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Ethan’s Vengeance of Love

Chapter 114
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On the screen, a WhatsApp message automatically appeared, saying, ‘The DNA paternity test results are in.’

As Ethan was sitting close to her in the back seat, he only had to glance slightly to the side to see the screen’s


DNA paternity test results are in. What paternity test? Did she do a DNA Test? Why? And with whose DNAs was she


When Alice saw the message, her grip on her phone tightened slightly. She didn’t expect the results to be out so

quickly. So, was Keith Apollo’s biological father?

Though Alice thought there was a high possibility that Keith was Apollo’s birth father, she wasn’t entirely sure, so

she was still keen to know now that the results were in.

However, she was inside the car, and Ethan was sitting beside her. This was a matter of Apollo’s identity, so she

couldn’t let too many people in on it.

Suppressing her urge to continue asking, she didn’t open her WhatsApp to take a look and put her phone away.

She was oblivious that Ethan had seen the message on her phone.

In the meantime, Ethan was observing her every move with narrowed eyes, wondering, Is she avoiding me? She

doesn’t want to tell me anything or let me know about anything. It’s frustrating.

At first, he thought that since she had explained the matter about Keith to him, it meant she had begun

acknowledging her identity, but now it seemed like he was overthinking it.

Since she deliberately avoided him and did not tell him anything, he naturally wouldn’t bug her and ask.

Ethan leaned his body backward against the back seat with his eyes closed, hiding his emotions.

While he seemed to be asleep, his domineering aura made the already tiny space even more depressing and

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In front of them, Caleb stiffened at the feeling that Ethan seemed angry.

The two were doing fine just now, and Caleb even felt Ethan was in a good mood when calling him to get in the car.

Why did things suddenly change? Did Alice anger Ethan? But Alice didn’t say or do anything?

Previously, Ethan would always hide his emotions, and no matter what happened, he always remained calm and

collected. However, the current Ethan was changing emotions, like how the weather would change suddenly during

some months.

Meanwhile, Alice was so caught up thinking about Apollo’s matters that she didn’t notice Ethan’s strange behavior.

Therefore, Ethan was infuriated the whole way home.

When they arrived at the Knight Residence, Alice was about to leave the car when Ethan suddenly spoke up. “Don’t

you have something to tell me?”

Alice, who was about to descend the car, heard Ethan’s question and stopped before looking at him quizzically,

wondering, Didn’t I already explain everything? What else should I say?

But since he asked, Alice obediently answered, “I’ve already rejected the Rowland Family’s marriage proposal.”

Alice didn’t want Ethan to start acting unreasonably again, so she quickly replied.

At first, she thought Ethan would be satisfied with her answer, but it was obvious he wasn’t.

Ethan was looking at her with his calm eyes that seemed to contain a trace of concealed danger. “And?”

And? Alice frowned. What else is there to say?

Since Alice didn’t know Ethan had seen her message, she thought he was still asking about Keith.

She thought about it and recalled something else. “I didn’t accept Keith’s flowers.”

Ethan had previously questioned her about this.

Ethan’s eyes glistened slightly as he believed it when she said she didn’t accept the flowers. He was satisfied with

that answer, but he wasn’t asking her about Keith. He was asking her about the DNA test.

It was clear that she was avoiding him on this matter, but was she still going to keep it a secret now that he was

asking her about it?

Ethan continued staring at her, obviously dissatisfied with her answer.

“I’ve already explained everything about the Rowland Family’s marriage proposal today, so what more do you want

to hear? Why don’t you be more specific?” Alice had no idea what else she should say because she had already told

him everything.

However, Ethan stared at her without saying anything. Even though his gaze seemed calm, he was exuding such an

oppressive aura that it made others feel suffocated.

“I’m getting out, then.” No matter how calm and steady Alice was, she felt her heart racing when Ethan stared at


Even if Alice were fearless, she would still feel flustered and even nervous before Ethan.

In the meantime, Ethan kept staring at her without saying anything.

Alice hesitated momentarily before tentatively opening the door. Seeing that Ethan didn’t stop her, she exited the


Back inside the car, Ethan gently released a breath. In the end, she still didn’t think of him as someone she could

trust and rely on.

She didn’t even trust him, let alone have him in her heart. As for whether she loved him, that was an even further


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The omnipotent Ethan couldn’t help but admit the irresistible charm he had since he was young was useless against

this woman.

He wasn’t sure whether she had a heart, but he sure couldn’t deny that he hadn’t captured hers.

It was the first time Ethan had experienced such frustration from a woman.

She didn’t care about him at all!

On the other hand, Alice, who had descended the car, was oblivious to the complicated emotions Ethan was

experiencing. She only wanted to return to her room and ask about the DNA test results.

Also, she wanted to make sure whether Keith was Apollo’s biological father.

To be honest, after the Rowland Family came to propose for her hand in marriage today, she hoped Apollo had

nothing to do with them.

But the actual situation still depended on the DNA paternity test results.

Ethan saw Alice heading upstairs and into her room without stopping. Her footsteps were quicker than usual.

He knew she must have returned to her room to ask about the details of the DNA test results. Going through so

much just to hide it from me. She’s really something.

After getting out of the car, he only caught a glimpse of her figure turning the corner at the stairs. He narrowed his

eyes and ordered, “Go and find out where she did the DNA paternity test and whose DNAs she compared.”

Since she didn’t want to tell him, he could find out for himself. That was because she was his lawfully wedded wife,

and he thought he had the right to know about something as important as a paternity test.

Caleb had already descended the car earlier because he knew Ethan had something to say to Alice when he

stopped her from getting out of the car.

When Caleb heard Ethan’s sudden orders, he was surprised. Mrs. Knight did a DNA paternity test? Between whom,
