she was dumb, but was a dumb person capable of

doing this?

It was true that Alice wasn’t the one who restored the surveillance personally, but someone handled it for her after

she made a call. This was what it meant to be a true leader.

Many in the room started to doubt whether Alice was really as dumb and useless as rumored.

Alas, the matter couldn’t be clearer now, and Alice couldn’t be bothered with the Wolands any longer. She wasn’t in

a rush to deal with them because she had many ways to have them experience what it meant to live a life worse

than death.

To the Wolands, taking away the things that mattered the most to them would definitely put them through hell, but

she had more important things to do now.

After she left the hotel, she made another call. “Is there a blood sample from Old Mr. Woland in the nursing home?”

“Yes,” the person on the other end answered very quickly, just as they picked up the call.

“Get me a sample of it.” Since there already was a sample, things would be easier, then.

Meanwhile, Ethan went around the banquet hall after walking out of the lounge but couldn’t find Alice anywhere. He

sighed inwardly and knew very well that Alice wouldn’t meet the Wolands now that the matter was solved. If she

wasn’t in the banquet hall now, there was only one other possibility—she had already left the place.

She didn’t even let me know that she was leaving, he thought and doubted whether she still remembered his

existence. Nevertheless, he didn’t feel that angry, maybe it was because he was utterly used to the frustration

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because it happened so often!

“Hey, Ethan! Where’s Alice? I don’t see her anywhere. The matter is cleared up now. It’s the Wolands who were

trying to set her up.” Irvin had finished watching the commotion and felt that everything he watched today was

thoroughly enjoyable.

Alice was simply too cool and fascinating. Just when she was caught in a deadlock situation, she managed to solve it

in less than a minute with a call, exposing the Wolands for the repulsive people that they were.

Now, Irvin had more admiration for her than ever, but he couldn’t find her after searching around the room. “Huh?

Why did Alice disappear? Did she leave already?” Then, he turned to Ethan and blinked. “Ethan, did Alice leave

without even telling you?”

Suddenly, Irvin had a feeling that he had discovered a shocking secret—Alice didn’t seem to place Ethan in very

high regard! When she was in trouble and needed help, the one she sought wasn’t Ethan, and now that the

situation was resolved, she left without even informing Ethan. By the looks of it, it seemed to him that Ethan didn’t

even know when she left. Why do I suddenly feel pity for Ethan?

Ethan rolled his eyes and glanced at Irvin breezily from the corners of his eyes, giving him a look as sharp as a


If this had happened normally, Irvin would be afraid, but nothing seemed to terrify him now. Instead, he asked

brazenly, “Do you know where she went, Ethan?” In contrast to Ethan’s stoic face, his was incredibly comical.

“Could it be that you don’t even know where she went?”

In the beginning, Ethan wasn’t all that mad, but after being on the receiving end of Irvin’s provocation, it was

difficult for him to suppress his temper even if he wanted to.

“Ethan, Alice was set up by others earlier and now is the time when she needs someone to comfort her. Who’s

going to be by her side when you’re not there?” Usually, Irvin didn’t dare to act so pompously to Ethan, but he

wanted to be brazen for once this time. Although he knew that he shouldn’t say some things, he decided to say

them today.

“She’s not that weak,” Ethan said, recalling how decisive Alice was when she dealt with matters and her calmness

and resolve when she said that she would show mercy to the Wolands for the last time.

It was obvious that she was more than capable enough to deal with the Wolands and didn’t regard them as

anything worthwhile. The people from the Woland Family wouldn’t be able to cause trouble for her even if they

wanted to.

“Oh, my god!” Irvin gasped, but not exaggerated this time. He was truly shocked and forgot to control his volume.

The others in the banquet hall were still watching the scene. Even though Alice had left, the commotion wasn’t over

yet. First of all, there was no escape for Amelia.

When they heard Irvin gasping out loud, they turned their heads to him and were all surprised to see Ethan still


What? Was Ethan a person who also enjoyed watching such a scene?

Then, Irvin dragged him out of the hall. “You don’t know women at all, Ethan. They’re like water. Although they can

be unyielding, they’re still soft at heart. You can’t treat Alice like a man simply because she appears strong.”

Finally, Irvin understood why Alice didn’t hold Ethan in high regard. Just the way he is, even if I’m a woman, I’ll treat

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him as a transparent existence, too, Irvin thought.

“Seven years ago, Alice’s parents passed away in a car accident and her elder brother’s whereabouts were

unknown while the others from the Woland Family preyed on her like hyenas. She’s only so strong now because she

had no one to rely on. Moreover, if she doesn’t appear powerful, she’ll probably be devoured by those hungry

hyenas a long time ago.” Irvin had only found out about Alice’s situation just a while ago.

“I know that.” This was not new information to Ethan, and that was why he wouldn’t let any of those people off. Of

course, he wouldn’t spare anyone who had hurt Alice before, too.

“Just because she appears calm, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need comfort or protection.” Irvin always thought

that Ethan was prodigious, but now, he realized that Ethan had relatively low EQ, especially when it came to

romantic relationships. “Everyone has times when they’re vulnerable, let alone Alice, who is only a woman. I

wonder how she pulled through the past seven years. It’s not easy for a woman to hold it all together alone.” Then,

he paused momentarily before continuing, “Ethan, do you think that someone has been by her side these seven

years, encouraging and protecting her?”

Ethan remembered that when she ran into trouble before this, the first thing she did was call someone for help.

That time, she was quick in making the call and barely searched for the number. He reckoned that it was a quick-

dial number and she had probably set that person’s number as her priority number.

This person shared an unusual relationship with her, and she even praised them as the most amazing person in a

tone and gesture so intimate that no outsiders could intervene. So, her relationship with that person was not as

simple as it meets the eye.