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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52 Natalia couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. To Hamilton, staying behind to take care of her was a sense of obligation.

But it was his desire to accompany Eveleen to the clinic for her dressing change.

She had always prided herself on not using obligation to tie anyone down. It was the sthing that she didn’t want to trap him with so-called responsibility when she first found out she was pregnant.

Yet now, she had done just that. She really didn’t want to watch Hamilton just walk away with Eveleen. Maybe it was just to spite Eveleen.

Hamilton squinted at her, and a smile finally broke through. “Ms. Jenkins, weren't you the one who didn’t wantsticking around earlier? What's this? A change of heart?” Natalia met his mocking gaze, her lips turning a shade paler, “You said that taking care ofwas your responsibility, right?” Hamilton chuckled lightly and released her. “Don’t worry. | won't leave you high and dry. I'll be back after Eveleen gets her bandage changed.” With that, Hamilton turned and left.

Natalia watched the closed door and let out a bitter laugh. She had overestimated herself after all.

“Ms. Jenkins, are you alright?” the nanny called from the side.

Natalia snapped back to reality. She paused for a moment and replied, “I'm fine.” The nanny frowned deeply. How could she be fine? She looked as pale as a ghost, she mused.

But Natalia felt genuinely alright. It wasn’t the first time, after all. She had somehow grown accustomed to it.

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She went into her room, thought for a moment, and then drafted a resignation letter on her laptop. Even though Hamilton had made it clear he didn’t agree, she sent it anyway.

After sending out the resignation, Natalia lay down.

Maybe it was the weakness in her body, but she felt cold throughout. She wrapped herself in blankets, only to feel uncomfortably warm moments later. After tossing and turning, she finally drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up, it was the nanny shaking her gently, “Ms. Jenkins? Please wake up.” Natalia’s head felt heavy, her body devoid of strength. She opened her eyes groggily to see the nanny standing by the bed with an anxious look on her face.

“Ms. Jenkins, you have a fever. Do you have a cold?” 1/4 13:01 Chapter 52 Natalia touched her forehead, “I guess so, just getsfever reducer” The nanny frowned, “You should really see a doctor.” Natalia glanced at the time; it was already past one in the afternoon. She had slept for so long.

“Is Hamilton back?” she asked.

The nanny shook her head.

Natalia was silent for a moment before she finally said, “I'll just take the medicine for now.” The nanny could only bring her the medicine and a bowl of oatmeal. “Ms. Jenkins, have soatmeal before you take your medicine.” Natalia didn’t have an appetite, but she knew this wasn’t the tto be stubborn. She took the bowl and began sipping it.

But as soon as she swallowed, a wave of nausea hit her. She rushed to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach until she finally felt a bit better.

The nanny watched in horror, “Ms. Jenkins, we really should head to the hospital. Shall | call Mr. Fowler?” Natalia shook her head. What's the point if Hamilton doesn’t want to cback? She mused, Pushing through her discomfort, Natalia emerged from the bathroom, took the medicine the nanny had found, and swallowed it down.

After taking the medicine, she fell asleep again. When she woke up groggily, it was dark outside.

“You're still running a fever. We're going to the hospital,” the nanny insisted again.

This time, Natalia nodded. She couldn't just keep toughing it out.

Descending the stairs, she realized it was raining outside. It was difficult to hail a cab during the rush hour, so several of her Uber requests were canceled.

After shesitation, she called Hamilton. The phone was picked up after two rings.

“Mr. Fowler, 1—" “Ms. Jenkins?” Before she could finish, Victor's voice, which was tinged with mockery, cthrough lazily, “Hamilton went to pick up Eveleen. Left in such a rush he forgot his phone. Do you need something, Ms.

Jenkins?” The knuckles of Natalia’s hand clutching the phone turned white. She hung up abruptly and continued trying to book a ride.

When she finally got a car and arrived at the hospital, it was an hour later.

Scarlett looked at the soaked Natalia and contorted her face. “Don’t you know you shouldn't 2/4 1301 Chapter 52 be getting wet in your condition?” she grumbled.

Natalia’s pale lips curved into a weak smile, “Okay, | get it. Don’t be mad. I'm seriously not feeling well. Can we not fight about this now?” Scarlett’s mix of anger and concern was evident. At last, she scolded Natalia and took her for an examination, “You've got an infection. Let's get you on an IV.” Natalia nodded. Scarlett found her a room and set up the IV before asking, “Where's Hamilton?” Natalia was silent for a second before replying, “He's busy.” “Too busy to even take you to the hospital? Is this his idea of taking good care of you?” The corners of Natalia’s mouth tightened awkwardly, “Him findinga nanny is already beyond duty considering our relationship. How could | expect him to be here for me?” Scarlett cursed under her breath, “What kind of a jerk is Hamilton anyway!? Does he really think money can solve everything? All his sweet talk about caring for you and all he does is hire a nanny?” Natalia’s bitter laugh was telling. Perhaps, at least to her, Hamilton did believe money could solve everything.

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She didn’t want to talk about Hamilton anymore.

“I'm tired. | want to rest for a bit.” She muttered.

Scarlett, knowing full well Natalia was avoiding the topic, nodded anyway, “Get ssleep.” Natalia pretended to sleep, but as soon as Scarlett left, she took out her phone again.

The company chat was unusually lively today. She clicked in to find out they were discussing Hamilton and Eveleen again.

“Man, Mr. Fowler's really been pulling out all the stops, hasn't he? First, he’s our knight in shining armor with those midnight walks home, and now he’s playing taxi in the rain. | never pegged him for the knight-in-shiny- Armor type.” “You are so right about that.” “But, you gotta admit, Mr. Fowler and Ms. Schafer are like a match made in heaven.” “Hey, has anyone heard the latest gossip? Are they already talking about tying the knot?” Natalia scrolled through the group chat with a wry smile before she decided to check out.

Before she could exit, someone dropped a photo into the chat.

Instinctively, Natalia clicked to open it. And she was instantly regretful in doing so.

The people in the photo were none other than Hamilton and Eveleen. Whoever took the shot had skills, because it was crystal clear despite the low light. There was Hamilton, who was 13:01 Chapter 52 tall and distinguished, standing in the rain and holding a black umbrella; his head turned towards a woman approaching from not too far off. Eveleen’s face was lit with a radiant and vivacious smile.

You could tell they were a perfect pair even just in a photograph of the two standing together. Natalia’s fingertips tightened involuntarily. She let out a self-deprecating chuckle and logged off.

By the ther IV treatment was finished, it was already past ten at night.

As the nurse removed the IV, Natalia’s phone began to ring.

It was Hamilton.

She glanced at the screen and, after a moment's hesitation, hit the mute button.