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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 129
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However, Bruce still tried to clamp down on his body’s urges because the last thing he wanted was to humiliate

himself in public. As a result, his face started to turn scarlet from controlling his bladder so forcibly.

It was clear that Alice was thoroughly enjoying his torment. She didn’t even bother glancing at him when she

beckoned to the staff in charge of the music. “Please play that lovely whistling song by Molly Lewis.” She felt

absolutely no guilt whatsoever and sounded especially gleeful when requesting that specific song.

“A—Do you like the whistling songs from Molly Lewis as well, Miss Woland? What a surprise! I do too.” Irvin didn’t

know what she was planning and simply thought that she genuinely wanted to listen to this song.

As for the way he addressed her, he didn’t dare to call out her first name so brazenly because there was no

wedding celebration, and the Knight Family hadn’t disclosed Ethan and Alice’s relationship even though they had

already registered their marriage.

On the other hand, Ethan shot Alice a knowing look. First, it was beer, and then whistling. Combining these two

things, he could only come up with one possibility and stole a look at Bruce. But Bruce has arms and feet. It cannot

be true, right? Unless…

At the same time, Bruce was giving Alice the death stare and desperately wanted to tear her from limb to limb.

She’s doing this on purpose. She wants me to humiliate myself in public!

Nevertheless, Alice wasn’t the least bit bothered by him or his glare. Meanwhile, the staff was efficient, and the

whistle song started playing in a matter of minutes.

The second the song started, Bruce immediately reacted to it. Even though he tried with all his might to maintain a

chokehold on his bladder, his efforts were all for naught. He was already at his limit—over his limit, even—plus the

stimulation from the whistle song, which dealt a critical blow to him mentally and physiologically, and he soon felt a

slow, warm flow leak down from his inner thighs.

Initially, he still had the mind to make a final struggle and tried to control the flow, hoping to cut it off somehow.

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Alas, the moment it started, it became harder to control, and his futile efforts were rewarded with a gush of liquid


“What’s that smell?” Next to Bruce, Irvin’s face wrinkled into a frown, and he started sniffing around in confusion. “I

smell something funky.”

Bruce’s face was burning brightly, not only from trying to hold back his bladder but also from shame. H-How could

I… How am I going to face others after this?

Irvin followed the stench and started sweeping his gaze in search of the source. Shortly after, he noticed a yellowish

puddle at Bruce’s feet, which was the source of the weird smell. “What’s your problem, Bruce Yeager? How old are

you? How could you urinate in public?”

Irvin was genuinely shocked as he wondered how a person could who was almost thirty do such a thing. Even a

three-year-old wouldn’t do something like this.

“Bruce Yeager, don’t you know where the restrooms are? Even if you don’t know where they are located, you

should, at least, solve it in a corner instead of embarrassing yourself in the hall while everyone is watching!” Irvin

shouted as he jumped away, afraid that his shoes would be soiled. This is so disgusting. Truly disgusting! Why the

hell is Yeager so disgusting?!

As he was too shocked, he couldn’t control the volume of his voice. As a result, his voice boomed so loudly that

almost everyone in the room overheard him.

People began to swarm to the scene to investigate what was happening upon hearing such a shocking remark. In

the beginning, they figured that Irvin was probably kidding or simply playing a prank on Bruce because they didn’t

believe that a man of his age would relieve himself in public. Yet, they were dumbstruck when they approached

Bruce and caught sight of the puddle beneath him and smelled the very distinctive stench.

For goodness’ sake, did Bruce lose his mind? Why did he do something like this? Was this the act of a normal, grown


On the other hand, Alice had retreated from the scene a long time ago, staying away from the dispute.

A mix of emotions was going through Bruce’s chest—fury, anxiety, and shame—and his cheeks were utterly aflame.

Right now, all he wanted to do was to find a hole to bury himself into.

Alas, there was no hole for him, but he still wanted to escape from the scene. Unfortunately, his butt was still glued

to the barstool because the adhesive was simply too strong, and he couldn’t break free. He was also worried that if

he used all his might to remove himself, his actions would cause his trousers to tear.

After a moment of hesitation, he lifted the stool with both hands from the back and slowly headed toward the door.

As the stool was quite heavy, his awkward movements looked amusing from a complete 360° angle.

“What’s that moron doing now?” Frankly, Irvin felt that he had no words to describe his shock any longer.

“He could just leave as he is. Why did he take the stool with him?” someone couldn’t help but question.

“Beats me.”

Nobody in the room knew the answer to that question, except for Alice. Their minds were all wondering why Bruce

would drag the stool along instead of leaving the ‘scene of the crime’ as quickly as possible?

“He’s already slow and now he looks utterly ridiculous to boot. What’s the point of him hauling the stool along?”

“Did he lose his mind?”

“What if he didn’t only pee in public but also…” the person who said this trailed off on purpose, but everyone

already knew what he meant.

“What? That’s gross!”

Everyone gave way to Bruce and immediately distanced themselves away from him as far as possible. The girls

who were interested in him earlier also did their level best to flee from him. Of course, it was self-evident that they

had all lost any interest in him.

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Bruce carried the barstool and moved toward the door, step by step, under everyone’s contemptuous gaze, wishing

more than ever that he could kill Alice.

Amid the scenario, Ethan approached Alice and leaned in close to her ear, whispering, “Did you do this on


“Yes,” she answered honestly without any intention of hiding the truth. It was never in her plans to leave a good

impression in his mind, anyway, so she had no reason to be graceful and elegant in his presence.

Furthermore, she had no regrets for her actions. Even if she set aside the things Bruce and his family did to her

prior to this, he deserved everything coming to him just for this party alone. He knew that Emma had drugged the

soda but did nothing about it; he didn’t stop her, and neither did he expose her. In that case, that made him the

accomplice. Frankly, Alice didn’t care one whit that he was an accomplice as she couldn’t order him around or

demand that he listen to his conscience for once. However, it was a fact that out of all possible decisions, he still

chose to test her in Emma’s stead just so he could watch her embarrass herself. There was no doubt that he would

also use this opportunity Emma had presented to harm her. She had never been one to kill someone with kindness,

so there was no way she would allow herself to be a sitting duck.

She wasn’t in the habit of holding grudges, and that was because she would usually retaliate immediately. Besides,

she had actually planned this for Emma, but since Bruce had decided to deliver himself on a silver platter… Well,

she couldn’t be blamed for whatever happened next. So, he had to bear the consequences and couldn’t blame

anyone but himself for his unfortunate circumstances.

“Well done.” The edges of Ethan’s lips curled into a small smile as the slight furrow between his brows smoothened

out. He didn’t even bother hiding the mirth in his eyes.

He meant the praise from the bottom of his heart as he truly thought that she had pulled her scheme off splendidly!

Although he knew from a long time ago that the chances of Alice holding a torch for Bruce were minimal, he still

felt a certain amount of pent-up frustration at their past relationship. That negative emotion had been lingering

ever since they registered their marriage. Nonetheless, he felt utterly cathartic and was in high spirits when he saw

how she pulled a prank on Bruce that caused the repulsive man to humiliate himself in public!