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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117 The words stung Natalia more than she cared to admit. Even though she’d braced herself against the slings and arrows of Hamilton's scorn, his voice still sliced through her defenses.

She held back the dull ache in her heart and straightened her spine, ready to leave the room, but Hamilton was quicker, his hand reaching for the doorknob before her.

“I'll drive you home,” he offered.

Natalia sidestepped him and said, “No need, | can grab a cab.” Hamilton snorted, “Ms. Jenkins, you should at least letknow where you live.” With her eyes cast downward, Natalia ignored Hamilton before her. She'd resolved not to love anymore, so why did it still hurt? “Mr. Fowler, if you need me, I'll come. So, you don’t need to know where | live.” Hamilton, however, picked up her suitcase as if to make a point.

The standoff was interrupted by the familiar ringtone from Hamilton's phone, adding a layer of awkwardness to the already tense atmosphere.

“Maybe you should take Ms. Schafer’s call first, Mr. Fowler. After all, she’s the apple of your eye,” Natalia said with a hint of sarcasm, pushing past Hamilton and out the door.

Ignoring the call, Hamilton grabbed Natalia’s suitcase and pressed the elevator button.

Natalia wanted to say something, anything, but couldn’t bring herself to speak. Deep down, she knew that even if she didn’t let him cnow, if he wanted to, he would, sooner or later.

The silence in the can was heavy, only the tension between them filling the space. Hamilton's face was a thundercloud, and his phone relentlessly buzzed in the background.

Eveleen seemed determined to reach him.

Natalia couldn't help but chuckle, “Why don’t you pull over and take the call, Mr. Fowler?” He glanced her way, his face twisted in annoyance. “Ms. Jenkins, you're becoming quite the busybody.” She chose silence after that, and the car fell quiet once more. It wasn’t until they pulled into her apartment complex that Hamilton spoke again.

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“Did Eveleen visit you yesterday?” Natalia didn’t deny it. If Hamilton was asking, it meant he already knew.

“Yes.” “What did she tell you?” Natalia laughed, “She said you invested a hefty sum in the Schafer family to make it up to her.” 1/4 Chapter Hamilton paused. “That investment was planned long before, not as compensation to her.” Natalia didn’t respond. It didn’t matter anymore. Hamilton's protection of Eveleen wasn’t just about the money.

And Natalia didn’t want to dwell on it any longer. She just wanted to live her life.

“Thank you for the ride, Mr. Fowler.” Her voice was eerily calm as she reached for the door.

Hamilton caught her wrist, but before he could speak, his phone rang again.

With a dry laugh, Natalia pulled away, stepped out of the car, and didn’t look back.

Hamilton stared after her, his expression darkening as the phone continued to ring, unanswered.

Finally, he drove away, leaving her standing there, alone.

Back at her apartment, though her body was sore from their previous sex, Natalia tidied up before taking a long, hot shower and preparing for bed.

Just as she was about to slip under the covers, there was a knock on her door. Brows furrowed, she couldn't imagine who would cat this hour.

Reluctantly, she got up and opened the door.

“Ms. Jenkins, I've brought you sfood,” said the voice of Linda, holding a takeout bag from Ocean Restaurant.

“Mr. Fowler said you didn’t eat tonight and askedto bring this over.” Natalia glanced at the bag and said, “It’s all yours. I'm not hungry.” Linda tried to say something, but Natalia cut him off with a smile. “I appreciate you coming out so late, but it won't be necessary in the future. I'll speak to Mr. Fowler about it.” With that, she closed the door, took out her phone, and texted Hamilton.

(Mr. Fowler, no need to sendanything anymore.] Then, she went to sleep.

The next morning, her phone was devoid of any reply from Hamilton. Natalia breathed a sigh of relief but felt an inexplicable sense of loss. She knew it would take tto adjust, but eventually, she would.

Arriving at the office, Natalia overheard the company’s gossip.

“Mr. Fowler has a new girlfriend.” “And it’s not Eveleen.” Chapter 117 “Did you see the scratches on Mr. Fowler's neck and behind his ear? Man, that’s intense.” “Ah, I'm so jealous of that woman. Having Mr. Fowler as a boyfriend must be incredible.” Natalia tuned out the chatter, but Tess, her assistant, was persistent.

“Boss, did you hear? Mr. Fowler's got a girlfriend, and it’s not Eveleen.” Natalia chuckled, “Tess, don’t believe or spread rumors. If Mr. Fowler has a girlfriend, it's probably Eveleen.” Tess frowned and said. “But everyone's talking about it. Could it really be false?” Natalia offered a wry smile and changed the subject. Tess, sensing her mood, didn’t press further.

“By the way, Boss, our department's get-together is tonight. You're good to go, right?” Natalia had almost forgotten.

“Send the details to my phone.” “You got it!” Tess chirped.

Once Tess was gone, Natalia let out a small sigh and returned to her work.

Meanwhile, in the executive office at the top floor.

Anita was perched on a chair in Hamilton's office, her eyes twinkling with curiosity as she gazed at him.

“Bro, was that girl from last night really your girlfriend?” Hamilton shot her a dark look, his lips sealed tight.

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Anita chuckled, “Don’t tellyou two had a tiff? You kinda look like you've got a broken heart.” With a snap, Hamilton flung the document he was holding onto the desk.

“Anita, if you've got no business here, get out of my office!” Anita pouted, “C'mon, big bro; I'm here on a mission. Auntie sentto tell you, if you've got someone special, bring her hfor a look-see. She's not fussy about the family tree; just wants a good girl for you.” The mention of Hamilton's mother added an extra shade of gloom to Hamilton's face.

“Go back and tell her to butt out of my life!” Anita frowned, “Big bro, what's this beef you have with Auntie?” “It’s none of your business. Now, are you leaving, or should | call security to show you out?” Anita huffed, standing up, “You're always picking on me! Auntie is such a sweetheart, why can’t 12:11 ter you just get along with her? And why do you always have to butt heads with Grandpa? He's been nothing but good to you.” “Get out!” Just as Anita finished, Hamilton barked at her, “Don’t makesay it a third time!” Tears welled up in Anita's eyes as she gave Hamilton a fierce glare and stormed out.

Silence reclaimed the office.

Hamilton's gaze, however, was as dark as a starless night.

As the end of the workday neared, Tess finally texted the party’s location to Natalia.

Natalia’s brow furrowed the moment she saw it.

The Chamber Nightclub.

The thought of going there suddenly lost its appeal, but as a department head, not showing up wasn’t really an option.

After work, Natalia changed clothes and hailed a cab to the Chamber Nightclub.

As soon as she stepped in, she bumped into a familiar face - Orpheus Fowler.

Natalia pretended not to see him and continued toward the private room. She didn’t think Orpheus would recognize her anyway-they had only met once, briefly, at Hamilton's office.

But to her surprise, after only a few steps, Orpheus stepped in her path. The man looked at her with an air of awe, his lips curving into a sly smile.

“Ms. Jenkins, right? Got a moment for a chat?”