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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36

Natalia’s mind buzzed with a sudden alarm. She sprang from her bed and clicked open Twitter. The

trending tab was ablaze with an icon indicating an explosion of interest in Eveleen’s late–night

rendezvous with a mystery man at a hotel.

Natalia immediately recognized the man in the photo as none other than Hamilton.

Due to a snapshot they had taken the day before, many netizens had speculated that the man was

indeed Hamilton Fowler.

Hamilton, the true power behind the Fowler dynasty. And now, he had Ivy Gemstone under his wing.

Such a man, with power and wealth, tangled up with a starlet fresh from abroad – it wasn’t a stretch for

the rumor mill to churn out words like “sugar daddy.”

The comments section was starting to veer off in a sinister direction. Eveleen, as the face of Ivy

Gemstone, was integral to the brand’s image.

If her reputation collapsed, Ivy Gemstone would inevitably suffer the fallout.

Natalia hurriedly got dressed, her mind racing with countless PR strategies. But before she could return

Tess’s call, there was a knock at her door.

When Natalia opened it, she was greeted by the executive secretary.

“Ms. Jenkins, Mr. Fowler has requested your presence,” the secretary said with a solemn tone.

Natalia paused for a moment. “Is it about the trending topic?”

The secretary nodded, clearly holding back more words.

Noticing this, Natalia didn’t press further. She quickly gathered her things and followed the secretary

out the door.

The hotel where Hamilton was staying wasn’t close by. By the time Natalia arrived, Hamilton was sitting

in the room, his expression dark and brooding. Beside him stood Alden, and across the room was

Eveleen’s agent, Aurora.

“Mr. Fowler,” Natalia greeted as she entered. “About the trending…

“Was it you?” Hamilton cut her off before she could finish, his voice laced with a chilling

undertone, his eyes devoid of warmth.

Natalia choked up, the rest of her words caught in her throat. She hesitated for a moment, then asked,

“What do you mean?”

Hamilton’s voice was steady, emotionless. “Did you arrange for this to trend?”

Natalia’s mind spun into chaos. It was then she remembered.

Who would dare to report news on Hamilton?

Who would dare to publish his photos?



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Chapter 36

Hamilton had been associated with starlets before. He had been caught on camera many times. But no

matter how many photos were taken, without his permission, they were never released.

Paparazzi only took these photos to exchange them for hush money from the starlets.

But if this photo was released without the consent of Eveleen or Hamilton, so there was only. one

possibility – someone was setting up Eveleen.

And to Hamilton, the obvious culprit was her. Natalia felt numb as if the blood coursing through her

veins had turned ice cold.

“Mr. Fowler, are you suspecting me?” She tried to sound composed, but her complexion was turning


Hamilton’s voice was unyielding.

“I’m just asking you, was it you?”

Natalia forced a tight smile. “No, it’s not.”

“Are you sure?” Hamilton’s eyes narrowed, his gaze unrelenting.

Natalia felt a bitter tang in her nose. “I am sure, Mr. Fowler. It wasn’t me.

Hamilton regarded her silently for a moment before finally speaking. “You don’t need to worry about the


Natalia managed a weak smile. “Okay, is there anything else? If not, I’ll head back.”

Hamilton observed her for a long while before saying. “Let the executive secretary take you


Natalia smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Fowler.”

After she left, Eveleen’s agent’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Mr. Fowler, just because she says it

wasn’t her, we’re supposed to believe that? If not her, then who? Eveleen hasn’t crossed anyone since

her return.”

Hamilton glanced at her.

“Go back.”

“Mr. Fowler!”

“Leave!” Hamilton’s command left no room for discussion.

Alden quickly stepped in, ushering the agent out. “You should leave it to Hamilton. He’s got it under


With no other choice, the agent left, clearly disgruntled.

Outside the hotel, Natalia took a while to collect herself. She never imagined being under such

suspicion from Hamilton. It felt suffocating as if she couldn’t catch her breath.



Chapter 36

Hamilton probably never trusted her. That was why he confronted her like this. He hadn’t considered

that his accusations might hurt her, because he didn’t care.

Natalia wandered out of the hotel, her gaze empty, as the executive secretary waited. “Ms. Jenkins, are

you alright?”

She snapped back to reality and forced a smile. “I’m fine.”

The secretary opened her mouth to offer consolation but seemed at a loss for words. Finally. she just

quietly opened the car door for Natalia. She sat down and closed her eyes.

What was she thinking last night, to believe that this man could show her even a trace of tenderness?

The pain in her heart felt suffocating.

After some time, Tess called again. “Boss, what about PR? Should we contact Eveleen’s agent?”

Natalia paused before responding. “Don’t worry about it. Mr. Fowler will handle it personally.”

Tess sounded surprised but simply replied, “Okay. Boss, are you okay?”

Natalia forced a smile. “I’m fine.”

Back at the hotel, Hamilton leaned back on the couch, his expression unreadable.

Alden stood beside him and, after a silent moment, said, “Bro, I don’t think it was Ms. Jenkins.”

Hamilton looked at him. “And how would you know that?”

Alden just smiled. “It doesn’t make any sense for her to do this, and come on, Ms. Jenkins isn’t the type

to play dirty tricks behind someone’s back. You’ve known her for three years, right? You should know

her better than that.”

Hamilton chuckled. “What if that’s exactly her play?”

Alden furrowed his brow, puzzled. Could she really be doing that? And even if she was, was it worth

the risk? It wasn’t like they had concrete evidence. But Hamilton seemed sure, so Alden zipped his lips

and said no more.

After a moment of contemplation, Hamilton commanded, “Bring me the reporter who first leaked the


Alden nodded. “Yeah, might as well get it straight from the horse’s mouth.”

He got up to leave, but before he could reach the door, Hamilton added, “Keep Eveleen out of this.”

Alden paused and then nodded. “Sure thing.”

The first reporter to arrive was a scruffy paparazzo in his thirties, clearly bewildered at being

summoned. When he saw Hamilton, he was visibly shaken. “You’re Hamilton Fowler, right?”



Chapter 36

Hamilton stood with one hand in his pocket, towering over the reporter with an intimidating presence

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that made the man’s knees wobble.

“Mr. Fowler, I apologize. I had no idea it was you, truly.”

Hamilton’s laugh was light, but his voice carried an unmistakable threat.

The reporter went pale. “I’m sorry, Mr. Fowler, I swear I didn’t know. Someone tipped me off to hang

around the hotel lobby and said a starlet was meeting a sugar daddy.”

Hamilton’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Alden quickly interjected. “So you just ran the story after

snapping some pictures?”

The reporter’s face drained of all color. “Someone wired me money and told me to publish it as soon as

I had the shots.”

Hamilton kicked the reporter over and strode off without another word. Alden helped the man

1. up.

“I really didn’t know it was Mr. Fowler. If I had, I would never have published those photos.”

The reporter kept trying to explain himself.

Alden let out a sigh. “You better be more careful in the future.”

He dropped that advice and hurried after Hamilton.

Hamilton had already settled back into his car, an arm resting on the window and the other slung

casually over the back of the seat, his expression unreadable, but the aura around him was dark and


Once Alden caught up and got into the car, he asked, “Bro, should we dig deeper to find out who sent

that money?”

Hamilton’s gaze remained fixed outside. “No need.”

Alden’s eyes flickered as he realized his brother probably had a good idea of what was going

1. on.

“What now, then?”

Hamilton was silent for a moment before replying. “Take down the trending topic.”

“And after that? What about the online chatter? Eveleen is the face of Ivy Gemstone this year.”

By now, Alden had a hunch that this whole drama was likely a self–directed play by Eveleen herself.

Who else would have known precisely when his brother was going to meet Eveleen?

Sometimes, he truly didn’t understand what Hamilton saw in her. It seemed so clear that, in every way,

she was no match for Natalia.

“Bro? Hamilton?” Alden prodded again when he didn’t get an answer.



Chapter 36

Hamilton finally turned from the window.

“Release a statement about my past relationship with Eveleen. And wire half a million to Natalia as


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!